Monday, September 10, 2007

Working on HF RR - Lizzy's Dear Diary Series

I worked on Heartfelt Friends RR this weekend and thought I was getting ahead and the evil frog appeared. I had stitched the house, which is the centerpiece of the stitching, one row to tall, one row to wide and the entire thing ONE thread over!! I was not a happy camper. This mistake put me behind where I wanted to be, but it happens. So I spent a good long while pulling out the house and now a corrected version stands in its place.
Here is a snap.

I really like the "Dear Diary" series and have ordered them to do at a later date.

I am really excited about getting my first name and address for the SBEBB Specific Designer Exchange. It will be my first exchange
and I have already sort of decided what I think I might do.

I had a couple of questions about what BAP means. It means "Big A$$ Project." Those really big pieces/projects that take months if not years to finish and take up the most time but are the most rewarding in the end when you have a finish.

Thanks for stopping by!!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

Take care,


  1. Thanks for the clarification of BAP :) Those frogs can be so frustrating!!! Your house is looking good, I've been debating about the Dear Diary Series. I want them all--but who knows when I'll get around to stitching them!!!

  2. Love the work done on the RR so far Edgar!
    Im excited about the exchange too and decided what to stitch for my partner last night, cant wait to start it now!!

  3. Looks great! Sorry about frogging! I know what you mean about the exchange, I need to decide what to stitch for my exchange partner!

  4. That is SO frustrating when you've made such a small mistake, but have to frog out a whole section because of it. Hopefully its the last frogging you do for a while.

    I'm signed up for the specific designer exchange too, and can't decide between 3 patterns. I sort of used this as an excuse to purchase just about any LHN pattern I liked.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...