Friday, October 31, 2008

Stitching, Stashing and a couple of movies...

Let us start of the last post of the week with a stitchy snapper -

This is the only stitching I can show as most of my energies have been working on exchange stitching - but the VoHRH square 8 is finished and I have started on square 9..... I had hoped to finish this before the end of the year but I don't think at this point with my other commitments that it is possible... I really liked stitching on the Grist Mill and this square 9 is mostly words so it should work up pretty quick. I have the next three exchanges stitched up but not finished so I think this weekend will be some heavy duty finishing action.

The stash acquisitions I got in Vancouver came from knitting store. This store is one my sister loves and goes to frequently for supplies and for knitting evenings and is called Stitchcraft. It is a really lovely store owned and run by Nicolette. She specializes in organic supplies
- here is a snap of the fabric and tape I got last Saturday -

The other stash came in the mail yesterday - a partial order from 123 Stitch -

These two lovely Quakery charts are new to me and of course I had to have them. The "Simply Live" chart is so nice I might just have to start that up soon..... I have most of the floss and what I don't have I can switch around.....

Now on to the flickers.....I have seen about 20 or so movies since I last yapped about them - but I won't drag on about all that- I will mention two that I really enjoyed. The first is a Halloween movie called "Monster House" 2006 - an animated feature film that was very good and little intense I would think for really little children - but a good story and well done!! The second is a film that I had not heard of but read about so I got it through my Netflix account - "Vatel" - 2000 - What a spectacularly gorgeous film - starring Gerard Depardieu and Uma Thurman - The film is set in 1671 over a three day visit of Louis XIV and court to the Prince and Princess de Conde at their chateau in Chantilly on the eve of the war with Holland. Although the are some real historical problems with the film.....the story is based in truth and the film production is really a wonder - I would highly recommend this film as a small window into the intrigues of Love and Politics at the court of the Sun King.

There you go - Have a great All Hallows Eve and Jour de Mort!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!
Take care,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Gorgeous Ornie Arrives, a super tea cup and some snaps

Thank you all for the nice things about my not very nice post yesterday - but sometimes I get so frustrated and just need to vent - and I rewrote that sucker about a dozen times.... so if you can imagine, that was the toned down version of the original. Moving on..... Dear Jennifer asked about one of the charts I sent to Anna - it was from her wish list and is called "Seashell Silhouette" by Imaginating.

Yesterday I received a wonderful Ornament from Julianne for the Ornament swap
- here is a snap -

This lovely is by Prairie Schooler (and you know how I love them!!!) and is from the PS Christmas Trees I - done in DMC 115. Just beautiful - Thank you so much Julianne!!!!!!!

While I was at my sisters we went running around on Saturday with a friend of hers and went into downtown Vancouver and then into Portland shopping and whatnot - while in Vancouver we happened onto an Antique Mall and so me not wanting to pass it up drug us all into and around and I found this wonderful teacup -

Now, I hear you thinking so whats the big deal about some crazed up old cup and saucer - well get a ruler, yard stick or tape measure and let me tell you - this cup is 5 inches tall by 5 inches in diameter and the saucer is 8 inches across - isn't that a super cup!!!!! It holds almost three cups of liquid!! You can't tell from the picture how ginormous this is - and I couldn't pass this up - the price was only $10 bucks and then when I got to the register in front I found out it was 20% off - now you can't beat that with a stick!!!!! It has no markings but I would guess last quarter of the 19th century transfer with hand decoration - so now when I have a cuppa tea I have a cuppa tea.

Now I take pictures of just about anything that isn't nailed down
- while I was on holiday I didn't take one picture - oh well - what are you gonna do
- but last night I took a couple of great snaps of SF -

This is a snap from our "veranda" - aka the ledge we called a balcony/veranda... looking east towards downtown - isn't the fog cool as it pours over the city from the Golden Gate
.... and this one....

