Thursday, April 28, 2011

How About Some Flicks

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - wowzers!!  I am just beaming a mighty smile this morning at the interest in my little 4th Blogoversary Drawing!!!  Thank you all so very much for the kind comments - I have said it before and I'll say it again - kind comments = warm hugz!!!!!  Here's a question for you - what do you think is the most popular colour of floss for projects?? - I know what I think , but what do you think.  I am thinking Red, but I do see lots of blue things.....  a thought to ponder.

As usual I have been watching lots of movies and there have been a couple of top notch flickers lately......

Let's start off with "In a lonely Place" - 1950 - starring Humphrey Bogart and Gloria Grahame.   A little synopsis from Rod Craford....... "Screenwriter Dixon Steele, faced with the odious task of scripting a trashy bestseller, has hat-check girl Mildred Atkinson tell him the story in her own words. Later that night, Mildred is murdered and Steele is a prime suspect; his record of belligerence when angry and his macabre sense of humor tell against him. Fortunately, lovely neighbor Laurel Gray gives him an alibi. Laurel proves to be just what Steele needed, and their friendship ripens into love. Will suspicion, doubt, and Steele's inner demons come between them?"  A nice little flick with a twist ending.

Secondly was a newer film based in fact "Spring 1941" - 2008 - starring Joseph Fiennes, Clare Higgins, Kelly Harrison and Neve McIntosh. A very successful surgeon, his wife and their two daughters need to get away from the Nazi invaders of Poland.  Eventually finding a safe haven on the farm of Emilia, their grocer.  She lives alone after her husband never returned from fighting the German Invasion.  Told in flashback the story unfolds dramatically with the family running from gun shots through deserted city streets to the concert stage thirty years later.  Although there are some pretty graphic moments that are hard to watch it is a movie that should be seen and a piece of history not to be forgotten.


There you go sports fans - do forget to throw in for the 4th Blogoversary drawing -  Click HERE to read the "How to Enter Post."  Thanks again for stopping by!!  Do come again.

Take care,


  1. Popular floss color.... well for me it's jewel tones - greens, blues, purples.

  2. If I were to judge by my own stitching ... autumn colors would lead the pack: melon, pumpkin, rust, copper, all the tawny golds, and the muted but darker greens that form the background for the brighter hues.

  3. Popular Floss colour is for me Red only because its my favourite colour and I try to work it in somewhere.

  4. Mine would be the dark navy - midnights blues, especially if it is something Quaker or a chart that can be stitched in one color. However, I have been seeing lots of red lately and I've got to do something in that color family. Maybe more of a burgandy/maroon tone for me. Good question!!

  5. Edgar, I'm afraid the only color floss I've used in the last 15 years is white...waxed...and extra thin to get between my teeth. Thanks for the movie tips. I want to watch the second one for sure but will have to pick up a copy when I visit the states in May.

  6. I agree Edgar - I'm thinking reds - But I must admit I also like the tone on tone - Where the floss & fabric are both neutrals - So Lovely don't you think

  7. Blue is my favorite color to work with, but I think red is probably the most popular. Although maybe green has the market cornered.....think of all those trees, vines and flower stems in our samplers!

    Can't watch WWII movies...too upsetting for me...

  8. I lean more toward rusty reds and cinnamon colors with some other autumnal shades thrown in for good measure.

  9. Hi Edgar! - from your new Aussie follower! I do love redwork, but I have done some in blue as well. Have to tell you I just love your header with all the samplers. The last one I did was "Home of a Quilter" an Amish style, which hangs above my bed :o)
    I am into a lot of quilting/ hexagon EPP, right now, but I do have a beautiful floral alphabet sampler that just needs a little work to be finished.
    I am interested in reading about movies, I do like old ones, too. although I go to the movies a couple of times a month with a friend, and I am looking forward to seeing ' Water for Elephants",I loved Miss Potter, and The King's Speech.
    My mother has told me that " Waterloo Bridge" was a lovely but sad, movie. very old, I think Robert Taylor was in it. Bye for now! Sandy.

  10. I almost think the most popular color would be black. Almost every piece I've ever done has black in it. Maybe not a lot, but some. If you're talking quantity though, hmmmm... Blue and red sound about right.

  11. I agree with you that red seems to be the most popular color of floss. All the floss companies seem to have many variations of reds.

  12. I am a firm believer that movies that are hard to watch, should absolutely be watched! 1941 is on my list, thanks.

    Popular floss colours? That's a tough one, there are bound to be as many opinions as there are people. I love to open up all my containers of floss and just drool (discretely in a hankie, never on the floss). It seems that every time there is a different colour that grabs me. In my heart of hearts though, I do love that 'pop' of red.

  13. If we're talking most used I'd go with green - I think Sheri above is right about the vines and leaves. The ones that I usually go for are the sort of muted pinky-purpley brown range - CC root beer float, jakey brown, cappuccino and WDW red pear - or blues like CC old blue jeans and GA barn grey. Do you have a favourite colour that you work in? Your pieces seem vary varied so it looks like you use a big palette of colours.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...