Monday, September 24, 2007

It's Monday again......

...... and here I am yapping about my weekend!! Well let me start with Friday when the weather was so weird and the sky looking towards Twin Peaks was just awesome. Here is a snap.

Those were total rain clouds rolling in from the west. Now, for those that may not know San Francisco's rainy season does not start until November - late. For us to get any rain this early is really unusual. It only sprinkled for a little while and then on and off all day Saturday. At least the car got clean!! I really enjoy the rain and can sit and just watch it for hours. I love the gloomy and dank over the bright and sunny. Very strange I know but hey, ya like what ya like!! :)

I did do some stitching over the weekend. I worked on VOHRH and here is a progress snap.

I also worked on the Beatrix Potter SAL piece. I realized I had not worked on this in a really long time. When I got it out I remembered that I really liked working on this and I think it is coming along nicely. Here is an overall picture of the progress.

And here is a close up of the area that I worked on last night. I am working this in a clockwise direction around the chart. I am stitching it 1 over 2 and really like the overall lite and fragile way this is looking.

My Mom as you may remember lives in Daytona Beach. She has this Persian lime tree in the backyard that just produced the bumper crop from hell this fall and so everyone that she knows has gotten an pile of limes. me included. :) They a beautiful and look really great on the kitchen table but really.... how many margaritas can a person drink!!! :) Just kidding,I don't drink so I will make at least one pie ( she included her special lime pie recipe) out of these and probably squeeze the rest of them and freeze the juice for use later this winter when limes are really dear. Right now though we will enjoy them just sitting there being aromatic.

You can also see that we got some black and red plums. They are really nice this year.

I also worked on the flat fold but will not show a picture until tomorrow when I have the entire thing finished.

Hope you had a great weekend!!! Thanks for stopping by.

Take care,


  1. Our rainy season starts in January and ends in joke!!
    Your stitching looks great as do those limes :)

  2. Your stitching is fabulous.
    I enjoyed browsing your blog.

  3. Oooooh Edgar - Where did you get that Beatrix Potter design? It's beautiful.


  4. I just got your package! You did a wonderful job! Which one should
    I choose?

  5. ohhh a ver si entiendes mi espaƱol.. eso en mmi pais se le llama limon, en otros paises de america se les llama lima, si deseas una bebida bienrefrescante, tomar hojuelas de avena y agregar a lalicuadora con la concha ocascara del limon,licuar bien, luego colar y increible una bebida muy refrescante, para un buen pae de limon utilizar maizena yo prefiero de Alfonz Rivas,ya que no queda nada grumosa.. y esmuy sueve


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...