Looking wast from the veranda up from Noe Valley towards Twin peaks with the fog pouring over the mountains - I never get tired of seeing the fog just cover the city - with in a half hour of taking these two snaps you couldn't see 10 feet off the veranda in any direction there was so much fog. This weekend we are going to get a super rain storm, the first of the season, so I am staying in. I think there may be a movie or two in my future. :)

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Take care,

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm Back from my Fall break in Vancouver!!!

It was such a wonderful break to get away from work and into some real fall weather. It was breezy crystal clear and blue skies the whole time. There was a ton of colour in the trees - lots of gold and red - and with the light winds the leaves were swirling about all over the place!!! Fall in the NW is such a nice time of year and I totally enjoy going up there.

While I was away I had some things arrive both here and at other destinations -
I had two super packages waiting for me - the first was from Jill and was part of the Ornament exchange - Here is snap -

The sweet piece is from The Cricket Collection's "Mitten Once More" and is called Nordic Reindeer. It is just so cute - and stitched on 32 ct natural linen using DMC Floss.
The second package was from Cathy B - here is a snap -

The lovely is from The Needles Content and is the Christmas design for 2001. I am just loving both these pieces - How cute are they!!!! Thank you both so much they will be such special additions to our tree!!!!!

Now on to a Birthday package that arrived - as you all are aware I moderate the SBBC - since we are all - or are supposed to be - adults .... I presume that once a commitment is made then it will be followed through with - especially if you have had almost a year to get it together AND have received a reminder three weeks prior to the date a package should be arriving in the mail - something should prompt you to have the decency to give a person more than one single day's notice (and that day being the Friday before the Tuesday Birthday) and the excuse is that "you don't feel it or are to swamped or have to PULL out or whatever" are you kidding..... not going to honor your commitment - things happen to all of us - but if you are cranking out new starts and squares of x-stitch - I will find it hard to not be a tinsy winsy bit miffed!!!

All that nastiness aside - I really was super happy that I could angel stitch for such a dear person - I had wanted to do something for her as she has helped me in the past and this was a perfect time to step in and get something together - Here is a snap of the package -

Since I had no time - I madly stitched all weekend and finished an Ornament for her tree - I knew from her Blog that she was born in the year of the horse so what was more perfect than a PS Santa Rides piece with the horse. I included some Belle Soie over dyed silks in colours I think she will enjoy, some charts from her wish list and some Spooky Frango Mints - Happy Birthday sweet Anna!!!! and many, Many more!!!!!!!!

There you go - Glad to be back and now I need to catch up on all the unread blog entries out there !! Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just a quick post.....

To let everyone know that I will leaving this morning to visit my sister in Vancouver WA and will be there until Monday- so that means no ramblings from me for few days.

Last night was more exchange stitching - I am just way too hooked on exchanges - Just love them- yessiree-bob!!! I am taking two exchanges to stitch and VoHRH in case I get through with the two - who knows it could happen!!

The movie last night was "Guilty Hands" - 1931 starring the ever lovely Kay Francis and the ever super ham Lionel Barrymore - it had a not so believable ending but was a fun movie overall.

There you go - have a great rest of the week - and I'll be back on Tuesday Morning!!

Thanks for stopping by-
take care,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Two more Lovlies arrive for my Tree.... and some movies

You know something - when I type out a title - and don't add -"and some movies" just know that there really were some but not worth mentioning or I am going to yap about something else - but today ..... Let us first talk Christmas!! Yesterday was a double delivery for me for the Ornament Swap - First to arrive was the Ornament that Becky stitched for me -

This totally cute ornament is a Mary Garry design called "Reindeer on the Roof" and is stitched and finished so perfectly on 32ct Amber using DMC & GAST floss. I just love it!!! Since we have two address' we often will get two mail deliveries as the mail carriers will split the mail - I have no clue why or what the criteria is but it happens and so I got a second ornament
- stitched by Staci -
This sweet thing is from the JCS 2002 Issue and is called "Quaker Christmas Tree" - and he is stitched up so wonderfully on 32 ct Lambswool using WDW Collards. I totally embrace my crazy Quaker obsession as most of you know so this was just a perfect choice to stitch!! Both of these lovelies will be such treats on our tree this year as will all the ornaments!!!
As I said before I am just loving this swap!!!!

