Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Little Sweet

Gentle friends, you may or may not know that Amazon is a place that you can find damn near anything you want, need or just plain desire....  well, one of my greatest temptations and favorite things are known well to my family and friends is my overwhelming love of black licorice.  Now, I'm talking deep lovely anise flavored licorice and anise flavored things... now I'm talking about some lovely Sambuca... back to licorice... a favorite of type of mine would have to be Pontefract cakes, - a delicious treat from England and in the past when to mood hit me I had to order them from sweet shoppes in the UK.  Well, I got the hankering the other day and started looking around on Amazon at the different black licorices available.... and found a trove of different kinds of licorice from Holland.  From past experience, I knew that the licorice from Holland was simply to die for...  I had tried lots of different variations of Dutch licorice ..... salt, double salt and sweet black licorice.  I really do not care for the salted kind, but the sweet black licorice ...yummy!! 

In my search, I ran up against something totally new to me..."Schoolkrijt," "Licorice Chalk " or "Licorice Ice" ..... I was intrigued... after I did a little looking around and reading I figured that there would probably be a 90% or better chance I would love this freaking throwing caution to the wind I ordered a bag and....  here's what came...

... for those not knowing what you're actually looking at, "licorice chalk" is a black tubular piece of licorice that is covered with a very thin, crunchy deliciously minty shell.... well, I opened up the bag and out came a dusty, lovely mint odor... I popped one of these suckers in my gaping maw... and was immediately in a swoon!!  Just so you know...these are the bomb and my new very favorite candy!!!  

Just a little aside, peppermint is my next very favorite flavor so to combine these two together was right close to my nirvana!!!!  I immediately ordered another bag so that I won't run out of the stuff anytime soon..... so...  if you like black licorice and not many folks do, and you like peppermint then you should give these a try if given the chance.

That's about it for today sports fans.... tomorrow's post is all about "sugar skulls"......

Take care,


  1. Good for you! They absolutely look like broken pieces of chalk. My husband is addicted to "Mrs. Fannings Bread and Butter Pickles". When we were first married you could find them at a few of the local grocery retailers. As time went on they disappeared to the point that maybe you could find them at Big Lots or the 99 cent store. When they disappeared completely he was in despair. Then one day he decided to search for them online, found them and now orders them by the case from Walmart. It's amazing what you can have delivered to your front door! hahaha (He loves black licorice and mint also, so I guess I'll tell him about these...)

  2. My mom would have LOVED these. Licorice was her fave - and the MINT addition? To-die-for!

    San Pedro, CA

  3. I too love liquorice and ate it all the time growing up - my favourite used to be liquorice shaped pipes which were made from softish liquorice which always seemed extra delicious. There used to be a little tube of sherbet which came with a liquorice straw that you bit the end of and sucked up the sherbet - I loved those too.

  4. Oh I love black licorice! Amazing what can be found on Amazon. Think I'll have a little look around!

  5. I remember going with my mom to buy my dad anise candy at Christmas time. It was made in the little candy shop where we bought it. As I remember it was a red hard candy. Thanks for the short trip down memory lane even though it is not about licorice.

  6. I should try some "non-American" licorice. I don't like the Twizzlers, but these are tempting me.

    Also, is there such a thing as anise or licorice flavored Turkish delight? Any chance you have a great recipe for it?

  7. Mmmmm...., black licorice is my favorite and those look great. I'm gonna order some tonight! Thanks Edgar! ;-)

  8. Those are delicious and Dutch actually. Our cousin from Holland introduced them to us. I'm lucky enough to be able to get them in a nearby store that sells sweets from many countries.

  9. Edgar, I saw something once about real licorice being toxic and even having side effects. I don't remember enough to be truly informative, so before you gobble a large quantity, do look it up to be safe. II like the black jellybeans and Good and Plenty etc. Nut read that they do not contain real licorice. You may already know all of this, I just thought it was worth mentioning. Kathryn

  10. Isn't it amazing the memories that some candies can conjure up and all
    too often, are no longer available..(like from those little candy shops..) My son is a licorice-holic, so thank you for the heads up, Edgar, on this new fangled version to get for him...

  11. These sound good. Being English, I grew up with Pontefract cakes, they were a favourite of my mum. x

  12. That sounds delicious! DH and I consider ourselves liquorice fans but my Mum bought us some Danish salted black liquorice which we didn't like at all.

  13. Ooh Ponteract cakes, that tales me back, and Liquorice Allsorts are wonderful too. Oh and liquorice shoelaces, and sherbert dips. I'm getting hungry now!

  14. As a fellow black licorice lover I will have to go over to Amazon, I can never resist :) it's been a while since I've read your blog, like almost months 😱 so I'm catching up today. Have a fantastic weekend

  15. Thanks for that.. I am definitely going to try these. I totally trust your judgement when it comes to chocolate and candies. Earlier I ordered one of the dark chocolate mint patties from Trader Joe's and they were just yumm
    I had never had liquorice till recently when I had been to South Africa. They had these amazing black liquorice candies and there was a burst of various different flavors


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...