Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fall Treats and Commenting on Comments

GR&DF (Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - for Susan)I do bow to your warm praise for my stitching and the wall of samplers. I do enjoy seeing them everyday hanging there. I kind of makes me a little crazy to know that there are so many more waiting to be framed and hung up - but that takes time and some cash!!

This weekend running around we picked up two of the harbingers of the festive Holiday season. Here is a snap....

There has to be at some point during the Fall a purchase of some Pumpkin Ice Cream - so delicious and in keeping with a harvest theme. My only question is does this count as a vegetable!?! :) The other real treat I look forward to is getting some lebkuchen - delicious German gingerbread. There are also the delicious pfeffernusse cookies to be had, I will get some of those later. I do love me some traditional treats and look forward to them every year!!!!

To some of the comments... I think the Waffle House is a place that you either love or you don't. I do love it and go every time I get the chance - my Mom doesn't care for the place and avoids it like the plague!!

Jackie mentioned putting sugar on grits. I have seen that done often, more often when I was waiting tables in Daytona Beach about a bazillion years ago. I worked in a Hotel restaurant on the Beach and I would often see northern tourists putting sugar on them. For me its just some salt and pepper and a pat of butter and its good to go. Talking about grits - I got the two bags/4 lbs of them at the Winn Dixie - Addie mention she couldn't find them, I would try there.

Riona wanted to know about the acorns that Ina sent me with my Fall exchange. The tops are natural acorn caps. I would think you could make them out of leather, but the natural caps with the acorn part for a cushion is so very nice.

Yes, Ariadne, I did get me some books - you know what a nut I am for the written word - and old books always get me going!! I picked up 5 books - a small book of the poem "Christmas Eve" by Robert Browning, the biography of Judy Holliday, "An Intimate Life Story," a 1949 first edition of "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by George Orwell, a 1959 first edition of "The Flame Tress of Thika" by Elspeth Huxley and a good copy of "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett (My old copy was just falling apart). I had to really restrain myself because I knew everything I bought would have to be shipped back to SF - I could have gotten many more books.

There you go sports fans - thank again for stopping by and for the kind comments!!! Do stop by again.

Take care,


  1. I love the seasonal treats too. I am enjoying some Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Spice coffee and hope to get some cookies and candies in the not too distant future!

  2. I was in Idaho for ten years and really missed the grits. If you could find grits at all, they were on the top shelf and had an inch of dust on them.lol
    When I moved back to South Carolina I went berserk at Publix when I saw a whole aisle of grits.
    I totally embarrassed my neice cause everybody was looking at me like I was some kind of nutcase. lol
    As for Waffle House, I don't order the hash browns (too greasy) I do like their coffee.

  3. Pumkin Ice Cream is what's happening at our house and yes, I say it IS a vegetable. (to sort of quote a song title - "if loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right". :)
    I agree - grits are only grits with butter, salt and pepper. Darn yankees! :)

  4. Oh great books!I will go back and read the Flame Trees of Thica since you reminded me!We did that in University.Ariadne from Greece

  5. It's official! Wikipedia says pumpkin is a gourd like SQUASH. So yes, definitely a veggie! And I'm sure there is some milk or cream in there so don't forget to count the dairy. :)

    And tell Sharon that I'm not a yankee! But my mom was and she did all the cooking so the sugar in the grits thing is all her fault.

  6. I have been catching up on your blog and have enjoyed seeing all of your pieces hanging in your home.

  7. Thanks for letting me know what GR & DF means - I can sleep easily tonight :)

    I'm not a big fan of pumpkins, but my mum (in Australia) makes the best pumpkin soup. Yummy!

  8. Okay, how awesome was yesterday's post!? :D

    I love love love your sampler wall and it was a treat to see "Peaceful Ways" again. I think that might be the first chart you ever influenced me to buy--It is STILL one I need to stitch and also words I still need to learn to live by! :o

    Pumpkin Ice cream is just one of my favorites--though the Ginger ice cream I had with hot fudge in the city the other day was good enough to rank up there. It was...gosh I can never remember the place. There is a little "food market" (more like a cafe market) in the old Nabisco (North American BIscuit COmpany: I just love that name, don't you?) Factory-- I think it's in Chelsea.

    Anyway, Happy Dancing for you and "LOL"ly is worth of her name there! ;)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...