Tuesday, September 23, 2008

PIF Participants, and that outgoing mail....

Well - we have some "winners" for the PIF's - I was really very touched that so many wanted to join my PIF and that the response's warranted a drawing of names - Thank you all so much!!! Once again I am very blessed with such nice folks reading this here blog! -

Setting the stage - In a secret a nameless cavern on the brink of an abyss with cauldron and elixir in hand a drawing was held that has no snaps .........woooo - hoooo - squeak..squeak.. squeak.. (sound effects for mystery)....... plus and the hound-a-liciousesss wouldn't sit still - they ran away from me - the paparazzi - so what am I to do??? The stitchers that are now in my web of PIF are:

Karen, Lisa and Deborah

Ladies my email is edgarmatt @ g mail . com (remove spaces) so please if you wouldn't mind contacting me with your details (as I'm unsure how to get hold of you to tell you that your name was drawn) so I have the lables ready when I've completed your PIF's.
I'll need your name and snail mail details.
Don't forget to post on your blogs the PIF details - you can stitch for as many as you like but a minimum of 2. Once again thank you all for your great interest!!

I am toting to the mail today a pile of stuff - The HOE Halloween Exchange, The SBEBB Fall House Exchange, The SBEBB Halloween Exchange, The Christmas Ornament Exchange, The Sampler Kit Lisa Won Yesterday and a Birthday present that should have gone out last week - I will look like some sort of camel dragging this stuff down Market Street, but I am glad to get it all out as some of it has quite a way to travel!!

Last night I only worked on Gabby's MAW exchange piece and am almost there still on track to have it in the mail on Thursday -
you see if I keep saying it will go out on Thursday it is bound to happen!!!

Once again dear friends - Thank you for stopping by!!!

Take Care,


  1. Congratulations to your PIF winners! Sounds like you have an armful to send off today!

  2. woohoo! I will get you my info soon here. I am actually working on my PIF's that i have to finish this year. LOL

  3. Oh my gosh - it's me! I'll email you sometime this evening. Almost (and after last night's show) this is better than winning an Emmy!

  4. Aren't these girls lucky to be a winner of one of your PIF gifts! And my, are you going to be busy carrying all that stuff around :o)

  5. Jacob thinks your puppy Peaches is totally whacked!(He says it means cool!) I love seeing your pooches!

  6. congrats to the pif winners and arent you lucky i am sure edgar will sent you some lovley bits.. good luck sending all that stuff you might look like santa lol..

  7. Wow! You have some lucky winners there! Having received a package from you, I know they will be thrilled...

  8. Oh, YESSSS!!!! I'm so psyched, Edgar! thanks so much to that Fickle finger of Fate..and it's finding my name as a PIF of yours!!! I'm really so excited and will post on my blog asap.
    :) See me smiling!!
    Hugs, Deb


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...