Thursday, May 4, 2017

A Little Dinner

Gentle Friends, over the weekend Rico was visiting his family in the Central Valley and I stayed home and dealt with the who hounds.... I did a couple of fun things with some friends.... one was to go out to dinner....

 .... so Saturday evening we headed to a fun restaurant in the Castro called  Kitchen Story.... its an Asian Fusion restaurant with some very tasty food selections....


We were first sat sort of in the middle and I got this shot off of the bar....

...  then they moved us to a better table nearer the front, but the light was very harsh with evening setting in...  and the photos reflect that harshness

 ... we started off with a delicious tempura calamari...

... for the main course Mike and I each had a "Sexy Aloha" - which is yellow curried rice, shrimps, raisins and pineapple all served up in a hollowed out pineapple, then John had...

...grilled teriyaki salmon with a cucumber salad... for desert they had...

...banana cake with caramelized bananas...

... and a warm chocolate lava cake....  I had a nice cappuccino and was perfectly happy!!  It was a fun day capped off with a super evening!!

There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Take care,


  1. Aww so much fun..yum yum happy time
    Sending you love and hugs.

  2. It was all looking very healthy till I scrolled down and the banana cake came up... oooo that does look delicious.

  3. I'd have went straight to dessert. And not shared!

  4. Oooh.. the Sexy Aloha sounds wonderful. The salmon looks good too but most places don't cook it well done enough for my taste.


A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...