GR&DF yesterday was the Wednesday Farmers Market in the United Nations Plaza and I was there. Although it is winter and produce is low there were still quite a few people out. I of course had my camera and took a few snaps.
There were these lovely celadon green cabbages....
and this display of lettuce/greens....
and I do not think I have ever shown this 1984 gift from the people of Venezuela - a statue of Simon Bolivar. A hero in Latin America.
Nanknit asked for a translation on the French sampler. My French is so very poor I ended up throwing it through the translator - BabelFish - "Each Tree has its way to Accommodate Spring." Probably not the best translation.
The murals are all done by local artists - it is "The Clarion Alley Mural Project" or CAMP as it is known is an ongoing artist endeavour. Here is an older article about CAMP. It would seem that today CAMP is a loose knit group, here is another voice about CAMP.
A couple more snaps.....

Last night the flickers were the first part of the month long series on TCM called - Shadows of Russia - showing how the vision of Russia changed from the 1930's through the 1950's. Last night the first two flicks were dealing with Russian History..... "The Scarlet Empress" - 1934 - starring Marlene Dietrich, John Lodge and Sam Jaffe. The film is over the top visually and has very little to do with actual Russian History - the exceptions where.... there was a Princess Sophia from a provincial German court - she did marry Empress Eliazabeth Patrovna's Nephew Grand Duke Paul and she did lead a coup and become Empress Catherine II, The Great. From those bare bones of historical fact the fantastical movie sprang - it is fun to watch but not believe!! The second film "Rasputin and the Empress" - 1932 - starring the three Barrymore's, Lionel, Ethel and John. Once again Hollywood takes some historical facts and makes a not very accurate movie - but seeing the Barrymore's interact on screen was wonderful. The films a fun to watch not for the historical value but for the visual impact in the first and the acting in the second.
Don't forget to sign up for the JCS Drawing - comment on this POST. It will close tomorrow afternoon - with the winner being announced on Monday 1/11.
There you go sports fans. Thanks for stopping by and for the great comments!!
Take care,

Nanknit asked for a translation on the French sampler. My French is so very poor I ended up throwing it through the translator - BabelFish - "Each Tree has its way to Accommodate Spring." Probably not the best translation.
The murals are all done by local artists - it is "The Clarion Alley Mural Project" or CAMP as it is known is an ongoing artist endeavour. Here is an older article about CAMP. It would seem that today CAMP is a loose knit group, here is another voice about CAMP.
A couple more snaps.....
Last night the flickers were the first part of the month long series on TCM called - Shadows of Russia - showing how the vision of Russia changed from the 1930's through the 1950's. Last night the first two flicks were dealing with Russian History..... "The Scarlet Empress" - 1934 - starring Marlene Dietrich, John Lodge and Sam Jaffe. The film is over the top visually and has very little to do with actual Russian History - the exceptions where.... there was a Princess Sophia from a provincial German court - she did marry Empress Eliazabeth Patrovna's Nephew Grand Duke Paul and she did lead a coup and become Empress Catherine II, The Great. From those bare bones of historical fact the fantastical movie sprang - it is fun to watch but not believe!! The second film "Rasputin and the Empress" - 1932 - starring the three Barrymore's, Lionel, Ethel and John. Once again Hollywood takes some historical facts and makes a not very accurate movie - but seeing the Barrymore's interact on screen was wonderful. The films a fun to watch not for the historical value but for the visual impact in the first and the acting in the second.
Don't forget to sign up for the JCS Drawing - comment on this POST. It will close tomorrow afternoon - with the winner being announced on Monday 1/11.
There you go sports fans. Thanks for stopping by and for the great comments!!
Take care,
Love the murals pictures. I can remember seeing one on my one and only trip to SF. If I remember rightly it was somewhere near Berkeley and depicted soldiers in Vietnam.
ReplyDeleteI love to see all the different murals. Thanks again for sharing them.
ReplyDeleteYour produce pictures would do a seed catalog justice Edgar! They are just beautiful.
Love the statue.hard to believe that there are still some Farmer's Market booths in January!
ReplyDeleteGreat murals!! The musical pigs made my day, thanks!
ReplyDeleteI so envy you your farmers markets. I wish we had some around here -- I'll have to do some research. Maybe I'm missing something. lol!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the translation (I liked it) and the info regarding CAMP. I had never heard of that before.
ReplyDeleteSeeing the pics from your trip to market made me yearn for spring with the nice green colors and sunshine! It is cold and dreary here in the northeast with plenty of snow.
Tu maîtrises parfaitement la langue française, semble-t-il, aussi je ne vais pas me priver de "commenter" dans ma langue maternelle! C'est toujours avec beaucoup de plaisir que je découvre tes jolies photos de marché! Merci!