Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Weekend Treat

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I do thank you so much for all the kind words about my little stitching wall. I really enjoy seeing the completed pieces out on the wall and not wrapped up in the completed box.  It was still very windy yesterday and still on the cool side.  I have been keeping track of the weather in Florida and it is in the upper 80's there - so going from the mid to upper 50's here to that heat will be an adjustment... to say the least.  I can feel the sweat already starting to pop out!!  Elisa mentioned in her comment about yesterdays post about needing a "cherry stone spittoon"  now imagine me just popping the fresh cherries into my mouth one after another next to the kitchen trash can - so that I can just spit the stones out. - pop and spit - its a real picture.  Not very glamorous, but it works and those cherries are so very good!!

I wanted to mention a little cake I baked up this weekend - simple and tasty - I posted the information on Blacksheep Bakes so you can click HERE to see that.  

It is called Pecan Streusel Coffee Cake....

The recipe makes a single cake - and works up really fast....

It went really well with a cup of coffee yesterday - and with all my weekend treats this was enjoyed by Rico's work buddies.

Yes, Melody ... I would love to have the Spritz cookie recipe. Thank you so much for sharing!!

Not much else going on - I did some laundry last night and have packed up a small baglette to take.  I am getting picked up tonight at around 8 Pm for my Red Eye to Florida - so this time tomorrow I'll be enjoy all that heat and sunshine.

There you go sports fans - I'll be back in a couple of weeks!!

Take care,

Monday, May 23, 2011

Some Weekend Stuff

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends it was a windy, cool and sunny weekend here in the city.  No fog, but lots of cool/cold breezes!!  They are still blowing, but the weather guy on Channel 7 says they are blowing a bit slower this morning - I certainly can't tell any difference.

On the stitching front I spent it finishing up the stitching on my upcoming Exchanges - I actually finished up my HOE PS Seasonal piece and it goes into the mail this morning - I also finished all the stitching on the Snowman Ornament, but I will wait to finish it up.  On Saturday I got busy framing up a completed piece - One of the frames I picked up last weekend fit a sampler (Garden Path, by Sheepish Designs) from the completed box - so I thought it needed to be out and up on the wall -  here is a snap - 

I really love the old fashioned look of this frame - a little worn but so nice - I had a request a while back to show my stitching wall - it is a bit difficult to get a snap of, but here is one looking down from the upstairs landing....

The newly framed sampler - is the last one on the lower left.  I hang all my stitching along the stair wall.

On Sunday we went to early Mass and then on to breakfast at Eddies (sounds familiar don't it) and then on to the big Farmers market down at Civic Center - Rico wanted an orchid for his office and there are a couple of plant dealers there. I had the camera and got a few snaps....

The summer fruits are just flowing in abundance and the cherries are simply delicious!!!  
We got some and they are juicy bright lovelies!!!!

I thought these cauliflowers looked great piled up with those beats.....

...and this row of cabbages was bright and cheery and shows a pretty big vegetable stand -typical for this market.  Rico did find his orchid - the flowers are big and tawny coloured with violet centres - I forgot to get snap of that - whoops.

We also stopped off at one of the thrift stores on the way home and I picked up this....

a really heavy duty cookie press - I had one a long time ago but it was pretty flimsy and completely fell apart - so I never replaced it - this one a $1.25 so how could I go wrong.

Just wanted to mention that I will be in Florida from this Wednesday, 5/25 through 6/11 - so I will be out of Blog/email/computer touch and there will be no posts until I return - unless I find a willing computer, and I don;t hold out much hope of that.  My Mom's 85 birthday has arrived and Little Sister and I are going down to surprise her - it was very  last minute.

There you go sports fans.  A nice quiet weekend!!  Thanks for stopping by do come again!!

Take care,

Friday, May 20, 2011

Taking a Dip

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends wrapping up the week today - not too much going on this weekend.  No good Estate Sales - and probably just some ho-hum thrifty shopping.  I just can't get motivated to even think about it right now.  Usually when Friday rolls around I am pretty jazzed to see Saturday looming in the near future, but not today.  Don't get me wrong I am totally looking forward to two days "off."  But, what to do...  I will finish up my HOE PS Exchange so that I can get that into the mail on Monday - and try and complete the PS ornie piece - or at least the stitching.  I am having some issues with the Designer's floss choices - they just do not seem to be working with the linen I chose - as I stitch along I just do not like some of them, so I frog those bits out and back to the stash for other colours.  I am sure everything will work out just fine.  I also picked back up my stitching on the Mary Beale "Sampler Wreath."  What a super piece, I really want to get this sucked stitched up.  I only have all the bottom grassy area to do and with the slight shifting of green silks I am sure it will be no trouble.

