Monday, May 23, 2011

Some Weekend Stuff

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends it was a windy, cool and sunny weekend here in the city.  No fog, but lots of cool/cold breezes!!  They are still blowing, but the weather guy on Channel 7 says they are blowing a bit slower this morning - I certainly can't tell any difference.

On the stitching front I spent it finishing up the stitching on my upcoming Exchanges - I actually finished up my HOE PS Seasonal piece and it goes into the mail this morning - I also finished all the stitching on the Snowman Ornament, but I will wait to finish it up.  On Saturday I got busy framing up a completed piece - One of the frames I picked up last weekend fit a sampler (Garden Path, by Sheepish Designs) from the completed box - so I thought it needed to be out and up on the wall -  here is a snap - 

I really love the old fashioned look of this frame - a little worn but so nice - I had a request a while back to show my stitching wall - it is a bit difficult to get a snap of, but here is one looking down from the upstairs landing....

The newly framed sampler - is the last one on the lower left.  I hang all my stitching along the stair wall.

On Sunday we went to early Mass and then on to breakfast at Eddies (sounds familiar don't it) and then on to the big Farmers market down at Civic Center - Rico wanted an orchid for his office and there are a couple of plant dealers there. I had the camera and got a few snaps....

The summer fruits are just flowing in abundance and the cherries are simply delicious!!!  
We got some and they are juicy bright lovelies!!!!

I thought these cauliflowers looked great piled up with those beats.....

...and this row of cabbages was bright and cheery and shows a pretty big vegetable stand -typical for this market.  Rico did find his orchid - the flowers are big and tawny coloured with violet centres - I forgot to get snap of that - whoops.

We also stopped off at one of the thrift stores on the way home and I picked up this....

a really heavy duty cookie press - I had one a long time ago but it was pretty flimsy and completely fell apart - so I never replaced it - this one a $1.25 so how could I go wrong.

Just wanted to mention that I will be in Florida from this Wednesday, 5/25 through 6/11 - so I will be out of Blog/email/computer touch and there will be no posts until I return - unless I find a willing computer, and I don;t hold out much hope of that.  My Mom's 85 birthday has arrived and Little Sister and I are going down to surprise her - it was very  last minute.

There you go sports fans.  A nice quiet weekend!!  Thanks for stopping by do come again!!

Take care,


  1. I always look forward to your Monday morning posts. The photos of the Farmer's Market are great. One of the best recipes I have ever tried for cauliflower is from an old Frugal Gourmet cookbook: slice the bottom of the cauliflower so it will sit flat in a casserole, remove the outer leaves, wash and dry it gently, then place it in a casserole that just fits, brush the top with beaten egg, sprinkle generously with Romano cheese and bake in a pre-heated 325 oven till fork tender. Absolutely marvelous ... any leftovers can be blended with a bit of milk to make a lovely cream of cauliflower soup for the next day.

  2. Your sampler turned out beautifully! The frame is perfect. I am always jealous of the farmer's market pics. Wish we had one here. Have a great time in Florida.

  3. Oh Edgar!!!! Your stitchery wall is breathtaking I’m so envious. Two weeks without my Blacksheep in the morning.... How will I manage without you!!!

  4. Oh my that stitchy wall! Gorgeous!
    Have a wonderful birthday trip to your mom's... you will be missed.

    Thanks for the recipe riona, that sounds scrumptious!

  5. Garden Path looks beautiful. The more I see it the more I want to stitch it. Your sampler wall is just lovely!

    How great to be able to go a Farmer's Market!

  6. Oh you will be away for quite some time! You will be missed!I wish you all the best!Have a great time and enjoy yourself!Happy birthday to your mum,I'm sure she will be very happy to have both her children there!Ariadne from Greece!

  7. My morning coffee won't be the same without you! Your wall is lovely. I have all my needlework pretty much in the bedroom,but the room is beginning to look stuffed. Our farmer's markets are still a bit slow due to our COLD wet spring(Seattle), that just won't get warm. We have had only one day 70!many in the 50's.! Have a wonderful trip, Florida sounds good about now.

  8. Love, love, love the sampler wall!! Seasonal fruis and vegetables - what could be better!! Hugs and have a great time in Florida. Just a little warning - it's a little hot down south right now!!