Last night was a continuation of the Star of the Month on TCM - showcasing Carole Lombard - the flicks I got to see were some I hadn't before - and it is a shame as they were really good - We didn't get home until late so I started the evening off with "Virtue" - 1932 - bad girl goes good, but will the husband forgive her past kinda thing - I enjoyed this film and thought it had great pacing and Pat O'Brien was excellent in the roll of jerk Taxi Driver/husband. Second on the bill was "No More Orchids" - 1932 - about a society rich girl giving it all up for love - very precode in subject matter but well done and Carole couldn't have been more lovely!! Third on the bill was a very early talkie - "The Racketeer" - 1929 - very early and not such great production / print but it was very interesting to see Hedda Hopper "acting" and to see an early performance of Carole's - just beautiful and you can see the star quality shine through the pretty poor delivery.

Did some more exchnage stitching - but no snappy yet......

Thanks for stopping by!!
Take care,

Monday, October 20, 2008

An ornament for my tree - and some movies

Since I spent the entire stitchy time this weekend on secret exchanger stuff - no snaps - (do I hear a collective sigh of relief from my bad snaps????) But I do have a super picky of an ornament that arrive on Friday afternoon - It is from Joan and is part of the Christmas Ornament Swap - here is a snap -

This darling is from the 2004 JCS Magazine (Just Cross Stitch) and designed by Carriage House Samplings - isn't it gorgeous - I am a big history fan - if you couldn't tell - and this feels so Elizabethan to me - the tiny beads give an effect of the smallest pearls - and it has a deer - who could ask for anything more!! I feel so luck to be a part of the Ornament Swap - thank you so much Joan!!

Hi Tammie - let me answer your question while I am thinking about it - when I first started to blog - I also had trouble with all the abbreviations out there - here are a few that have come up recently - MM&I - refers to the Me Myself and I Round Robin, OOP - Out of Print, PS, Prairie Schooler Designers (a favorite of mine), SBEBB - Stitching Bloggers Bulletin Board
- any other quetions just ask!

I saw a ton of films this weekend - I'll only mention 4 - Starting off with "The Keyhole" - 1933 - starring Kay Francis and George Brent - suffering and blackmailed Kay is on the run and falling in love with the private detective hired by her husband to follow her to Cuba - a really excellent film with Kay being outfitted superbly by Orry Kelly - next up is "House on 56th Street" - 1933 - starring Kay Francis and Ricardo Cortez - suffering Kay the murderess is on the run from her past when it catches up to her with another murder, again looking great in some sumptuous Orry Kelly outfits!! Then there was " Dr. Monica" - 1934 - starring Kay Francis and Warren William - suffering Kay - do you see a pattern here?? - must keep silent about her husbands illegitimate child and death of a friend while looking super in Orry Kelly!!! The last film I am going to mention here is "I Married a Witch " - 1942 starring Veronica Lake, Fredrick March and Susan Hayward - just a great flick with some really snappy dialogue!!! The first three were copied onto DVDR and are unavailable to rent but "IMaW" is on DVD a very rentable - so if you've not seen it try it you'll like it!!!

There you go - Thanks for stopping by!!!

Take care-

Friday, October 17, 2008

Halloween Exchange arrives -

Yesterday a package from the UK arrived and it was the Halloween Exchange from the SBEBB - my partner was Chris and she did and absolute bang up job with everything!!
Here is a snap of the exchange -

The entire package was super - Chris stitched the Witches feet - I have this pattern somewhere in my stash, and have seen quite a few renditions on differnt Blogs - I really wanted to stitch it up - but tempus fugit - and now I have this wonderful hanging piece - it is hard to tell but this is a hanging piece - and as the cording for hanging is black and you really can't see it in this snap - in fact I hung it up when I got home and it looks really cute!!!!
The finishing extras will come in handy - Thank you so much Chris!!!!!

