Monday, August 21, 2023

A Little Stitchin'

 Gentle friends, my needle was flying this week and the 7th part got completed.. here's a snaperoo...

... sorry about the wrinkles, but I just popped it out of the ole Q-snap.  I really liked the stitching of this part, maybe it's the parrot... I dunno, but it was a joy to stitch, and came together so quickly.  Part 8 has another large house and some trees so that will be a fun stitch.
That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by and do stop again.  Stay Safe!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. Part 7 looks fantastic, Edgar! Well done on getting it started/finished.

  2. Beautiful! That sure came together quickly. I'm curious as to what your "fall" piece is. I've picked out one to do (if I can finish the two things I'm currently working on) - "The Blessing" from Examplars from the Heart and I ordered the silk threads from Vicky Clayton.

    1. Thanks, Vera! My Fall stitch is an older chart... I like EftH pieces and have stitched two of them... "Serenity" and "And They Sinned" both great pieces!!

  3. Wow - you went right to town getting that section stitched! Lovely. You’re going to need to get that Halloween piece queued up and ready very soon if you keep stitching this one so quickly! Have a great week! ~Ruth

    1. Thanks, Ruth... I have the next stitch all kitted up and waiting on top of the pile.... It'll be a fun stitch!!

  4. Dearest Edgar: We have you in our daily Prayers hoping you are not affected by the hurricane, please keep us posted.
    The Black Bird Design is beautiful, the blues are such a vibrant color and look so beautiful, your fingers surely have been busy stitching.


    1. Thanks, Catherine... nothing happened here in the City, it got overcast and sprinkled a bit, most of the rain fell about 5 hours south of us.....

  5. While I might change my mind before I hit "publish," I do think this is my favorite of the parts you've completed. For some reason, I have started loving parrots. ~Robin~

    1. Thanks, Robin! I do love birds and as was told growing up even my first word was 'bird"....


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...