Monday, November 14, 2022

A Little Stitching

 Gentle Friends, I'm stitching away on WFS, and here's a snaperooo...

I'm really enjoying this piece and is stitching up quickly.  I am however not happy with the chart.  As I said before the chart and pictures are significantly different with missing parts of the project.  Now working away on the piece I find that there is a missing symbol and incorrect symbols used almost indiscriminately.  So as I stitch along I compare the color image and the chart and then decide what might work... not the best option but it's my only option at this point.  It'll get done but it would have been easier on me the stitcher if there was more proofing done before going to press.  Whatever, it's a lovely little piece and the different poinsettias are going to work out fine!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. You have made awesome progress especially dealing with the chart issues, Edgar.

  2. Have you searched errata on the internet. I found it once on a chart and it was quite helpful. This is looking so pretty.

  3. Dearest Edgar: I am so sorry about the missing symbols, it seems like this is happening more nowadays, Marly over at Samplers and Santas has been having the same problem.
    I do like the beautiful colors on this design.


  4. I don't do this type of stitching but, when I follow a pattern for anything, I rarely use the colors suggested.
    Still, I hope you found the company or the designer online and sent them a message notifying them of the problem.

  5. Your WIP is very pretty. I feel your pain with the chart issues. Been there, done that.


A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...