I worked on exchange stitching last night and will be exchange stitching exclusively for the next few days as I want to get ahead on my exchanges so that I can start in on my MM&I piece. I am waiting to start the MM&I beacuse I won some really expensive OOP charts on eBay and now sit waiting for them to arrive. I am just amazed at how much some of those PS charts go for - but when I want/need... gotta have - I am really gonna have to spend!!!! I shifted my idea from a winter piece to a Fall/Autumnal piece so I am rethinking some of the ideas - I already know what the border will look like. It is the arrangement of the middle ground that I am working on - trying to fit in all that I want to get in that square without making it a tablecloth sized piece to stitch!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!! Have a great weekend!!!!

Take care,

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Roof Stitchng

I did quite a bit of work on some exchanges last night - so no snaps of those yet.
I also finished up the roof on the mill - here is a progress snap -

Thank you so much Staci for finding that link - !!

Nothing really going on - saw a pretty bad movie last night - "Goodbye Columbus" - 1969 - It was social commentary type movie and was nominated for an Oscar
- but it came across as dated and not very interesting.

Thanks for stopping by!
Take care,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

An Exchange, a Prize and a Wish aririves

It was mail overflowing yesterday for me....... Lets start off with the SBEBB Fall House Exchange - my partner was Leena and she made the most clever Tin finish - as you may recall I really love tea - especially black loose tea and drink it often - well, Leena finished off a Tin Cosy in the cutest way - here is a snap of the entire exchange -

This is the front on of the tin - included in the packages was a copy of the great magazine that had the sampler from which Leena stitched the designs - a black licorice pipe and great piece of linen and some lovely floss!! The piece is stitched on black linen with glow in the dark thread, here is a snap of the side - (both sides are identical)

and the back -

and she filled it with some wonderful black tea!!!
Thank you so much for the great exchange - I just love it!!

I was also the winner in Lillie's Drawing for the lovely Needle Roll she made - the package arrived yesterday - and I was amazed at the lovely prize she put together
- here is a snap -

Lillie was so generous with her prize - not only including the needle roll but some beautiful over dyed floss, trim and shell key ring - such a lovely- package thank you so much !!!!!!

I also heard from Gaby that the MAW Flat Fold I had made her arrived - I used LHN "Woodland Sampling " and the recommended DMC and think it turned out pretty cute!! here is a snap -

It may look like a Pyn Keepe but it is a FF - I just like the way the pyns finish off the edges.


About yesterdays Pyn Keepe chart - I did find my hard copy that I made when I found the chart - but the address printed on it no longer works. I am usually surfing about all over the Internet and whenever I come across a free chart that I may like to do I immediately make a copy (and that file is getting pretty full) as I just know I will never remember where it was to go back to. If I remember correctly this chart was from a French site - the image is called Quaker2008 - that's about all I came up with - I did surf about a long time last night trying to find it with out luck - but did find a few other free charts and some really great free sampler charts - so no time surfing around is ever wasted. I am often just stunned at the amount of free charted projects out there - and the generosity of stitchers and designers. If I ever run across the Quaker 2008 chart again I will totally make a note of the spot - and post it here.

I worked on VoHRH last night and got the walls up and now I am on to the roof - Here is a snap -

This square is coming along nicely - and I will be on to Square 9 in no time.

Thank you all for the nice comments and for stopping by!!!

Take care,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

B-day Gift arrives and the Mill Grinds on....

I had a great email from Rowyn that the Gift-a-way arrived.
Here is a snap of the piece I made and sent -

The chart was freebie I have wanted stitch up for a long time - I used a 32 ct linen I had - WDW Sage and CC Cupid for the floss' - I really like how it turned out and since I am a nut for Quaker and Pyn Keepes - how could I go wrong!! I am am so glad the Rowyn likes it!!

Thank you all for the help in identifying the flowers we got over the weekend. I am not very bright about the flora of the world. My mom is the gardner and can identify any plant any where anytime with both common and Latin names and then give a 10 min dissertation on cultivation and upkeep - I guess I just tuned that stuff out after years of information overload and it just did not sink in. Oh well - we can't know everything now can we!!!

