Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Q Block, Comments and Learing a Thing or Three!

GR&DF again I must thank you for your kind words!! Warm thoughts on this - a cold and blustery Wednesday morning. We are drying out a bit with no rain for the next few days, but another storm is gearing up for next week. That means we might actually be able to get to an Estate sale or Consignment Shop this weekend!!

Last night I finally got to work on the Q block of Alphablocks. If you have noticed I have worked all around an avoided this block - for no other reason than I was pondering a complete re-charting. Of all the blocks this is the one block that I have never cared for. IMHO it just did not fit with the rest of the images, so I have been turning over ideas as to just what I could replace it with. Finally I settled on an idea and here is a snap of the block as it stands today....

The chart I made is a sort of 9 Patch quilt banded in brown - I like this much better than Queen - and think that with the blocks - N for Needle and X for X-Stitch it is a better fit - I may put something in that white space next to the quilt but will leave it alone for now.

I wanted to talk about a few of the comments from yesterday....

Ariadne asked about my flicker watching - yes, I do watch films and stitch in the evenings - it is my decompression and down time. How I sitich is another matter.... imagine two of the the three hounds on me - usually Pete is laying across my shoulders and either the Peach or Lolly is snuggled down on my left side - that is me and my very poor stitching posture. The movie channel I watch the most would be TCM - this is a super station and they show films 24/7. We have HBO and other pay channels but I seem to settle on TCM more than any other movie channel. I also have a Netflix account - what works for me is the 3 disc rotation. It is usually a day turn around for a disc and by keeping my queue full I always have something either coming or going.

Judy mentioned Terri and her Alphblocks piece - it is Terri's finihsed piece that is the cover photo on the chart - this lovely piece was one of the reasons I wanted to stitch this sampler. The blog universe is a great place to see others works and find new inspiration for stitching.

Melissa asked about the Sheepish Designs charts - I got them from Em-Li's. She still has quite a selection and I figured that with the charts disappearing so fast and going OOP I better just bite the bullet and get what I want now instead of paying the big bucks on the secondary market. Melissa is also having a great give away for her 100th Posting so click on over and comment before the 31st.

Sherry asked about acquiring my copy of CHS Alphblocks - as with most of my charts as I finish them I usually pass them on to other stitchers - and this is no exception. I would love to pass this one on to you except I have promised it to another stitcher as part of a trade. If it falls through I will certainly let you know.

Talking about trades and tradiing - I am thinking about other charts in my stash heap and have already started to cull this pile of things I have done or may never do. I am hoping to get them together so I can make some other trades. Keep watching as I will probably happen sooner than later.

Last night it was an evening of interesting history. There were 3 Netflix Discs awaiting perusal - starting off with "Echos from the White House" - 2001 - This was not some dry history of the house itself - although I would have enjoyed that also!! - but the written word of those that had lived in the house and their impressions. All the letters, diary's and words were spoken by famous actor types. Pieces where read or spoken from the earliest words about the house by George Washington to the present day. I really enjoyed this presentation and had never seen it before. Second up was a National Geographic TV piece - "The Last Voyage of the Lusitania" - 1994 - I had seen this special before and it was nice to see it again. Such a tragic event that instigated the US into WWI. The last but certainly not the least was another National Geographic TV special - "Inside the Vatican" - 2001 - I had never seen this special but I have visited Rome and spent quite a bit of time inside Vatican city - so it was nice to see places I had been and some places that regular tourist types never get a chance to see. All three of these specials where made for TV and are pretty shortish - except the Vatican which was about 90 mins.

There you go sports fans. Thank you again for making my little Blog a part of your day - do come again!!

Take care,


  1. Alphablocks is looking great. Your color changes are good. I hope you get to some sales this weekend. I went browsing yesterday but didn't find anything worthy of throwing down the cash for.

  2. I think the quilt was a great idea! I haven't seen the queen but can't imagine liking it better than the quilt.

  3. Love the quilt for the Q block. I agree it fits much more with the other blocks.

    Have a great day.


  4. I love your quilt block for Q! Very nice - and it does fit in better, you're quite right.

  5. LOVE your change on the Q block. I'm with you...did not care for the queen and think the quilt goes much better with it.

    Enjoy your nice weather over the next few days!

  6. You did a beautiful job changing the Q block! I love the quilt.

  7. I really, really like the change you made to that Q block. I agree with you that it does fit in so much better with the overall piece. I wish that I had thought of it as I love quilting to and that would have just fit in so much better with me. Great change. Keep notes on it because I am sure that you will get requests for how you did that in the future!

  8. Loveing your Alphabet. I really like your change from Queen to Quilt. I have to admit that block always bothered me too. :)

  9. Oooh, Edgar, I love your 'Q' block! I like the Queen just fine, but I LOVE the quilt! Is there a needlework design career in your future?

    If you are going to add something else to the block, may I suggest a teeny, tiny heart?

  10. Oh Edgar I love the Q design you came up with! It looks wonderful.

    I was wondering if you would be willing to share your list of thread changes to Alphablocks? I do not normally stitch this style but I am LOVING yours and think I want to stitch it!! I especially love the various fill in block colors!

  11. Q for Quilt, what else? That was a great change.

    Thanks for mentioning Em-Li's. I contacted her but she had none that I was looking for. Drat! I'll just to keep on looking.

    And thanks for mentioning my giveaway. Good luck!

  12. Dear Edgar,
    thank you for answering my questions!Ariadne from Greece!

  13. I love the Q Block Edgar...that is so neat and I like it much better than if you used Queen.

    I use to have a Flickr Account as well too and I had at one time over 300 some movies in my Queue.

    I too love the TCM Channel too...they show all of the old time movies on that Channel and I love the old time movies.

    Beautiful Stitching as usual...I too have a Blog and here is the link:

    I just finished my first finish for this year and it is Noah's Sub by Stoney Creek. I have photos of that on my Blog so take a peek when you get the chance.

    Take care & Happy Stitching

  14. Awesome "Q" block, Edgar! It's perfect and I'll bet you get a lot of folks wanting to do the same!

  15. Thanks Edgar for answering my question about the Alpha Sampler. Oh well. I guess I will have to do a search for it and see if I can find it somewhere. If it is out of print...doubt if I can find it but who knows. Yours looks absolutely beautiful!!
    So what will be next on your stitching egenda?

  16. I found the pattern on line for the Alpha Blocks Sampler. OUCH!! I can not afford the price though. Over $30.00 is too much for me as much as I love yours.

  17. I really like the quilt you used for the Q! It looks great!

  18. Hi Edgar,

    I was sent this link and knowing you are an old film buff, I thought you might enjoy it - it's from 1905 - filmed from an electric streetcar going down Market St. towards the Ferry Bldg. It lasts about 7 minutes but is really fascinating to watch :)

    Enjoy and your AlphaBlocks looks awesome!
    snowslippers @

  19. I love the "Q" block. Do you mind if I steal your idea? I like "quilt" much better than "queen", and your quilt looks perfect!

    Love the Sheepish Designs stash, especially the Hedgehog sampler. My last name "Jezak" means hedgehog in Polish. I think hers little animal looks more like a porcupine, but nonetheless, I still like it.
    Hope you stay dry and warm, and get to an estate sale this weekend.

  20. Q is for quilt.. just perfect. The needlebook is splendid and the new chart is so you.
    Happy stitching

  21. I love your new Q block -- looks perfect!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...