Friday, September 16, 2011

The 3 Big Holidays..... and a Lolly Snap

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends another week down and now - 
we only have 45 more days until Hallowe'en....  


69 more days until Thanksgiving.... 


and  .....99 more days until Christmas

(snaps from the Internet)  

The three big Fall Holidays are fast approaching.  I remember as a kid growing up in Maryland how they couldn't come fast enough - now time is so fleeting that I can not figure where it all goes??  Oh well, that's how it is I guess.

I sent a snap I took of the Embarcadero to Beth Twist over at "My Heartstring."  She has a little blog called "My Heartstring Across the World" where you can take a snap of her header in your locale.  Here was what I sent....

Rico is holding his phone and the Ferry Building is in the background.

I wanted to leave off the week with a snap of Lolly - she often runs upstairs and on the bed to get away from  the ever frisky little Smokie.

 In the last couple of weeks he has learned to climb the stairs and it is only a little time I think until he can get on the bed.  But, for now she has a safe place!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by and for leaving those great comments!!  
Have a super weekend - !!

Take care,


  1. Love the "old-timey" photos! Have a great weekend :)

  2. The snaps are really nice and Lolly is so cute.

  3. Wow, I have two Halloween stitches to get finished!Plus a Thanksgiving to finish and a couple of Christmas ones I'd like to do. I'd better get very busy. I do enjoy all your dog shots, they are so cute!!!

  4. Ack! Counting down the days to Christmas is making me panicky!! I had so many plans and not one of them accomplished! Love that Lolly! She is a cutie and her refuge looks comfy :D

  5. Love the old photos. Don't love how quickly this year is coming to an end.


  6. I can't even think about the holidays coming yet! I'm still dealing with school starting! lol! Love the pic you sent to Beth -- what fun is that? Great stuff! And Lolly. Poor thing -- not much longer till she loses her safe spot. lol! Sounds like Smokie is a troublemaker in her opinion. :D

  7. ohh geee thanks for the reminders not I can't keep up these days .. you blink and they are here again and lolly is really a cutie pie :) love mouse xxxx

  8. Oh no! Don't tell me the holidays are that close! I still have so many groceries to stock up on! I am still waiting for the stores to put their turkeys on the holiday "super sale".

    Lolly is a sweetie!

  9. Ah, the Big Three. It does seem to move faster and faster each year (as I begin to move slower and slower! Funny how that works out...). I'm making an effort to savor the days. Today was a brisk 55F and the leaves blowing around. Really puts me in the mood to stitch. Now if the fingers will just catch up with my imagination.

  10. I wonder how it can feel like the longest week in the world at work (so much to do, not enough time), but before you know it the week is gone?? And I think, here it is, mid September... where did it go? Nice meeting all your Who Hounds recently. Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Lolly is so cute sitting in the middle of that big bed!

  12. While I loved the photos, I didn't need reminding that Christmas is right around the corner!! Hope Lolly's safe place stays that way for a bit longer, nothing worse than having no place to get away to.

  13. You find such great photos, Edgar. And Lolly is adorable! Hope her safe place stays safe till she gets used to your new pup.

  14. That Halloween photo is the best! And YIKES with the some Christmas things that need to be finish-finished!!

    Hope you had a great weekend and have a super week ahead of you.

  15. Love the fun photos! The 2nd one reminds me a bit of Harry Potter and the "live" photos. I didn't know Beth had that blog as well, will have to go check it out! Lolly is just precious. ♥


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...