Last night was VoHRH stitchy evening - and the walls are rising in the front - here is a snap

I had to stitch over a schlub thingie in the linen I couldn't pull it out with out the fabric getting all weird - I hope that when I fill in the door that it wont be so noticeable
- nothing to do at this point but hope for the best.

Last night the movie was "The Young Lions" - 1958 - staring in the the three lead rolls - Montgomery Clift, Dean Martin and Marlon Brando -a WWII movie with an interesting take on three very different views of war and the horrors that consume and change everything. A very long movie but very good. Over the weekend one of the movies I saw was "Between Heaven and Hell" - 1956 starring Robert Wagner, Broderick Crawford and Buddy Epson. Proving that there was way more ability there in Epson than just the Hillbilly we know from TV - Another good WWII movie about how war is change - both for the soldier fighting and the world they knew.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care -

Monday, October 13, 2008

Not too much going on - weekend -

I did a lot of stitching but nothing I can show as it is all for upcoming things - and secret.

We went garage-saleing - and got a few things - is was pretty cool/cold on Saturday morning so there were not that many garage sales to go to - even after listing them on Craigslist some people failed to show - I did pick up a couple of baskets, a pitcher and a 4 cup Brown Betty tea pot - mine that I already have is a big 8 cupper now with a smaller pot I will probably drink more tea!!

On Sunday we went out to Eddies for breakfast and then stopped over at the Farmers Market and got some veggies and Rico picked up some really pretty flowers - here are a couple of snaps -

and another

I am no sure what they are but they are pretty!!

There you have it - we also ran to Target and JoAnnes Fabrics and did three loads of laundry - pretty boring stuff!!! One of the high points was a trip over to NIAH!! So why does it feel like right this second I could just take the longest nap there ever was!!!!
It is just way too early the morning to be at work!!!!!

I hope your weekend was more exciting!!!
Thanks for stopping by!!

take care,

This is why I should read the comments before just hitting the keyboard - AnnMarie - I don't know why I start at the bottom of the squares for VoHRH - in fact I never thought about it - I guess it's because you build from the ground up?? and when there is an actual building from the ground up is probably the best way to fill the square....
there ya go - not the best answer but an answer. :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sliding into a quiet weekend!!!

Last night was a very quiet low key evening - I worked on VoHRH - here is a snap -

I have the outside wall up - and may even finish the mill over the the next couple of days. I am waiting on an order for some floss to work on an upcoming SBEBB Exchange - If that comes today I may put down VoHRH and work on that - we'll see what comes in the mail today!!

The movie last night was "D-Day - the Sixth of June" - 1956 - a story told in flashback by two service men on their way to the Normandy invasion regarding the same woman they both love. Starring Robert Taylor, Richard Todd and Dana Wynter. A good film and worth seeing!

The film was followed by "Greys Anatomy" - pretty good instalment -
but with all the looks that Meredith was giving all through the show
I think that once again she will make a stupid decision!!!
Time will tell!!!

Have a great weekend!! Thanks for stopping by!

Take care,

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It takes a while to build a village!!!!

I was still plugging away at VoHRH -

That is one bad snap today!!! - but I got all the pond done and the tree sans limbs - I think this square is working up pretty fast as it is just blocks of colour.... the next square is my least favorite of the 12 - go figure- so I am not looking forward to it. I was looking towards the next piece - the SoHRH and was wondering about the black lines/boxes??? The outline around all boxes are black, now what's up with that? With Village they are all a nice sable brown so earthy and warm - but the black to me seems cold and harsh - I am wondering if a nice darkish blue wouldn't be so much nicer or even a really nice dark blue/grey?? There is so many lovely blues... I wonder??? I have refrained from buying all the black yet until I make a decision - I have all the other coloured silks already hoarded away just waiting - I also have to make the jump to the fabric decision - still not too sure of that yellow the model is on - I am trotting over to NIAH this weekend and will give the linens a really good going over.

Last night TCM continued its tribute to RKO with some great films - "Morning Glory" - 1933 and "Little Women" - 1933 both staring vehicles for Katherine Hepburn. These were followed by two Astaire-Rogers films, "Gay Divorcee" - 1934 and "Top Hat" - 1935 - all four are top notch and worth seeing - Highly Recommended!!!!

