Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Mail Brought - an Exchange, a couple of RAK's and we have a Birthday Winner

GR&DF thank you all for the warm Birthday Wishes!! It was a really nice day and this morning sitting here reading all the comments - was just wonderful!!!

The Mail brought my HOE Hllowe'en Exchange - and it is really cute...

My partner was Cindy - and she made this darling little Hallowe'en ornament - It is a Halloween Flip from Lizzie Kate. Included in the package where some sweet extras. Thank you so much Cindy!!

There where a couple of other packages that came also -

Carolyn sent me this wonderful side crank hand mixer - knowing how much I love kitchen gadgets, this will be a great addition!! It was wrapped up in the pumpkin fabric - wasn't that sweet!!

Robin rescued this lovely little piece of needlepoint and sent it on to me - I think it will make a really cute little pillow. What great RAK's to get on my Birthday!!! Thank you both!!

Last night we both felt like NOT going out so we ordered some delicious....

....Birthday Pizza!!.....

I love it when I don't have to hunt, gather, cook and then clean up!! and as my Mom always says - "Any dinner is delicious that you don't have to fix and wash up after!!" I brought the left overs for lunch - now how can you beat that!!!

After clipping and folding all the many paper entries we had the Hobbit Birthday Drawing...... as the Hag Hand fell on the entries and mixed them up - out of the BoD it plucked a name....

and that name is.....

Sharlotte - Congratulations!!!! I was blown away by all the sweet comments and kind words from all those that entered. I will be having another drawing next month so stay tuned!!

I think that about wraps it up for today sports fans!! Thank you all for stopping by and for the kind comments - they make my mornings brighter and my days warmer!!! Do stop by again!

Take care,


  1. Mmmmmmm....that Pizza looks divine. Great gifties from your ladies.

  2. Oh, I missed yesterday's post!! Happy belated birthday! What great mail on your special day :)

  3. What great goodies! And that pizza looks yummy!

    Congratulations to Sharlotte - I know she will be most excited!!

  4. A wonderful exchange gift, and I love that smiling pumpkin! That pizza looks DELICIOUS! I think I missed wishing you a happy birthday so belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  5. Congrats to the winner. I'm glad you had a good birthday. The pizza looks delicious.

  6. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Edgar, Happy birthday to you!

    Living in the middle of nowhere land means pizza are hard to come by unless I make them myself: Yours looks lovely. Feel free to send me a slice rofl.

    Congrats to your winner and have a wonderful day!

  7. Birthday pizza is a tradition on my husband's birthday. He loves pizza! :D So you did the right thing -- looks delicious! Great eye candy too!

  8. That pizza looks de-lish! I'm glad you had a great birthday! I was so excited to get your email this morning! I can hardly wait! Thanks so very very much! Kiss those Who-hounds for me too for drawing my name from the BOD!

  9. Congratulations to Sharlotte! She's a very lucky girl.
    I haven't had pizza in years but that one looks like it would throw me off the wagon!

  10. Happy Birthday!
    Congratulations to Sharlotte

  11. Happy belated birthday, Edgar!


  12. Hi Edgar, sorry for not being around, but life has been busy and I have been out of town.

    Love your Birthday Pizza and a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY belated wish to you.

    Love that you wrapped up Lolly in a warm from the dryer sweatshirt, small animals just love fresh from the dryer clothes.

    Have a great week - sorry that I missed out on the HOE exchange, hopefully life will let me get caught up!!


  13. Oh lovely birthday goodies.
    That pizza looks absolutely yummy. My very favorite food!
    Congratulations to Sharlotte! Lucky girl!

  14. Woo-hoo for Birthday Pizza! You know, we have some great shops around here for pies but that Haystack manages to turn my head every time I see it!

    I love all your gifties but especially the fabric--gorgeous!

  15. I am glad you ahd a nice Birthday.

    Happy Belated Birthday wishes from me and Rory and Rosie too!

  16. What a great HOE package you received! And I def agree with your mom...lol!

    Congrats to Sharlotte!!!

  17. Belated happy Birthday wishes from Idaho to you Edgar!
    You always make your blog so much fun to read, thanks.

  18. I agree with your Mom on the dinner thing! The pizza looks SO good and I am SO hungry right now.

    Hope your day was extra special!

  19. Glad you had a good birthday. You received some great mail. Yummy looking birthday pizza. Congratulations to Sharlotte for her good fortune with the BOD.

  20. I could live on Pizza, but I would look like a house. That pizza looks yummy. Happy birthday once again. Glad you liked the HOE exchange.

  21. Glad you had a great Birthday,pizza is always good whatever the occasion,
    Great exchange received especially on your Birthday.
    I have only been reading your blog for a few months,it's always so interesting,love the designs you choose to stitch,have really fallen in love with samplers at the moment and loved the one's you have stitched on your header especially the skeleton one,could you please tell me what charts they are,i recognise a few but there are a few that are new to me.I have nearly finished QC so looking for a new start

  22. What a nice birthday it sounds like you had.
    Congrats to Sharlotte.
    I must also say that your pizza looks fabulous, I can almost smell it from your pictures. I love leftover pizza. Do you ever eat it for Breakfast cold? I love it that way.


One Down One to Go!

 Gentle Friends, I finished up Frederika and here's a snaperoo... "Frederika" - Carriage House Samplings 8/26 - 10/11/24 40ct ...