  9. excellent choice of frame on the finished piece. Suits it very well.

  10. That frame was just made for you sampler, Edgar and the wall is just fabulous! Have a safe trip and happy birthday to your mom.

  11. Wasn't the wind nuts last night?! I could hear so much stuff banging down the street.

    Love the sampler wall!

    Have fun visiting your mom! Happy birthday to her. I am sure she'll be thrilled to see you and Sissy.

  12. I so envy you people who have staircase walls to hang samplers on. Your wall is wonderful! Love how Garden Path looks framed. Love the farmer's market pics too!

  13. Your sampler wall looks gorgeous! What an accomplishment!

    The farmer's market you have available looks fantastic. I wish we had more of that available here.

    My Mom had a cookie press similar to the one you bought. She made the best spritz cookies with it. They are Swedish, kind of a butter cookie with almond flavor...yum.
    Let me know if you want a recipe for them, I'll share.

  14. Wow that is one impressive sampler wall...loving your thrifty find too. OMG cherries...I just adore them could eat them by the bucket load...always feel I should have a cherry stone "spitoon" lol

    have a good week xx

  15. Fantastic finish Edgar! I love the frame and the fabric that you used for that sampler. I did that one way back in 1989 and we didn't have the choices of fabric then as we do now. Mine is on antique white, but I think that it really shines on the fabric you used!

  16. Your sampler wall looks marvelous. Love the frame you found for your Sheepish Designs sampler. You always have such beautiful photos of your Farmers Market. Ours is just getting started and it's still too early in the season for produce.

  17. SO much gorgeousness in this post! :o

    I'll miss your updates but what a great chance to be with family! Have an awesome time and see you on the other side. :D

  18. Beautiful sampler wall !!! I love your frame finds...
    Great farmer's market, everything looks so fresh

  19. Hi Edgar! Loved seeing your wall. That market looks so good, we get cherries from the U.S. before ours are ready here and they are so big and delicious!
    I will miss reading your blog while you are away. It is my Mother's 87th birthday soon, aren't we fortunate to still have them in our lives?? Happy Birthday to your Mum from me and have a safe trip. Will so look forward to reading all about it when you return. Sandy :)

  20. Love the pic of the cookie press. It is just like the one I inherited from my Mom, which has been in faithful service since probably the 1940's! Still works better than the much newer one I have! Enjoy and cherish the time with your family.

  21. Edgar, I am going to miss you! I love reading your blog. Have a wonderful time though.

    I love your sampler wall. And I admire your framing abilities. Great job. I need to frame some of mine. We have a little thrift shop about a block away from my apartment. Need to go look.

    Have a wonderful time in Florida.

  22. Garden Path looks fabulous!! I love your stitchy wall!! Looks like a stitching museaum!! lol You could charge admission!

  23. Your newly framed piece looks great. I wish I had some of those cherries - yummy. Good job finding the cookie press. Have a great time in FL and Happy Birthday to your Mom!

  24. Have a wonderful time in Florida and happy birthday to your mum :)

  25. Your sampler wall is magnificent!
    Have a great trip

  26. Garden Path looks beautiful Edgar! I love it when a found frame works just perfect. Your sampler wall is amazing!

    All the fresh fruit and veggies look delicious, and what a find your cookie press is. A very Happy Birthday to your Mom!

  27. Your stitching wall looks great. Your newly framed sampler looks great.

  28. Love your stitching wall!! It looks just fabulous. Each piece is framed perfectly.

    Also love the market photos. Everything looks so yummy.

  29. Your sampler wall is amazing! I've been wondering where to hang my framed stitches and I just might steal your idea from you.
    The new finish is quite lovely. I love your choice of frame for it!

    I enjoyed your pics from the market. I wish that we had one close to us. Most Sundays we visit the market in Ottawa but that is an hour drive from our home.

  30. Love your sampler wall! I wish our staircase was better lit so I could display some stitching there. The cake looks delicious! Hope you are having a fabulous time in FL- I am sure you will have oodles of snaps when you return. Can't wait to see them!

  31. beautiful sampler and I love the frame. I too have a few walls full with stitching in my house, I now tell my hubby we need to move to a bigger house, not a lot of walls available to hang my work :-)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...