Monday, September 26, 2011

A New Stitch and an Old Stitch

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends it seems that this past weekend was busy or was it?  Although there was two days off we stayed pretty busy just catching up on the day to day things.  I did accomplish one thing I had on my list that I thought I wouldn't get to - I made it to the Serramonte Center - a big Mall just south of the city and picked up a Birthday Present for my Niece.  Her Birthday is coming up - the day after mine - so there is no excuses to forget.  Thank goodness I asked my sister ahead of time what I could get for her - I would have had no idea as to size - or even what department to start looking in.  The sales girl was very helpful at the Macy's and I left with a mission accomplished!!  But, boy did I feel old and clueless!!

I went to that Mall instead of the Mall I usually go to because I needed to stop in to Michael's for a skein of DMC 371 I was missing - which was making me nuts!!  It always seems that out of the 25 skeins you have there is always one that you don't - AND - that one is the one that you need to get a new start moving along.  Here is a snap of my new start .....

"Harvest Blessing" by Mary Beale, 
from Notebook Pocketbook, Fall 1990
28ct PT Fresco - recommended DMC

It is zooming along nicely - and is a smallish piece that I already have a frame lined up from the "frame heap.".
I also got some stitching in on Shores - and here is where I left off on that piece....

Even though the picture is wonky as all get out - you get the idea.  Now that I have the house all filled in this will be a much nicer Block as I really love the way the pine tress look.

There you go sports fans - I did bake a treat but will save that for tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by and for your great comments!!

Take care,


  1. I've not seen the Mary Beale piece, so I'm really looking forward to seeing your progress. You're off to a great start.
    Shores looks fabulous too!

  2. Shroes looks great! I can't wait to see more of your Mary Beale piece. I love her designs and don't think I've ever seen that one.

    You're a wonderful uncle! I always am impressed by uncles that go shopping for their nieces.

    Have a great week!

  3. I love the Mary Beale design!! Like you, I enjoy alot of the older designs.....Now, I don't have Shores with me, but you are reminding me I need to pull it out and put a dent in it....We happen to be on the same block!! Good job my friend,, Faye

  4. Beautiful progrss on Shores. It's one of my favorite HRH designs. I love the rocks in this block. The detail is awesome. Your new start is darling and I love the colors. Happy Stitching!

  5. I know what you mean on the DMC. I always think I have a full set with duplicates, but as you said the one color you need to start something new is *the* one that you're out of (or in my case misfiled). Love the colors in Mary Beale. You're a great uncle. I gave up buying things for me niece years ago - she gets gift cards now. I hate it but even with a detailed shopping list I always got the wrong thing.

  6. can sympathise there with the threads ... done the same today ... love your new start not one i've seen before but looks very pretty :) and way to go on your shopping trip too :) love mouse xxxx

  7. I haven't seen the Mary Beale piece but you have got my attention! Those colors are really pretty - and YES, I understand completely about having every floss color BUT the one you need!!

  8. Edgar,

    I love your new start and Shires is looking great. The block you're working on is very pretty. I love the sea wall of the different colored rocks.

    Have a great week.

  9. Love your new start. The colors are beautiful. Shores is coming along nicely. Love the rock wall.

  10. Oh gosh, I don't need to see a Mary Beale piece I haven't seen before. lol! It looks so pretty of course. I love Mary Beale. Your Shores is looking good too!

  11. Shores is looks wonderful! I can't wait to see more of the Mary B. stitch. Don't you just hate it when you gather all your threads and one is missing.

  12. Ooh; looks great! I do not know this new pattern at all so I will look forward to watching it develop. I am all envy of your routine! You get so much baking done! :D

  13. I really know what you mean about missing floss. I "think" I have a complete collection of DMC, but more than once lately, I reached in to get one I needed and it wasn't there. Earlier this month Hobby Lobby had a sale on DMC, and I bought 22 skeins to hopefully fill out the empty spaces.

  14. Great new start and I love the 'red house' on Shores!

  15. Your new start looks great! I have the pattern for "Shores" but have not started it yet. So nice of you to think about your niece. I'll be visiting my favorite niece in Oct. She is now a Mom and I can't wait to meet my Great-Niece! However, those relationships start when they are young, so good for you!

  16. Your new start is looking beautiful!! And very great progress on Shores. Keep up the splendid work and take it easy!

  17. Love the start of your "Harvest Blessing", can't wait to see more.
    Glad you had luck with the present buying.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  18. Nice new start and progress on Shores. I'm not a good shopper so I can appreciate your good fortune at Macy's.

  19. I love Mary Beale's work! Have fun with your new sampler, Edgar!

  20. The Mary Beale piece has intrigued my curiousity. I'll enjoy seeing your progress on it! Great job on Shores too!

  21. Beautiful stitching Edgar, can't wait to see how they progress. Not old, just have more 'life' experiences :@
    LiBBiE in Oz
    PS Did you watch Blossoms in the Dust? Would love to know what you thought

  22. I certainly know what you mean by the missing skein of DMC...rrrr

  23. Love the new start!!! Can't wait to see more progress! I def. know what you mean about the DMC...or! in my case, I go to the craft store to buy the ONE color I need, and it's the ONE color they don't have! Annoying!!!

  24. I've been a bit remiss with my blog reading and commenting (was pug sitting at my aunts' place and didn't want to use their computer too much!). Lovely progress on Hawk Run Hollow!! I really love the rocks and that barn? Looks like a barn to me, but maybe it's not!


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...