Yesterday they re-opened the pool where we live.  They were supposed to open it up 2 months ago, but there was all sorts of work that had to get done first.  They replaced the heating system, they pulled out all the tile surrounding and put in new.  They pulled up all the cement decks around the pool and put in new.  The also took down one of the trees so that now there is way more sun light hitting the pool and decks.  Overall it is a way better pool than it was, but the biggest hold up was the City of SF.  They took the longest time coming out to do an inspection to make sure everything was safe for us to start using it again.  Now everything is back to normal so we can start back to our daily dips - and swimming.  I did get a snap yesterday....

It was a beautiful afternoon and not too windy. 

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments.  
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Take care,

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Couple of Treats

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends welcome to Thursday and another beautiful day  - or at least we are told there is supposed to be a beautiful day here in the City by the Bay.  It has been in the mid 70's, bright and breezy for the last couple of days and it is supposed to stay that way for the next couple of days. I do love the change to good weather.

Yesterday Rico brought home a delicious gift from a co-worker.  We where gifted by Jose (co-worker) some super yummy pupusas.  They where home made by his wife Gloria.  Originating in El Salvador, pupusas are some deliciousness I had never heard of until I moved out here to the wild and woolly west.  To get to enjoy  this treat we will usually have to stop off a a little El Salvadorian restaurant in the Mission and get them for take out, but getting some home made was super delicious!!  We did stop off at and get the cabbage salad, rice and beans that you have to have with them.  Here is a snap.....

It is good to have friends with great culinary skills!!!!  Thank you so much Gloria and Jose!!!!

Earlier, on the way home after work we had to stop off for Rico's last follow up appointment for his Achilles heal issues.  His Doctor's office is near one of the Thrift Shops we usually stop off at on the weekends.....  well, it was still early, so after the appointment we made a quick stop.  I really didn't think there would be anything but I do like to look....  and low and behold I found a great little piece....

A really wonderful heavy piece of restaurant china.  I knew it was a piece from a restaurant just the way it looked and then I picked it up and it was thick and heavy and it was only $2 - woohoo!!  The mark on the back is this..

... and puts this little thing as being made between 1896 and 1906.  I also found out that Nathan-Dorhmann was a big china and porcelain dealer out here in SF - I had never heard of them and now I have added a little something to my knowledge of china.

Stitching last night was working some more on my HOE ornament exchange piece - so no snap, yet.

There you go sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by and for your great comments!!  
Do stop by again.

Take care,

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Couple of Flickers

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends your comments where just super  for yesterday post and I do thank you for them and all the time you spent leaving them.  I am sorry to make mouths water and tummies grumble but I couldn't leave out the food snaps.  I love looking at other folks food snaps to see what is going on in the culinary world - just like I so enjoy seeing all the stitching progress and finishes. 

Over the weekend I inflicted a few flickeroos on the Baby Sister and so today I will mention a couple.

First up will be "The Children of Huang Shi" - 2008 - starring - Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Radha Mitchel, Yun-Fat Chow and Michelle Yeoh.  In a nutshell the story revolves around a British journalist who with the help of an Australian nurse helps to save a group of orphaned children during the Japanese occupation of China in 1938.  A beautifully shot film with some really tough scenes to watch. 

We really enjoyed this film . 
It reminded me of the Ingrid Bergman film "The Inn of the Sixth Happiness" - 1958.

The second film was part of my ongoing Shirley Temple-fest.  What came was a later film called "The Blue Bird" - 1940 - a technicolor fantasy film that is closely related to the Wizard of Oz in theme - there's no place like home or the happiness you chase you can find right in your own back yard.  With a stellar cast that included Spring Byington, Nigel Bruce, Gale Sondergaard, Jessie Ralph and Laura Hope Crews.  The story revolves around two children who are looking for the Bluebird of Happiness and are led through the past , present a future looking for it.  Shirley is a bit on the bratty spoiled side - a break from her earlier films - but even at 12 years old she carries the film.  An interesting piece of film released at the beginning of WWII - if you like Shirley and haven't seen the film I would encourage you to get a copy and watch it.

There you go sports fans - thanks for stopping by do come again!!

