Monday, May 4, 2020

A Few Strawberries

Gentle Friends, my "new" stitch is an older Blackbird Designs piece from their Loose Feathers Sampler Series...

Agnes Platt's Strawberry Sampler - Spring 2013.  I'm stitching this on 40ct LL Vintage Lentil, one of my favorite linen's to use - and - for the most part, using the called for floss.  The first big change I made to the floss was to the color of the strawberries.  The called for color is a really bright Christmas shade of red  GAST "Holly Berry."  Well, I knew right off that wouldn't work with all the other really lovely softer shades being used, so I switched that sucker out for  GAST's "Rhubarb."  As you well know the overdyed floss from GAST colors can range all over the place and the three skeins of floss I have of Rhubarb are all different so I'll mix them up a bit as I go along.  It's going to be a fun piece to stitch this Spring/Summer...

It was a quiet weekend SIP  not much at all...napping, vacuuming, a bit of laundry and some movies...and of course stitching.  There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. This is going to be so pretty. x

  2. I have that chart or book. I am anxious to watch your progress as I love stitching things with strawberries. You have chosen such a pretty red.

  3. I've pondered over this design several times, but never gave in to the final temptation. I really love the "Rhubarb" soft and summery. And oh, please, don't rub it in about the "range" in GAST....I knew there was variation, but it wasn't until my last project that I paid the price of my haste to start a project before ensuring I had enough of a given color so I could blend them properly. Eeek.... ~Robin~

  4. Lovely colours Edgar. It's a shame that the strawberries touch the border on the left hand side, they don't on the right hand side of the chart, that would bug me. I was trying to see how they looked on the original, but it's not clear enough to make out. Look forward to seeing your progress.

  5. Good call swapping out the Holly Berry! It's gonna be great with the Rhubarb.

  6. Pretty colors!
    Edgar, you may have touched on this before and I just didn't see it, but do you have a dedicated craft space? I always enjoy hearing about craft spaces so I can steal, I mean USE their ideas in my own craft space.

  7. Dearest Edgar: This is a lovely design, I am happy you changed the color, that red they chose is a little too bright.
    Stay Healthy



A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...