Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cake and Pizza

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - with a Post title like that how can you go wrong!!  I meant to post the cake recipe yesterday but just didn't get to it - and last night we were at a loose end as to what to do for dinner and came up with a "fake" pizza....  so I will chatter about two food things this morning.

First up I have to talk about the cake. This is the "Sticky Orange Marmalade Cake"

It is a recipe I found over at "The English Kitchen" - a really wonderful Blog written by Marie all about her exploits in the kitchen!!  You can click HERE to go there.  I often make the things she posts and found this cake to be top notch and made with things just about all of us have in the kitchen - AND - I love me some Marmalade -  all different kinds and brands, they are all so very tasty!!  So this cake fits the bill and is simply delicious with a cup of coffee.... and comes together so quickly.  You can click HERE to go to Black sheep Bakes to see my posting of the recipe.

The crumb is good and you can see the bits of orange peel from the included marmalade.

Now for the pizza - last night I hadn't a clue what to make for dinner so we started to look around in the fridge and cupboard to see what we had and Rico suggested pizza - Well, we had no dough, not the right cheese, no pepperoni....  but we did have.. two cans of Crescent rolls, some hamburger in the freezer and a can of pizza sauce...  we also had some "Mexican" blend shredded cheese, some olives and an onion .....

..... all the ingredients for "fake" pizza.  I got out a large pan and some olive oil and oiled that sucker up.  I then rolled out the rolls and pinched the seams together then laid them into the pan, covering the bottom.  I got the hamburger browning on the stove with the chopped up onion and some garlic.   Starting off by spreading the pizza sauce over the dough, then the cooked burger, then 3 or 4 TBL of olives. This was covered by the cheese and I sprinkled some Parmesan cheese over everything.  Into a 350 degree oven until brown and bubbly.....

...  and out pops a pretty tasty dinner.  Rico made a green salad....

and we had dinner last night and some left over for lunches today - 

I love it when everything is already in the house for a meal - even if we have to improvise one!!

I think today I'll leave you with a snaperoo of the Pete - he is worn out being chased by Smokie and this snap sort of epitomises how tired he gets in the evening....

There you go sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by my little part of the Blog Universe - do come again!!

Take care,


  1. MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm - my favorite combination for pizza - ground beef and green olives! And the leftovers - I'll be thinking of you today at lunch time while eating the PB & J. Good thinking Edgar. Great dog picture too - put a smile on my face.


  2. Pooooor Pete... He looks so tired with his little pink tongue hanging out. Yum.. I've heard you can make the same kind of pizza using a can of biscuits. Just split them in half to cover the bottom of the baking pan.

  3. Oh Pete: You look so pooped out, just take a long nap.
    Edgar: I am on a diet, my mouth is watering just looking at all your goodies, I love pizza and sweet treats.

  4. ooooooooooooo am hungry now ... off to go and bake(find) some cake as got some stitching friends coming round tonight and poor wee pooch .. pete looks a wee bit tired bless his cotton paws :) love mouse xxxx

  5. I'll have to try what I am going to call Taco Topping Pizza a la Edgar ... combines two favorites mexican tacos and Italian pizza. I bet my Bill would love it.

  6. I really have to try this pizza -- it sounds so good and I'd forgotten about it. I'm going to bookmark this page and try it when the weather cools down enough. I love pizza, and so do my boys. That marmalade cake looks good too! I love anything with frosting. lol! Poor Pete -- so cute and tired!

  7. Gosh, now I am hungry!


    This is my favorite marmalade; it can be hard to find in the stores here! I usually have to pay 5 bucks a jar but I DON'T CARE. It has spoiled me for all others.


  8. Love the way you threw together that pizza - would have never thought about using the rolls. I will keep that in mind. And your cake looks so yummy!

    Side note - remember that coffee cake you made a couple weeks ago...I got the recipe and tried it too. But, I didn't cook it long enough (actually the pan caused it to need a longer time) and after taking it out of the spring form pan - placing it back on a baking sheet to bake longer - and back to the plate - it did NOT look like yours. The taste was out of the world! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Looks pretty good for an improvised meal:) Poor Pete-it's never easy when there is a newcomer to the family.

  10. This is the 3rd blog I've read today where there have been pictures of yummy treats!! OK, I'm off to bake something now...

  11. OMG the fake pizza looks awesome! I will have to try that sometime. And the Pete is so cute!

  12. Oh, Edgar, why do post pictures of such delicious creations that I am unable to partake of? It's just not fair!

  13. That pizza sounds amazing!! Might just put that on my menu for this weekend!!!

  14. LOVES that cake!! I'll have to try it out sometime. I feel like I need to visit SF, come over, make some cake, stitch, go estate shopping and watch an ol' film with you!! It would be all the best things in the world!



  15. Love the pizza idea, I really wish we could get crescent rolls etc here in Australia :)
    I made pizza the other night using Pita Bread as the base as I always have those in the freezer.

  16. Oh get away with you posting that cake recipe! It does look good though! Marie just lives a couple of miles down the road from me in Chester and one day I am going to meet her! Hugs to poor Pete!

  17. Oooooo Edgar reading your post had made me hungry, that cake and pizza look divine xx


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...