Take care,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weekend Posting and Tortilla Press

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you so much for your overwhelming kind comments regarding my 4th Blogoversary Gift-a-way.  I so enjoyed them and emails that you wrote.  I do like this stitching stuff and gifting it away is a big part of it - we all have way to many finished things stacking up - or at least I have in my completed box - finished things waiting for frames.  The smaller things that quickly stitch up are so nice for gifts and I do love knowing that the things I make and send off into the world go to good homes.  Now I need to focus on my PIF - I am running out of time since they a due out by this October.....  the clock is ticking.

Now to the weekend stuff.......

The weekend started off Thursday after work with a quick run down to South SF to the airport to pick up the baby sister - and of course the rare occasion that United is on time is almost nonexistent and last Thursday they did the unheard of and where actually early - so of course the traffic was stupid crazy so that slowed us down.  But, it all worked out and she was waiting for us to just swoop in - she jumped in the car and we where off.....

Driving back to the city we talked about what we would do for dinner and decided on delicious sushi - both she and I love the stuff - and they have other Japanese type things so Rico could have a Bento box of chicken katsu and vegetable tempura.  There are loads of sushi places in SF to choose from - we drove over to Kitaro a place I've talked about here frequently.  You can click HERE and go to the site to look at the menu.

Friday we spent walking around the Haight/Ashbury area.

There are lots of shops and cafes and places to look at and things to see.  
Here is one of the more elaborately painted walls.....

she is a great Medusa mural - on the side of a dress shop.

We also stopped at a really great knitting shop over in the Castro called ImagiKnit.

You can click HERE and visit the web site.  
I took a snap of the shop as it was really bright with lovely yarn everywhere...

This is only the first part of the shop they are actually two shops that a doorway has been cut through - you can not really tell but the doorway is right at where those hats are on the left - you step down into another gigantic space of lovely yarns and knitting paraphernalia.  I picked up a brochure of the classes they offer - I am seriously contemplating taking up knitting or crochet as they offer classes in both.

On Saturday we did the running around to the Thrift/Consignment shops - In the early afternoon we stopped off for a quick bite at Frjtz on Valencia Street.

You can click HERE to see some snaps and read their menu.  There they serve delicious crepes and Belgium fries.  We shared a couple of crepes - the Munch and the de Vinci and a large order of the delicious fries with dipping sauce.

This is the da Vinci crepe and fries.  From this light lunch we where on the way home and stopped off at Liberty Cafe for a loaf of their lovely bread.

As usual the had the case of goodies full of tempting treats.  You can click HERE to read about The Liberty Cafe.  You can also see through the case to the kitchen where one of the bakers was whipping up something tasty - I love it when you can actually see that what they sell is made where they sell it.

We hooked up with Martin for dinner at Patxi's Pizza.  You know I love me some of this pizza!!

We got one of the Chicago style meat pizza's and we got....

a regular Special Combo Pizza on flat crust - and it was just as delicious!!  
You can click HERE to see their web site.

Sunday Rico and I went to early Mass and Cissy did some walking about the neighborhood - we stayed in and watched movies during the afternoon and I made fried chicken for dinner - and - that was our weekend.
It was lots of fun and could have gone on for many days more - but she had to get back to her "mama" life and I to mine.  But, there will be other visits!!

I did have some questions about the tortilla press and what exactly it is - you use this gadget to make fresh tortillas.  They are available all over the place in the Mission for about $12/$15 but I was bound and determined to find an older more substantial one than the newer flimsy ones.  I have wanted to be able to make fresh tortillas for the longest time.  We go through many of them a week - and by making them myself it will cut the costs to just pennies per tortilla and fresh made are so much better than store bought!! You can click HERE to read a good basic recipe on how to make tortillas at home.  I can't wait to get a hold of some Masa Harina (corn flour) and get to pressing!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by, do come again!!

Take care,

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Package Arrived and Some Thrifty Finds

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends it is a wonderful Monday morning here in SF for many reasons!!  First and foremost was the wonderful visit we had with just had with my sister.  She flew down from Portland and spent the last few days relaxing and decompressing from her very hectic "motherly" life - and all we did was fun stuff!!  Running all over the city, eating out and then laying around like great lumps watching films.  Who could ask for anything better.  Secondly, on this cool Monday I find that my little Blog has passed the 500 Follower mark - and now I  actually have 502 followers - you love me, you really love me!!  I am having my Sally Field flash back - reveling in the moment and dancing a jig!!  Thirdly, I did quite a bit of stitching over the past few days and finished up my HOE PS Exchange - or at least I have finished up the stitching part.  I just love being ahead of the game and not behind playing catch up.