I think that's about it for today - Thanks for stopping by!!!

Take care,

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Some more Birthday snaps

I thought I had taken a snap of the prezzie that sweet Mary gave me but did not have one yesterday - so I took others last night and here they are -

Mary is quite a snap with a needle and makes these super kitchen towels that I am totally in love with!!! She sells them over on etsy under the name Honest Patch - and she gave me one!! There are two styles - this one has the quilted edging all around and the other style has a large quilted border along the bottom. She uses retro fabrics for the squares and heavy flour sacking for the body. Back in the winter she gave Rico one and it gets used and washed all the time and still looks brand new - so they hold up very well. Along with the towel she stitched up a two sided key chain - one side has the Workbasket Quaker Porcupine and the other side -

-has my initials and a raspberry - Mary said she did this in honor of my virtual pet Hampton on the blog!! I have now replaced my broken work key ring for this great one!!!
Thank you so much Mary!!!

I also received yesterday a prezzie from a friend in Paris
- she knows I like minty things and sent me some French mints -

The "Betises de Cambrai" I have had before and really like but the others are new and very good also!! Thank you Isabelle!

I finally took a snap of the platter I picked up this weekend -

I really like it - and for $4.49 you just can't beat the price!!! It is in perfect condition and full sized - so it can take the Turkasaurus-maximus that I will be cooking this year - I think I am going to have a crowd of folks over!!! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite Holidays - no pressure just a laid back parade and dinner!!!

There is a new smallish Farmers Market over at grove and Divisadero on Sundays that we have been going to...this past Sunday we picked up some really gorgeous Sun Flowers
- here is a snap of the ones on the table now -

They really say fall and last so very long!!

I worked on a finished up the grass on square 8 of VoHRH -

I will start to work on the mill pond tonight.

Last night the movie was "His Kind of Woman" - 1951 starring Robert Mitchum and Jane Russell - I really enjoyed this film - the whole look of the film was great from the sets and costumes to the lighting and camera angles. It did seem that Jane Russell was there to only wear cleavage revealing outfits with strategically placed brooches and to deliver her great one liners and off the cuff remarks!!! She was gorgeous don't get me wrong but I would think on a vacation that everything you would bring would not have your bosom on the brink of a bodice ripper??? I may be wrong - the character she payed was on the hunt for a rich husband and what better bait??? I would recommend this movie for many reason's - snappy dialogue, great sets, great actors including Raymond Burr and Vincent Price
and the ever present danger of "will that brooch hold or not!!!"

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Bucket of goodies arrives.....

Yesterday my cup runneth over - so to speak - as the mailman had one of those square plastic buckets loaded down with stuff for ME - just for Me and all for ME - ME, ME, ME - just a tad bit self centered there!!! - but anywho - where to begin - I was the recipient of many packages starting off with some stash from 123 Stitch some charts and from Drema at Needlecraft Corner - the rest of my silk for SoHRH. There where also numerous packages of lovely stitchy pieces - the first up will be the wonderful piece that Donna made for my 3rd MAW - here is a snap -

My MAW was for a mattress pin cushion with a Christmas theme - well you can't get more Christmasy than St Nick - and this PS Santa is just perfect (as I am nut for PS)
The finish is so perfect I just love him!!! Thank you so much Donna!!!

I am the lucky recipient for the Ornament exchange this month and
I had two arrive on one day - the first is from Carol - here's a snap -

She stitched up a very traditional sampler inspired piece that is just lovely
and will go so well on the tree!!

I also received an ornament from Vonna - here is a snap -

What is so great about this ornament is that I almost stitched it up a couple of weeks ago - as I totally fell in love with it the min I saw it in the new JCS Mag. Like so many things I just put it aside to do later and slam bam Vonna stitched it for me!!! She knows what I'm thinking.... I just know it!!!! Even when Rico saw it last night he asked when I had the time to make it up and finish it as I had told him about it a while back!!!
I think these wonderful ladies just know me too well!!!!!!
Thank you both so much for the wonderful ornaments!!!!

