Monday, August 27, 2007

More Serenity stitching and some kitting up

Over the weekend I finished up the leaves on Serenity, woohoo!!! Here is a picture of the progress.

If you have been following my on going blathering in this blog :) you know I got "Forgiveness" the newest release from Exemplar Dames. It is in the same style and scale as "Serenity" if not just a tad bigger. I want to do them as a pair and had thought of regraphting the
colours to be more in line with "Serenity."
If you remember "Forgiveness" has an overall beige orange/yellow colouring.

This weekend I visited my LNS and was there a good 3-4 hours choosing linens and kitting out projects for the fall. But, for "Forgiveness" I pulled the DMC and NPI conversion just to see what the colours would be. The model was stitched in HDF from Vicki Clayton. Although the model is lovely I knew I did not want to work this project in silk and my LNS does not carry HDF, so to see what the colours would sort of be like I needed to see the DMC and NPI colour conversions. I know that sounds crazy but that's how in my feeble mind works and I needed to see it before I committed to the colours.

The way I chose the colours was to take individual skeins of floss and check against the overdyed floss to see what would be closest to the colour, and there are alot of those to go through. I think I have converted this to overdyed pretty well and that the colours are still in the family tones that the model was stitched but in overdyed floss'. I also found a perfect match to the fabric, it is to be stitched on 28ct Country French Cappuccino, from Weichelt.

Here is a picture of the acquired linen and floss' I have gotten for upcoming projects.

What you are looking at is 5 different projects to be worked up. From left to right is:

"Emblem of Love" - to be stitched on Birds of a Feather 28ct Sandpiper in Glorianna silk "Seaweed." If you cast back your memory I had already chosen "Seaweed" and a linen to do EOL on, but after I started I did not like the combination. The silk was to blue/green and the linen was turning to red/pink. So I pulled that out and was waiting to get back to the store to get a new piece of linen. I still wanted to work this in the Glorianna Silk as they are sooooo nice to work with and I really liked the colour.

The next piece of linen is for Blackbird Designs "Autumn Silhouette." To be stitched on Weeks Dye Works 30ct Tin Roof using Weeks Dye Works floss called Confederate Gray.

The third piece of linen is for Blackbird Designs "Garland Fair." using Weeks Dye Works 30 ct Cappuccino using TGA Sampler Threads Cinnamon.

The fourth piece is for "Forgiveness" 28ct Country French Cappuccino by Weilchelt.

The last piece and most exciting is for "Village of Hawk Run Hollow". This is Weichelt's Lambswool in 32ct. I did not like the yellow cast that some of fabric's had and went with a more grey white. I also chose 32 ct over 36 or 40 because
I know my limitations and patience and those higher counts for this old blind man
I just cant do and still stay clam and have fun doing it!!!
The plan is to start this on the 1st of September and do one square a month. Or I should say sitting here in August the plan is to do one a month!! :)

Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Take care,


  1. beautiful progress! I love your new stash. I can't wait to watch them grow! :-)

  2. You've made a lot of preogress on Serenity, it looks great! Nice stash, and hope you have fun with VOHRH, I'm in a SAL for that too. I hope I can keep up with the 1 block a month pace and not get sidetracked by other things.

  3. WOW, it's looking wonderful!
    GREAT stash :)

  4. Absolutely beautiful. This is a great accomplishment and I really like the colors.

  5. Hi Edgar,
    Great linens and flosses! I just love kitting up, don't you. Have you heard from Lizzy yet? let me know.

  6. Wow! Serenity's finish is just around the corner!!

  7. Serenity is looking great Edgar, well done on finishing the leaves!
    I would love to have a LNS - i have to buy everything online and its so hard to see colours etc.

  8. Thanks for your visit to my blog!!! I love yours: wonderful stitched piece and nice stash!!!!
    Cheers from Italy!!!
    Claudia :)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...