... and the fourth thing, and what I will lead off with this morning.....I came and found a wonderful email from sweet Carolyn  - she received the package I sent her for winning the 4th Blogoversary drawing.  Her Blog is "...just one more stitch" and she has posted a  couple of snaps.  I took a snap of the stitched piece, but forgot to get one of the goodies.  You can click on over to Carolyn's Blog to see them.  But, here is a snap of the piece I made....

The pattern is a Blackbird Design and I do love me some BBD!!  It is from an older booklet called "With Needle and Thread."  I have loved this little sampler for the longest time, as I told Carolyn, and just knew this was the right time to stitch it up.  I used the recommended WDW floss and stitched it up on a piece of 36ct something or other form the stash heap.  The box I painted using a mixture of three colours - I wanted it to be dark but with undertones of the red/raspberry colour.  It was a joy to stitch and now it has a wonderful place to live.

I will save the main weekend post until tomorrow as I have come back to a pile of work on my desk.  I did want to post a snap of my Thrift Store Finds.  There were no Estate Sales but we did make it to a few Consignment/Thrift/2nd hand Stores.  I found these things.....

From the upper left...  I found two super Victorian frames - for less that $2 for both, the metal thing is a tortilla press, I also found a great older Oregon plate, and a lovely small Nippon ware hand painted plate c1880.  I do love me some Paula and this little Christmas book was a buck so how could I pass.  I found a couple of other things but they are meant for others so I can't show them here.  

We had a great time running around over the weekend and there will be a post about that in the morning.

There you go sports fans.  I do thank you all for stopping by and for your great comments.  Do stop back by again!!  Hope your weekend was as super de duper as mine!!

Take care,

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Tasty Cake Recipe

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends this is the wrap up post for the week.  I will be out tomorrow but I will be back on Monday morning.  We really do not have any solid plans for the next three days - just keeping things on the less structured side - I think it will be more relaxing for the Baby Sister.  She spends her life running here, there and yonder - with one teenager and one preteen it is a very busy household!!  She comes in this afternoon and we are running out to the airport to get her - I can't wait... it should be lots of  fun.  I know that on the agenda are visits to a few of the knitting stores here in the city.  While SF really has no cross stitching places there are quite a few knitting and yarn places.  Since I do not knit or crochet I never go, so this will be a learning experience for me.  I think the biggest decision this evening is where to eat - shall we do the deliciousness that is Patxi's Pizza or the deliciousness that is Alice's Chinese yummniess????  Such hard decisions!!!

I posted the recipe for the Pineapple Upside Down cake this morning over at Blacksheep Bakes.  You can click HERE to get over to there.  I found the recipe by just doing a quick search online.  I had a recipe that I liked but I thought there might be a better one out there somewhere.  The site I found was the PA Farm Show Site - 2011.  

Judging the Pineapple Upside Down Cakes - 2011 - PA Farm Show

I just love good old fashioned tried and true recipes and since this was the 1st Place Winner of the Pineapple Upside Down Cakes there must be something to it.  The baker who entered this cake was  Sally Reinoehl  from Valley View Pennsylvania.  She hit a home run IMHO!!!!  It is an easy recipe that uses things that are found in most cupboards.  Kudos and my hat is off to Miss Sally!!!!  The only thing I would do different is to throw some walnuts around in the topping, but that's because I love me some walnuts!!

There you go sports fans.  Thank you once again for stopping by and for leaving such super comments!!!  Have a great weekend!!

Take Care,

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mid Week Post

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends here we sit at the middle of the week looking forward to the weekend - I am actually looking at only one more day and a super three day weekend.  
How did I wangle that - you may ask????

I took off this Friday because my little sister is coming into town for a visit.  Her Birthday is Monday and since she is turning the delicate age of "29" once again, she is coming for a little break from her life and spending it here with us.  It should be lots of fun -and we already have a few things planned to do - one request she made was to eat at some "fun" restaurants - well if San Francisco has anything it's lots of fun places to eat!!

Yesterday's post stirred up some great comments and emails - and I do appreciate them.  After I write a post I am never sure how some of things I am posting will go over - and it is always nice to get some feed back.  Yvonne mentioned one of my favorite flickers "A Christmas Story" and likened the "Snow Garden" to the restaurant that they eat Christmas dinner in after the turkey is gobbled up by the Bumpass' dogs.  I never thought about it but how accurate - and I got a laugh thinking about the similarities!!