I also received the Halloween exchange from HOE - my partner was Shay (no blog) and boy was it a wonderful exchange - as she really outdid herself !!!!!! here is a snap of the entire exchange -

It was just a cornucopia of goodies and wonderfulness!!!! As you can see she included ribbons, and clips and Halloween sprinkles, a message pad, some super cute scissors, a gorgeous piece of linen, a box to hold stuff, the beautiful "Quakers and Quilt" chart from Rosewood Manor - I just love this design!! - AND the exchange piece - a beautifully finished floss holder - here is a snap -

Could this be any nicer???? Just a perfectly finished piece WITH a Quaker kitty!! I have seen these around on the blogs and wanted one and wanted to make one but like so many things I was to afraid to try - but seeing this lovely I might just give it a try!! The kitty is so sweet done 1/1. It was a wonderful exchange and I was truly spoiled -
Thank you so much Shay!!!!! You did a super job!!!!!!!!

I got a little stitching on VoHRH - finished up square 7 and moved on to square 8
- here is a snap -

I do not care for the white lillies and will probably change them out for some other colour... I am just too lazy to do it right now. It is a totally wonky snap but you get the idea.

Just another thank you to everyone!!!
Thanks for stopping by and reading my yapping!!!
I love all the comments and I do appreciate them!!!

Take care,

Monday, October 6, 2008

I had a super-dee-duper Birthday!!!

I got a surprise prezzie from Valerie in the mail on Friday - here is a snap -

She made me a lovely Pyn keepe - all Quakery - in one of my favorite colours "moss" from Belle Soie - it is really gorgeous and finished so well - I just love these Pyn Keepes!!! Also included in the package was a skein of "camouflage" from CC - another great over dyed wonder and some Licorice mints - I have not seen these and they are just great!!!

We had a few people over for a small dinner of chicken enchiladas, cheese enchiladas (for those vegetarians) cornbread and cake - during the evening we admired all the wonderful stitched pieces I have in baskets around - and these new pieces are right out on top. I am always amazed at the reaction of non-stitchers towards these little beauties - almost reverence - since so little is hand made today that all kinds of stitched things are wonders. (I also got another beautifully stitched present from Mary - but do not have a snap today - I will post on that tomorrow.)

Here is a snap of the cake -

Rico refrained from igniting the west coast and only had 4 candles!! - As you can see we ordered it from our favorite bakery - Dianda's - it is yellow cake with lemon creme filling - just yummy!!!

We do have a winner of the 1st annual Gift-a-way - and it is ..... Rowyn over at Stitching under the Southern Cross. I am just blown away again at the support that is shown for me an my blog with everyone joining in on the drawing!!! Thank you all so much - I finished up putting it all together and will have that sucker in the mail tomorrow!!
Stay tuned for more drawing fun in the future!!!

It was a very low key weekend - otherwise - Saturday was a moring spent running around to thrift shops - since we had our first rains of the season we couldn't go garge-saleing. I found a great turkey platter - (snap to follow) and another basket for my stitched treasures!! spending less than $6 for everything you'll hear no complaints from me!!

Thanks you all for the kind Birthday Wishes!!!!
Thanks again for stopping by!!!!!

Take care!

Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm a nut with no willpower!!!

Yesterday three other packages arrived for my Birthday - so after i got home I just couldn't resist any longer - I just tore right into the pile!!!! Lets start off with the first arrival - Elanor's package - as many of you know I sort of moderate the SBBC and my partner for this year was Elanor and she really out did herself - Out of about 50 participants I am the only person who knows who their partner is and the sender knows I know - so I think there is extra pressure - and this should be a no pressure thing - IMHO - so - here is a snap of the entire parcel -

and here is a close up of the lovely stitched bag -

It was so thoughtful and such a lovely gift!! Thank you so much Elanor!!

I also received a gifty from Carol S and here is a snap -

She made me a lovely floss tag - and included some floss bobbins - (which I have been needing for the longest time)Thank you so very much Carol!!!

