Friday, November 30, 2018

A Little Shopping Fall 2018

Gentle Friends, I thought today's post should show the few things I did buy while on vacation.  I'm really not a shopper, and unless it's an antique shop, thrift shop or estate sale I really can't do the "browsing" thing.  Clothes, shoes and stuff like that I have been buying online for when I travel I usually don't buy much...but I did pick up a few things this trip...

 ... one thing was this sweet little Oil/Board painting at a Brocante (outside flea/antique market) that we visited in Droue (Pronounced Druay).  I passed it a couple of times but kept being drawn back to it.  The third time passing I just stopped...and the dealer cut me a good I wrapped it up and hauled this sucker on the train to Paris then on the plane back to SF!!

Here are the few things I did buy or saw and then bought.... let's start with the book.  I saw this book in the bookshop at Versailles and fell in love with the photography, such intimate images from the chateau of things that were picked to be included... but when I picked it up and hefted its weight I had to stand and there debating whether I wanted to carry around a 10-pound book - or not... I decided to take a picture of the cover.  When I got back to SF I bought it on Amazon and let the USPS tote it to me!!  When I stopped buy Sajou I picked up my scissors, another thread winder and a great little chart from the Bayeux tapestry  "The Battle of Hastings"...  the little bronze double frame I picked up at the Brocante in Chinon... it's a super little frame and came with those photos. The jacquard ribbon I bought at the oldest haberdashery in Paris.  It'll be in the next post... I bought it to replace some old and torn ribbon on a luggage rack that came from my grandmother's house.

... I almost forgot to add this book, which I picked up in Paris, at Shakespeare & Company, a great bookshop on the left bank... 

Over the weekend I picked up some really super candlesticks... they're old silverplate probably dating to the first quarter of the 19th century and are in really great condition for being almost 200 years old...the original removable sockets are still intact...this is what they looked like when I bought them, pretty grungy...

 ... and after a little elbow grease and silver polish...
...sparkling... they are really heavy and impressive, a super find if there ever was one!

There you go sports fans, thanks again for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. I just love it when you show your thrift finds. Love it..Love it...
    LOVE IT!!!

  2. Edgar, those candlesticks are stunning. You must be using your heavy duty extra strength elbow grease! Love the little double frame too.

  3. Wow, the candlesticks are gorgeous. I wonder if things like that gets passed up a lot not knowing some elbow grease brings out the beauty. I do the tourist thing whenever I go anywhere! I buy up the tshirts, the fridge magnets! I'm just thankful to be able to go anywhere now and then. Smart thinking on the Versailles book to Amazon it here.

  4. Beautiful stuff. I' am curious to know what silver polish you use - your pieces always clean up so well.

  5. Great finds! Oh, those candlesticks... Speaking of shopping, we here
    are in mourning over the passing of beloved Gump's in San Francisco.
    They are to forever shutter their doors at year's end. I loved to check off my Christmas list while shopping the Gump's catalog.. Another great one bites the dust.....

  6. Oh those candlesticks are amazing and so were your souvenirs.AriadnefromGreece!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...