Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A SAL Snap and Some More Weekend Snaps

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you so very much for the kind comments about yesterdays post.  Lil Smokie may think he is the cutest little trick around but those teeth of his are sharp as needles.  

I finished up the next part in Carol's lovely Mystery Sampler SAL - and here is a snap of my piece....

As you can see I am making my own little changes as I stitch along.  I also changed out the elongated stitches I used in the top square for the flowers.  They just never hit me right and so I just yanked them out last night and stitched these in their place - I'll live with it like it is for a while.  I also added some stitches to the heart in the most current square.

I wanted to share some of the Snaps from the weekend farmers Market.  We decided to stop back by the Grove/Divisadrero Streets Farmers Market.  From the few tents/booths they started with they are now up to about 30 - I love it when a market grows and more people support local production....  now the snappers...

all these great tomatoes where just gorgeous!!  That's Rico's hand getting us some of the cherry tomatoes...

and there where piles of eggplants

with the Fall here there was also lots and lots of grapes

this booth had the tomatoes and tomtillos mixed for a great picture

I just liked the way they set this booth up

our flower lady had tons of beautiful sunflowers - we picked up a couple of bunches and they are beautiful!!

 I love marigolds and these where some beauties.

I also baked up a cake on Sunday -the recipe I picked up over at "The English Kitchen

for Sticky Marmalade Cake -I'll get the recipe up tomorrow.

There you go sports fans - another day and other post.  Thanks again for stopping by, do come again!

Take care,


  1. Your SAL piece is looking so pretty! And of course the Farmer's market pics are wonderful too. You always show the produce off to perfection.

  2. The cake looks delicious!!!

    I think yours is the prettiest Mystery SAL piece I have seen so far. Maybe because the colors pop against the fabric. Great job!

  3. I always *love* the pics you post of the farmer's market. I am so jealous, those tomatoes look fantastic. And that cake you made sure looks yummy!

  4. I love the farmer's market pictures. Gorgeous flowers and the cake looks delicious!

  5. Great SAL love the colours you have used.

    Yummy cake.

  6. Your SAL piece is so pretty and bright,makes me wish I had used a different color now.
    Yummy looking cake, also.
    I relate to those little teeth being sharp as needles, Sophie's are too.
    They got me the other day.

  7. Love the SAL piece! I always enjoy seeing pics of your travels around town, that farmers market looks wonderful!

  8. Yum, cake lookes delicious...farmers market goodies even better and such beautiful flowers.

    Your stitching is looking like it's progressing just perfectly. Love it.

  9. OMG; I love the flea market photos, wish I could drive over and buy some fruit, flowers and then have a piece of cake...

  10. Your SAL piece looks very good. And that cake looks yummy! I only wish we had that good of a farmers market in our area!

  11. Everything looks wonderful Edgar. Love the snaps of the farmer's market. And your project looks great!

  12. Your Farmers' Markets look so great. I like the table of mixed tomatoes and tomatillos- yum salsa! Hugs, Nancy D.

  13. I always enjoy seeing your market pics. I love how they mixed the tomatillos in with the tomatoes. I don't think I've ever seen tomatillos in our groceries or markets.
    The cake looks yummy and I'm trying to behave right now so I'm desperately trying to ignore it right now!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...