I also got a package from Carol R and here is snap -

Another wonderfully finished floss tag, black sheep tape measure, a dragonfly scissor charm (already on the scissors that Elanor sent) and some lovely finishing ribbon and fabric!!
Thank you so much Carol!!!! -

These two ladies do such superior finishing and I am so lucky to have received both pieces!!!!

I also got a package from an old flame from my past - we have know each other almost 30 years - I am getting so old!! While she stays so young!! Dear sweet Nancy sent me -

The perfect candy!!! yes - you heard me!!! Only available in Daytona Beach at their two locations but ship-able all over the world!! I am not a chocolate fan - unless it is dark and bitter - but for Angell and Phelps I can even deal with the milk chocolate!!! This little confectionery company has been around for like 80 years and hand makes all of the stuff there in DB - Fla. I will probably make this box last a good three months - slowly eeking out half pieces here and there. I know how weird is he - but you gotta ask!!!! - I wonder is eeking even a word???

In the mad frenzy to open up all my packages I even got in some stitching
- here is a snap of VoHRH -

No too much but every stitch is one more to the finish!!

Yesterday I also heard from Judith that the SBEBB Halloween Exchange had arrived - here is a snap of the Pyn Keepe that I made and the package I sent to her -

I sent along with the Pyn Keepe, some charts from her wish-list,
some Altoids and spooky ghost Peeps - (not just for Easter anymore!!)

There you go - my birthday has started off with a bang!!
I will also be drawing for the gift-a-way tomorrow and
will announce on Monday the Birthday winner!!!

Have a great weekend!! The fire here in the Bay area is not the city burning down but the candles on my Birthday cake - so don't worry or believe and news reports!!!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Movie talk...

More Information about last nights movie and the stars - it was during the filming of "Possessed" that the Crawford/Gable affair started or at the very least had been going on pretty hot and heavy - after the breakup and Carole Lombard's tragic airplane death - they were very close and their friendship lasted for decades only ending with his death.

Look at this picture -

If there was no affair - then at the minimum the chemistry on screen was pretty hot !! Here is a a quote - Lovemaking never felt with anyone like what it did with Clark. ~ Joan Crawford That sort of says it all....

Last night kicked off a month long tribute to RKO Studios - on Wednesday evenings TCM will be featuring their films - and so it was "What Price Hollywood" - 1932 with that most beautiful of stars Constance Bennett in the lead roll as Mary Evans. This film is the first of four versions of a "star is born" theme film the second being "A Star is Born" - 1937 with Janet Gaynor, the third a musical "A Star is Born" - 1954 with Judy Garland and the last (so far) "A Star is Born" - 1976 with Barbra Streisand - it is an old story and will probably be remade at some point.

Stitching last night was a finish up night on the "gift-a-way" present and it turned out pretty nice - if I do say so myself!! I am really feeling that old startitus...... what should it be...

I have also started to send out the partner info for the SBBC - 2009 and will finish the emails up today. If you have not gotten your partner info by 3:00pm PST today then let me know and I will resend.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Take care,

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pacakage arrives and a movie -

Yesterday my package for my Birthday arrived from my SBBC partner Elanor -

I am really excited and it is sitting there waiting for Saturday to be opened!!

I am also almost finished with the Gift-a-way present (see post for 9/26 - there is still time to sign up!) I am stitching up. It is something I wanted to stitch for myself and what better occasion than for a present for someone else - I really do enjoy making things and sending them out into the world - it is what makes all this stitching not only relaxing but fun - at least for me!!

The Christmas cactus is just about finished with her blooming so I think this weekend I will do some splitting and replanting AND get together the cuttings for you that asked
- I think those will go out next Tuesday also.

Last night the movie was "Possessed"- 1931 with Joan Crawford and Clark Gable - Joan made another movie in 1947 called Possessed but the two movies are nothing alike.
Last nights movie was pretty good and Joan looked great!!
- it was a very pre-code movie - but it all worked out in the end -
if you like Joan and Clark this is a real must see movie.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...