Judes asked about the french commode that I snapped a picture of - I have no idea of the price, but next time I see one in the window I will check it out and let you know - I am sure they are terribly expensive - those shops usually are.

If you remember an earlier posting about Icee Pops - and my crazy love of them - 
I was at Walgreen's and I found these.....
They are pretty tasty - and unlike those super sour ones from last time these are delicately sweet - not much marshmallow taste, but a pastel like taste - if pastel had a flavour.  I know, I'm a nut, but you gotta try everything, right??

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by - do come again.

Take care,

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Weekend Post - With a Bunch of Snaps

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks for stopping by for the weekend post.  We were not very busy doing anything in particular, but there where some high points.

We started off the weekend on Friday evening with a trip down to China Town.  We hadn't been in a long while so it was time to revisit.  One of the nicest things about this city is how quickly you can get anywhere.  Being a peninsula and only about 7 x 7 miles everything is tight and easily accessible.  We stopped off  to pick up Martin and then a 10 minute drive found us parked in the Sutter street parking garage.  Once out of the garage we walked up Grant street.....

 - notice the tour buses - they seem to run all the time everywhere.  The buses can't go down Grant Street - which is the heart of China Town.  The entrance to CT is this really ornate gate...

In many of the most heavily trafficked tourist areas are shops that deal in some of the most "ornate" pieces of furniture.  So, if you are going for that Versailles look - there are lots of choices....

We weren't just wandering around looking for a place to eat - we had a destination in mind.  We were not going to our usual CT place - "The Empress of China" - a restaurant that we like to take visitors to.  It is a lovely place on the pricey side, but the views are beautiful.  Since we live here all we wanted was a good dinner we didn't need a view.  

Walking along Grant I took some other snaps...
and then we made it to our destination.... Snow Garden.

This very unassuming place has some really terrific food.  Since there was three of us we had the "dinner for two" with an additional plate...lemon chicken.  Here's a snap of dinner...

After enjoying a tasty meal we walked around for a while -  in and out of the shops.  We also passed Old St. Mary's.  A lovely older church from the early days of SF.

and here is a side view showing the downstairs church shop....

It was a nice dinner and visit.

On Saturday  - no shopping - none at all.  Just ran some errands and stayed in for the rest of the afternoon watching films.

Sunday found us at early Mass and then on to breakfast at Eddie's.  After breakfast we trotted on over to the Farmers market and found that some of the summer fruits are starting to come in.....

 and the flowers where very pretty......


We finished up and came home.  I whipped up this little treat....

 I found this 1st Prize Winning - Pineapple Upside-Down Cake recipe on line.  very simple and really tasty!!

There you go sports fans.  I also did quite a bit of stitching, but on things I can not show yet.  Thanks for stopping by and for your super comments.  I do appreciate them!!

Take care,

Monday, May 9, 2011

And We Have a Winner

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I wanted to thank everyone that took part in my little Blogoversary Drawing!! It was amazing to see all the entries and interest from all of you in Blogland.  After getting all the entry slips together I got out a BOD and mixed them all up - there was 45 seconds of stirring the pot  - it doesn't sound like a lot of time but just watch a clock tick off those seconds....

Then I put a blindfold on Rico....  and even the who-hounds stepped in to help.  
I think they where looking for snacks - but they put in their two cents!!

The hag claw reached out and into the BOD and drew forth a slip of paper.  
On the slip was our winner.... and the winner is.... 

Carolyn!!  She Blogs over at ...Just one more stitch.  I have sent off an email of congratulations.  
Again I thank everyone for entering.

There you go for today sports fans.  I'll get a weekend posting up tomorrow.  Thank you all for you wonderful comments!!!  I do appreciate them all!!

Take care,

Friday, May 6, 2011

Shopping Sucks - and a Reminder

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends another week passes and we are at a two day break - woo hoo!!!!

Yesterday after work and after dog stuff we ran down to the Tanforan Mall - yep the Mall. Stopping off a Michael's first. I needed a couple of bits for the 4th Blogoversary Prize. There was actually a reason we made the trip to the mall - to buy some new clothes. Now I can wear the same old things for years - as long as its clean, pressed and at hand I really could care less. I have 6 pairs of jeans I rotate through and about 25 or so shirts and about two dozen low rise Converses Chucks (black) and there you go.

