Monday, November 1, 2010

A Cool Dry Monday

GR&DF I am overwhelmed by your kind thoughts and comments regarding Friday's post. I loved reading them this morning. Before posting I usually read through the previous posts comments, and take notes about what I will "talk" about in the days post. All I can say is a big thank you all. Margaret had a question and I did have a couple of emails about my camera. Yes, I do try and carry it everywhere I go. You just never know when there will be something interesting or unusual to get a snap of. More than once I have forgotten the camera at home and of course I needed it for a picture of something. Most of the time it just sits in my bag without ever coming out, but I do like knowing its there, just in case. My camera is an older one - a Canon PowerShot A550 7.1 mp. I am really comfortable with it, but an seriously contemplating upgrading- more MP and a bit smaller.

This weekend was a very low key one, with Rico still recouping and tons of rain on Saturday. I got out of the house for a little while and Dale and I went to breakfast. We got a to a single Estate Sale, but I didn't find anything at all that I wanted/needed - so I came home empty handed.

On the stitching front I finished up my HOE Fall Exchange and that will go into the mail this morning and off to a new home. I also worked on a couple of other pieces. Here is a snap of the piece I can show - an update on Shores -

After I finished all the white stitching I moved on to Block 4's border. I am leaving the fill around the mermaid for the flight to Florida on Wednesday - no count stitching is about all I can muster on an airplane. I think that Shores is stitching up very fast or faster than Village.... I wonder why??

I wanted to mention a flick I saw this weekend - "Agora" - 2009 - starring Rachel Weisz, Max Minghella, Oscar Isaac, Rupert Evans. The story of the last years of the brilliant philosopher / mathematician / astrologer Hypatia. A really beautiful film set in 4th century Alexandria, Egypt. It is a love story and story of religious fanaticism - out with the old and in with the new - a good reason to see the film is to watch Rachel Weisz's performance - she is riveting when on screen - at about 2 hours the time flies. Directed by Alejandro Amenabar it is a visually gorgeous film with some great acting.

I think that about wraps it up for today. Thanks for stopping by, do come again!!

Tale care,


  1. Happy Monday to you. I love the color of the fabric for shores. Is it really nice.

  2. Thanks for answering my question! :D I think you deserve a camera upgrade, but you could probably take great pics with anything!

    Love your Shores -- it's such a pretty piece. Thanks for the movie recommendation. I have to add it to the list to watch now.

    Hope Rico is doing better and better!

  3. I hadn't heard of that film, but I must look out for it as I am fascinated by Hyapatia.
    Great progress on shores, though I always think that block looks like someone buried a dead mermaid in the front garden, bet she'd be good for the roses!

  4. Glad to hear Rico is able to be more mobile with his frankenfoot, give him my best and that I'm hoping for his total recovery. Your "shores" is looking great, hope you have a nice trip to FLorida.

    I was wondering, what style of frame, lap frame, floor frame you think is best. I've always used regular round hoops and just stitched my first piece on a scroll frame. I found it a nuisance to hold and was wishing for a stand to hold it while I stitched. I also plan on doing some rather large pieces (Chatelaine-Desert Mandala and Christmas HRH) so I do want to get something and use it on some smaller projects first.

    I'd also like to eliminate wasteful purchases on a frame stand, so I thought I'd check with you, I value your input. What is your dream frame?
    My birthday is coming up shortly and DH asked want he could get for me. Shoppng is at a disadvantage here in Nothern NY state so I do buy off the web. My closest LNS is 5 hours away and very limited. I have heard of ABCstitch therapy in NH which is 3 hours one way, but haven't been able to get there Yet. Any advice I'd appreciate. Jane

  5. I know a lot of people stitch on planes, but I'm not comfortable stitching on planes. I spread out too much and have a hard time keeping my focus. Glad you found something you can work on while you fly!


A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...