Friday, May 20, 2011

Taking a Dip

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends wrapping up the week today - not too much going on this weekend.  No good Estate Sales - and probably just some ho-hum thrifty shopping.  I just can't get motivated to even think about it right now.  Usually when Friday rolls around I am pretty jazzed to see Saturday looming in the near future, but not today.  Don't get me wrong I am totally looking forward to two days "off."  But, what to do...  I will finish up my HOE PS Exchange so that I can get that into the mail on Monday - and try and complete the PS ornie piece - or at least the stitching.  I am having some issues with the Designer's floss choices - they just do not seem to be working with the linen I chose - as I stitch along I just do not like some of them, so I frog those bits out and back to the stash for other colours.  I am sure everything will work out just fine.  I also picked back up my stitching on the Mary Beale "Sampler Wreath."  What a super piece, I really want to get this sucked stitched up.  I only have all the bottom grassy area to do and with the slight shifting of green silks I am sure it will be no trouble.

Yesterday they re-opened the pool where we live.  They were supposed to open it up 2 months ago, but there was all sorts of work that had to get done first.  They replaced the heating system, they pulled out all the tile surrounding and put in new.  They pulled up all the cement decks around the pool and put in new.  The also took down one of the trees so that now there is way more sun light hitting the pool and decks.  Overall it is a way better pool than it was, but the biggest hold up was the City of SF.  They took the longest time coming out to do an inspection to make sure everything was safe for us to start using it again.  Now everything is back to normal so we can start back to our daily dips - and swimming.  I did get a snap yesterday....

It was a beautiful afternoon and not too windy. 

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments.  
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Take care,


  1. Rico looks like he's enjoying the water. Too bad we can't see a snap of the both of you in the pool. *grin* I'm curious just how many units are in your apt. complex? Love the view looking out from pool side down to the city below.

  2. Excellant great views and a lovely picture of Rico.

  3. Lucky you! It is still a touch too cold here for the pool.

  4. Love the pool shot with the city in the background. Have a relaxing stitchy weekend.

  5. I can't wait to see your Mary Beale wreath sampler again. Maybe it will motivate me to work on mine! Enjoy your weekend.
    Susan in So Cal

  6. Wow, I remember the days of having a pool where I lived. It was awesome. Hey, is that the Embarcadero in the background?

  7. Looks relaxing enough! The pool where I live is always so full of people that I never go to it. Don't even go to the beach, but that's because I am not a beach fan. Have a great weekend!

  8. Looks very inviting. Wish it was warm enough here to go swimming. It has rained for a week straight here in PA..... Sigh...

  9. Looks as though you have some great weather where you are. Here in UK I thinks it's gone back to Feb. (at least in the area I live) most unpleasant. Still Rico looks to be enjoying the pool.

  10. Your pool has a wonderful view of the city!

    I wish I was better at making color substitutions but I'm just not there yet.

  11. Your pool looks very inviting! Have a good weekend!

  12. Glad you finally got back into the pool. They are so lovely! And good luck with your stitching!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...