Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving


Just wanted to stop by a wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving... 
and a repost of my Mayflower piece...

... with my ancestress Mary Brewster's name in a different colour. 

Have a safe a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Edgar and family!

  2. I see my ancestor Rose Standish in there too. Very nice piece. I am hoping that Santa brings me the Lorah Standish reproduction kit for my next challenge.

  3. My children are descendants of William Brewster through their paternal line. I need to stitch something Mayflower-related.


Border Stitchin', Visiting NIAH, Eatin' Burgers and Brunch!

 Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on the border, and here's a snap... ... just fill it in at the moment so it's not too ...