My work out fit (in fact it's how I dress everyday) - jeans a solid colour shirt, and Chucks. Fashion statement I am not. Now don't get me wrong - I enjoy Haute Couture and fashiony things, but on me - that ain't gonna ever happen. So after a handful of years everything starts to fade and get a bit worn - so it was off to the Mall to replenish.  There is a very specific style shirt I like and both Sears and Jacques Pennay carry them - and there are usually sales going on....  After about 20 minutes total shopping at both stores I had purchased 7 shirts in various colours, two more pairs of jeans and another pair of Chucks and I was set.  What sucked was at Sears is I found "my" shirts on sale at 40% off - so woohoo!!  When I got to the register there was a revelation - they were not actually on sale - I questioned the shop girl and so off we both went to check this supposed sale rack o'shirts.  Upon reaching the rack with the gigantic red 40% off sign it would seem that every shirt on said rack was not on sale but at full price -  so I had my "whatchu talkin about Willis" moment.  Then the really sweet shop gal said not to worry as the sign should not be there -  she was going to give me the shirts at the 40% off as listed - and then she removed the sign.   So I would guess that shopping doesn't really suck, but that little hiccups during the shopping suck. 

After the traumatic shopping - we headed off to Red Robin - I had delicious patty melt and some peach tea - and found that all was right in the world!!!

Just a quick reminder that the 4th Blogoversary drawing closes tomorrow at 3 PM - if you've not thrown in and wanted to you still have time.  Just click HERE and it will take you to the post to enter.  I will announce the winner on my 4th Blogoversary, Monday!!

Thanks for stopping by and for your continued kindnesses towards me and my little Blog.  
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Take care,

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Warm Weather and an Itallian Love Story

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends yesterday we had a really warm day here in the City by the Bay.  It got into the low 80's - which is way off for this area and time of year.  But, it was only one day and now the temps has been cool all night and it is not supposed to get much more than the mid to low 70's.  The one or two day warm spot is what keeps me loving the city.  Yes, we have great places to visit, lovely eateries and enough coffee shops to caffinate a small country.... but the weather is so very lovely!!  Growing up in the deep south I remember the months and months of hot sweltering humid days..... but give me the SF fog and cool breezes every time - I just love them!!!

For the last couple of evenings I have been stitching hard at the 4th Blogoversary Gift.  It is coming along nicely and I do hope whomever receives my little package enjoys everything as much as I am enjoying the stitching.  I am dumbfounded by the response to my little Gift-a-way - I just checked and there are over 230 comments on that particular post - which doesn't count the entries as that number will be much greater with multiple chances.  Thank you all for entering and for the wonderful comments!!!  If you haven't entered the drawing and would still like to - there is time - just click HERE to get to the post.

I finished up a great little book yesterday - "A Thousand Days in Venice - an Unexpected Romance" - by Marlena de Blasi.  It was a really tremendous book.  Along with "A Thousand Days in Tuscany" and "The Lady in the Palazzo" these books make up a really wonderful triptych.  I would highly recommend them for a good read, but, read them in order and not like I did backwards.  The story begins in Venice  - then moves to Tuscany - then wraps up with Palazzo.  It so reminded me of my visit to Italy and the time I spent in Venice.  I would go back in a NY minute!!  There is a reason the city is called the "Queen of the Adriatic"... she's a gorgeous city full of wonderful things!!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do come again.

Take care,

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Shorty Posting

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends  - I would like to welcome all the new folks stopping by for a visit!!  - and - welcome to all my new followers!!  That clunk was my jaw hitting the ground at the sweet comments being posted along with your BOD Entries.  I am reading them and warmness fills me to over flowing!!! 

The stitching last night was more angel wing or I should say more "Straw Bonnet" - a rather dull colour, but necessary.  I almost got there, but the call of the chip was too great and so I put down the stitching and picked up the Lays Bag - crunchy deliciousness!!!


The flicker for the evening - after watching a NEW, really good "Glee" (don't you just love Fleetwood Mac!!)  - was a documentary called "Note by Note: The Making of Steinway L1037" - 2007 - A fascinating look inside the Steinway factory in Queens, New York.  The film follows the construction of a concert grand piano - from forest to showroom.  It takes about twelve months to make one of the magnificent things. What this film does is go from department to department watching all the thousands of things it takes to make a single piano come together .  They spend time talking and interviewing all the dedicated craftsmen involved - from actual construction to the fine tuning.  The film also includes interviews with the end users of such a wonderful instrument - Harry Connick Jr, Lang Lang and other pianists.   I really enjoyed this film and at about 81 minutes you sort of zip along without a dull moment - it almost seems too short.

