Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Commenting on Comments

GR&DF I do thank you for the warm wishes and kind comments for yesterdays post. This morning it is cold here and my fingers are just not working - motto for the morning..... "Happiness is a chocolate glazed donut!!" I picked one up on the way into work and it is certainly "working" with my cup of coffee!!!!!

I wanted to respond to some of the comments from yesterday -

Deborah and others asked about the lebkuchen - this wonderful cookie type of gingerbread is a traditional German treat. Originating in the Franconia region it was first recorder in Ulm , 1296 and then in Nuremberg, 1395 - it is from Nuremberg that the most famous comes and is exported to the rest of the world. Basically it is a cakey, spicy gingerbread that also has almonds, hazelnuts and candied fruit - the cookie sits atop a back- oblate (communion wafer) - this is done so that it does not stick to the pan while cooking. Valerie mentioned getting some a Trader Joes - I got some there also - but they had run out by the time I got back to get more.

Catherine - I love split pea soup!!!! so tasty on a cold evening!!!!

Barb - I have all the HRH's and Autumn is another favorite - I am thinking three across and four down to mix it up a bit. Heaven only knows when I will get to stitching it up. I was asked about the linen I am stitching "Shores" on - it is the recommended Vintage Autumn Gold by Lakeside Linens 36ct - that the chart calls for. I was very reticent about going with this colour as I thought it might be really yellow and not something I would want to stitch on - I have been very happy with it and glad that I went the recommended linen route.

Over the weekend the baking I did for Monday treats .....

... lemon squares. Rico got a load of Meyer lemons from a friend and so I made up a batch. Very tangy and Delicious.

That's about it for today sports fans. Thanks for stopping by.

Take care,


  1. Meyer lemons. Oh! how I miss Cali produce--you know, that hasn't been shipped 3000 miles. Mac avocados, Seascape strawberries. You know, varieties! Very jealous.

  2. Very envious of your baking Edgar, looks delicious. I also wondered about your linen count...very fine.I know you like soup too from your blogging. I posted my "secret recipe" for lentil soup. It is delicious...if you try it let me know what you think. I also love the split pea...I used to live on that at one time.

  3. Those lemon squares look so delicious Edgar. Will you be posting the recipe please?

  4. I have Meyer lemons in the refrigerator! Did you post the recipe? They look wonderful. My "Autumn" is 3 squares x 3 squares. I'm happy with the way it looks and am glad I skipped a few of the squares. You are very brave for having all the HRH series. I bought "Shores" and after a break, I think I'll tackle that one. Have a great day!

  5. mmm, lemon squares! Those look delicious. Now I want to bake some for myself. Too bad I can't get the car down the icy drive!
    Oh well, maybe this weekend I can make some.

  6. Those lemon squares look mouth watering. I have a soft spot for California Meyer lemons too. They say Meyer Lemons are like love. Sometimes hard to find, but well worth the wait. I was glad to see how many are kindred Meyer lemon fans.

    Where I live we don't have easy access to fresh Meyer lemons. But I've figured out how to get around that. I just go online and order directly (http://www.buy-meyer-lemon.com/ ) from growers that pick them right off the trees and ship them direct — a tip I learned from my cousin in Canada. This way I get fresh Meyer lemons in just a few days because they are freshly picked from the tree and shipped straight to my home without all the time sitting in cartons, trucks and warehouses where they lose their freshness.


  7. Mmmn; lemon treats! :D I DO love lemony goodies.

    Beautiful stitching from yesterday, and though I've never had those confections you spoke of I do love all manner of spicy baked goods so I'll have to look out for some next year. :)

  8. The lemon squares look divine! Will be looking for the recipe!

  9. Oh now that recipe I definitely want!
    There are a lot of lemon trees right around my house in AZ and I would love to make some.

  10. Mmm lemony goodness! My favorite!

  11. Your blog always looks and sounds so good! If it isn't gingerbread, it is chocolate glazed doughnuts and lemon squares. Yummy!

  12. Oohhh - I love lemon bars, and those look particularly yummy!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...