Friday, May 5, 2017

A Little Thrifting

Gentle friends, I'm off a day with my posts, but thems the breaks sometimes...  last Saturday morning we headed over to the Treasure Island Flea Market, which only happens on the last weekend of the month.  I'd never gone before but had always wanted to ...

 ... looking down the road at the booths...

... looking across the Bay towards Oakland and Berkeley

 ... there are lots of food choices...

 ... it was a really bright and sunny day and leaving I took this picture of the city....

 and going back into the City across the Bay Bridge I got this shot...

... I saw quite a few things I wanted but only came home with this super iron skillet, a number 10 that's about 11 3/4" in diameter, I've got to clean it up and reseason it and it'll be good to go!!

There you sports fans, that about wraps up the week.  Thanks again for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Fun outing on a beautiful day!

  2. I couldn't cook without my cast iron skillet! It's rare to find one in the thrift stores here. A cast iron skillet is the only thing Grannie would use to bake her pineapple upside down cake in....maybe one day my granddaughter will have that same memory of me.

  3. The cast iron skillet is a great find. That one looks to be in really good condition too.

  4. Just gave all 4 of my cast iron skillets a good burn and reasoning. The outside had gotten really cruddy but the insides where satin smooth and glorious. But it needed to be done. Love my cast iron and have already told hubby that when my hands can not lift them he is sooo outa luck cause I am going to quit cooking.

  5. I love that skyline photo! You always seem to take the nicest pictures and share. Thank you!

  6. Like others, I simply couldn't live w/o my cast iron skillet! Lucky you!

    LOVE the pics of the city and flea market. San Francisco is beautiful.

    San Pedro, CA


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...