There you go sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by, and for you wonderful comments!!

Take care,

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I was a WINNER!! and a Bunch of Paramount Firsts

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends.... the comments for yesterdays post where wonderful, as always.  Brightening up my morning.  Thank you all so very much!!!!!

Our Little Blog Community has many Drawings and Gift-a-ways - all for different reasons.  Usually it is boils down to basically sharing and giving.  I threw my name in on such a Drawing a few weeks back.  It was a Super-d duper 3rd Blogoversary Drawing that Amy over at "Cross Stitch and Cupcakes" was hosting.  She was actually having 5 Drawings to celebrate!!  I was the lucky winner of "Giveaway #2" - and what a super giveaway!!  It was a wonderful haul of various cuts and pieces of lovely linen.  Here's a snap...  I had some help....

I couldn't believe the selections - they are just beautiful!!  Thank you so much Amy!!

Click HERE if you would like to get in on my 4th Blogoversary Drawing.  Only a few more days to enter.  I am busily stitching away on the prize - so it will be a surprise package. 

Over the weekend I saw a really interesting and well constructed film.  It was an oldie (no surprise there) called "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" - 1936 - starring Sylvia Sidney, Henry Fonda, Fred MacMurray, Fred Stone, Beulah Bondi and George "Spanky" McFarland.  This was Paramount's First Technicolor Feature, First film to be shot in three strip Technicolor AND their First colour feature to be shot outside of the studio on location. 

 Sylvia Sidney - 1910-1999

It's a wonderful movie - a pretty good story about feuding families - well written & well acted by a better than ordinary cast. "Spanky" MacFarland (of the Our Gang shorts)  was a jewel in his role as Buddy.  Fred MacMurry and Henry Fonda performed well as Sylvia Sidney's love interests. Beulah Bondi was her usual wonderful self - She carried more than her share of the movie.  Although the story is set in the Blue Ridge Mountains the movie was actually shot near Cedar Lake, in California's San Bernardino Mountains. Well worth a look - It  was a Netflix selection and the DVD transfer is top notch.  If you've not seen it make the effort to give it a chance.

There you go sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by, and for the kind comments... do stop by again!!

Take care,

Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend Stitching and Stuff

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - woowzers - how can I get my BFH (big fat head) through the door anymore?  I was just blown away this morning with all the kind comments about my framed stitching.  As you probably remember I avoid "like the plague" the computer during the weekend.  So I didn't see any of your nice words until this morning.  I have reworked the "sampler wall" but I am still not 100% happy with the results, so I am holding off with a snap of it until I get it fixed.

I did some stitching over the weekend - I finished up square 6 - June on the LHN Monthlies piece.  Here is a snap-a-roo...

For some reason I really enjoyed this square immensely.  
At the half way point now, this piece as it is making up quite fast.


I also started up ATS yesterday.  So I have a snap of the bit I have done so far.....

It looks kind of silly at the moment, but I love the colours and the stitching is easy enough.  I have at hand as I stitch copies of all the suggestions and errors that other stitchers have pointed out or noticed as they worked their way through ATS. 

We made it out to a few Estate sales and all I picked up where a few books...

I picked up a couple of Christmas books, the second Volume of Mastering French Cooking and a great quilt book.  The Quilt book was printed in the mid 70's and I would presume long out of print.  I love the reading the interviews of these quilters and seeing the quilts they made.

I also did some baking yesterday.  I made a couple of loaves of Poticia (Potcia) - a Slovenian Nut Roll - I followed the recipe, but made a couple of minor changes....

I added nutmeg (of course) to the filling, and made a lemony icing for the top.  Traditionally only icing sugar is sprinkled over the finished product - but -   I really didn't want to throw away the lemon since all I had used was the rind in the filling.  I had never made this before and learned lots so that next time I make it ( and there  will be a next time) there will be changes....  all that aside, I think it is quite tasty!!  - and I am enjoying some with a cup of coffee as I type this mornings Post.

There you go sports fans.  Thank you all so very much again for your super comments - I appreciate them and the time you take to leave them.  Stop back again for more of my ongoing babbling!! 

Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...