Friday, December 11, 2009

Decorated for Christmas and some Commenting

GR&DF I am so glad that you enjoyed seeing "the Banner." There were actually two made. A couple of years after Granny made this one she made another for my Mother, although this second one is now MIA in my Mother's attic I am sure at some point it will turn up.

I took some snaps of a few ornaments from the tree. It is always interesting to see what goes on from year to year. I grew up with Christmas trees that where eclectic and had all sorts of ornaments on them. We also had the blinky lights, bubble lights and big old fat lights.... and usually way too much tinsel - but we where kids and I think my parents just let us do our thing with the tree. I do remember once it did get out of hand as there was so much tinsel you couldn't see the tree for the tinsel. It was always fun and I have some great tree going up and tree coming down memories. So here are a few of our ornaments ....

this little lady looks just like the Peach when there might a snack in sight - all perky and eyes glazed over!!

This is one of the flock of birds that get on the tree - you know me and birds... and this one is even dressed up for the Holidays.

I love this little Noah's Ark box - it looks a bit crowded but how cute!

and another Chihuahua ornament (can there be too many??) - all made up for Christmas.

I had an email from a reader and she wanted to see the mercury glass Snow family a little better - ask and ye shall receive......

and for the last Christmas decoration is my Grinch - he sits on the TV table and if you push his left hand he says Grinchy things -

Last night the flicker was "It Happened on 5th Avenue" - 1947 - as part of the TCM Thursday evening Holiday movies this was the lead flick last night. It was a movie I hadn't seen before but knew of and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The plot was predictable and the situations a little silly but it was a really nice feel good Holiday film. It was this film that Frank Capra originally optioned for production but eventually passed to make "It's a Wonderful Life" (a favorite all time flick of mine!!)

There were a couple of questions in the comments so here are some answers.....

Michele asked if I were of Norwegian stock because of our oyster stew tradition - we are English through and through from way back into the early 18th century - pretty white bread actually - I think the tradition has to do with our NC background and living close to the Atlantic coast for the last 300 years.

Loraine asked about the CHS Alphabet Blocks and the floss choices - I am using the suggested floss where I like it and doing my own thing when I don't care for the colour. I chose the vine and bud colours as there are no suggestions for that. I think there will be more changes to the floss colours as I go along.

and - Peg asked about what I am going to do about the block fill in colour.... I am still waffling about that and am really leaning towards all different colours instead of a single unifying fill. I have sort of mapped out the colour changes I like and may just pull them from the stash heap this weekend.......

There you go sports fans!! Thanks again for joining me here this week - only 2 weeks left!! Have a great weekend -

Take care,


  1. Very sweet ornaments on your tree! I like using different ones every year (I have tons! mostly handmade)except for a couple of special ones that go on every year.

    Nice work on your CHS alphabet! I finished that one and I filled in with 3-4 different GAST's, it depended on my mood at the time :-D

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I love the ornaments, epecially the bird and the Noah's Ark. My son has an Ark ornament that is really similar that was a gift from a friend. I know you are a big HRH fan and I keep meaning to ask... have you heard that there will be an Autumn version out? My LNS told me about it.I'm still pondering those as they are such large designs.I love the Grinch plush. One of my all time favorite Christmas cartoons, not as crazy about the movie,but it was still good.Have a super weekend!

  3. Thanks for sharing your decorations and your stories from Christmas Past. It sounds like you are really in the Christmas spirit, and your house must look so pretty and festive!

  4. Lovely ornaments. We are putting up my tree this weekend thank you for getting me in the spirit of things. ;)

  5. I love seeing all your Christmas decorating. What fun! I definitely think you have a chihuahua theme going there. :D That Grinch is hilarious!

  6. I love seeing the different ornaments on the tree. I especially like the Chi ones. :) But I think you need more. :)
    I also like the bird one. I too have a few. And my fav is one that belonged to my grandfather.

    Ah, the memories all the ornaments bring. That is what makes it great. And your comment about tinsel made me smile. Only difference is if my Dad were around he would yell to us "One strand at a time!!"


  7. Love all of your ornaments! I like the eclectic look on the tree versus the color coordinated ones I see where ever ornament matches. Can't wait to see what you decide on your CHS alphabet. I am leaning towards that being my Christmas day start...should get lots stitched as that day I will be by myself since my son and his partner just found out they can't make it down from Chicago. A good movie, pot of soup and uninterupted stitching sound like a good day.

  8. Cute ornaments. The Chihuahuas are the best. :)

  9. Thank you for sharing your ornaments! They are all so cute!
    I had to giggle when you talk about putting too much tinsel on the tree when you were a kid! I loved tinsel back in the day and the only drawback to it was the cats would eat it and then barf it up later, eww!
    My hubby and I have always let our kids decorate the tree, it's made for some ::ahem:: interesting trees over the years, but they're the best of course! Who wants a perfect tree after all ;-)

    Have a good weekend!

  10. I love love love the ornaments and Christmas pretties that you have shown! I am a big bird person too. ( mind went straight to sesame street... and that was totally not where I was going with that statement..LOL) In fact I went a little mental and for the big tree this year I bought a variety of about 10 new birds to adorn the boughs. It was one of my dad's favorite things on the tree.

  11. Really fun ornaments. You seriously crack me up!
    Thanks for answering my question, and now I have one more tiny one to ask.
    What were the colors you used on the vine? I really like the two colors on the flowers (berries,) or whatever they are!
    I'm really interested to see what you come up with to fill in the sections. I'm sure it will be fab!
    Take Care.

  12. Oh I love the ornaments on your tree. I have a very eclectic tree as well. Everything from Toronto Blue Jays, to flamingoes and on lol. Every ornament has a story and that's what it's really all about.

  13. brill ornaments i think they are all great you dont know where i could get a malamute ornament lol.. anyhow my boys would be very envious of the grinch as tehy love that film .. brill stuff

  14. I love your ornaments Edgar but especially the Noah's Ark one - it is gorgeous.

    At this time of year I wish I wasn't Jewish so I could have all these lovelies but if I did my dh and kids would have a fit! Mind you for two years I did persuade DH to let me have a Christmas Tree but that was very short lived and I gave it to my soon-to-be ex-son-in-law to have as his christmas tree along with all the decorations I bought but none that had been made - I kept them and keep them out all year because I love them so.

    Have a great weekend.
    Lots of Love
    Patti xxx

  15. Beautiful ornaments and such sweet stories to go along with each. Our tree and accessories have yet to see the light of day.
    Thank you so much for the wonderful Christmas treats that arrived a few days ago. When I dig myself out of my Black Hole a proper "thank you" will be on it's way to you.

  16. Love those ornies! We used to have a precious honey-colored chihuahua. She went to chihuahua heaven a few years ago. I wish we had an ornament to remind us of her. That's so special.


A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...