Thursday, May 5, 2016

9 Years Blogging - Let's Have a Gift-a-Way!!!

Gentle Friends... next Monday. May 9th, will be the 9th Blogaversary of Black Sheep Blog....

Color Flame Birthday Cake Candles (12) at Birthday Direct

... so what I'd like to do is have a Gift-a-way... all you need to do is leave a comment on this post and I'll  have the Hag Claw draw a name from the BoD  (Bowl of Destiny) with some Who Hound Help and the name he draws will win something Super.... what that actually is I'm not sure.  I'll Announce the winner on Tuesday May 10th..  Anyone from anywhere can enter - so don't be shy, leave a comment and take a chance!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again and don't forget to leave a comment on this Post to enter the Gift-a-way!!

Take care,


  1. Full disclosure - I just discovered your delightful blog about one month ago! What the hay... ENTER ME!

    Mary E. Osborne

  2. Happy 9th blogaversary! I enjoy seeing your stitching. It is really pretty. Like seeing your estate sales purchases, too. Hope you have many more years of blogging.

  3. Thoroughly enjoy your blog. I especially like your thrift shop finds and cross stitch projects. Congratulations from Israel.

  4. Congratulations! Happy Blogaversary.

  5. Hi!

    I am a follower from Spain, i love your "Thrifting tuesdays", you are so lucky!!


  6. AWESOME! Thank you Edgar for sharing


  7. Woo-Hoo! Congratulations on 9 years Edgar!

  8. Congrats on so many years of blogging!Yours was the second cross stitch blog I ever found and it is great to be still reading you!I wish you all the best, health and happiness!AriadnefromGreece!

  9. I have been following your blog for a long time, although seldom leave a comment but I can not pass the opportunity on entering such a joyful gift-a-way.
    Happy Blogversary all the way from Portugal!

  10. Edgar - Congratulations to you!! Nine years is a long time in blog land. I think I only discovered your blog a year or so ago, but it really is one of the most interesting and diverse - lots of stitching and lots of other great stuff. Best wishes on another nine years (at least!). :-)

    Barb R.

  11. Don't know what news I like best, the baking, thrifting, eating or stitching. Oh, I know...the dogs! Happy blogversary a little early.

  12. Happy Blogaversary Edgar. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.


  13. Baking a carrot cake right now. I'd love to win. I really enjoy your blog. Happy Blogaversary!

    Terry L Darmstatter

  14. Congratulations on 9 years of blogging, Edgar! I'd love a chance at your blogiversary prize!

  15. Love your Blog with so many subjects -- especially the photos you post. Hope the little paw can pull my name. Love surprises!


  16. Happy Blogaversary, it has been a great 9 years! I would any of your darling hounds to grab my name out of the bowl of destiny!

  17. Congratulations on nine years and of course I want to be entered. You have a great blog and I always look forward to seeing your beautiful samplers.

  18. Happy Blogaversary Edgar! Yours is one of my go-to sites every morning. :)

  19. I would be honored to have my name picked with the help of the Who Hounds! Thanks Edgar. Congrats on 9 years of blogging! That is a lot of France vacation pics, and baked goods all of which I can read about over and over:)

  20. Love checking in with your years! Congratulations! I'd love a chance in your gift-a-way!

  21. I've been following for a bit, I think I discovered you by looking at who other stitchers were following. I love seeing your finishes and feeling welcomed into your life. To paraphrase Dory, Just keep blogging!

  22. HI! I am a lurker who does not comment very often, but love your blog! Would love to enter your give away and thank you. Lori

  23. How exciting! Congratulations on 9 years of blogging! I love coming by your blog and seeing what you're doing. I love all the same things you do so it's so fun to see your latest acquisitions, movies, and stitching project. Here's to many more years of your wonderful blog!

    Blessings - Julie

  24. Love keeping up with you and the hounds. Enter me!


  25. CONGRATS on 9 years! What an accomplishment!

  26. Here's to another 9+years!

  27. Happy 9th year Anniversary! Don't stop! Keep on stitching, and baking, and thrifting, and... those adorable dogs. Love it all 😊

  28. Congratulations on 9 fun-filled years of blogging! Gorgeous stitching, enjoyable stories about Rico, the sweet Who-hounds, your extended family, flea market finds, and travels - I have enjoyed reading your blog every step of the way. You are a true inspiration!

  29. Congrats and thanks for giving me a chance to win something special!

  30. Congrats on the blogiversary! I look forward to reading you blog each week.

  31. Nine years! Congratulations Edgar. Isn't it amazing how quickly time flies? Let's see if the Who Hounds pick me. lol

  32. Phooey, I hit anonymous on the last comment. Like I said...Congratulations on nine years! Isn't amazing how quickly time flies?

  33. Yours is one of the blogs I wouldn't miss for its diversity and depth of interest... The many travel photos, museum tours and that Oscar de la Renta exhibit took the cake...speaking of which, that polka dot cake would take the cake for me as a prize ....but the who hounds would probably confiscate it and claim it for themselves. Happy 9th, Edgar and, hopefully, many more to come.

  34. Congratulations on 9 years. I rarely comment but I enjoy all of your posts.

  35. Congrats on 9 years, I hope I can blog that long :)

  36. Happy blogiversary! I still remember stumbling across your blog and being instantly charmed! Here's to many more years of your blog!

  37. Wow! Nine years. Congrats. I've read you blog for years. Don't comment much but love your stitching and all the pictures you post.

  38. Happy Blogaversary!! Nine years is a long time! You are certainly one of the die hards!!! One day I'm coming to San F to go thrifting with you!!! I need more stuff! hahaha I'd love to enter your giveaway! Thanks!

  39. Happy Blovaversary Edgar. I don't comment much but I do follow you:)

  40. Happy anniversary! you always have great projects, finds and recipes, keep up the great work!

  41. Edgar, Yours was the first blog that really grabbed my attention. Love your posts. Thanks for sharing so much with us!

  42. Happy Blogaversary! Give a hug to the who hounds for me. (and of course hug Rico too.)

    The Bowl of Destiny - it sounds like an old radio mystery theater production. I wonder if Agnes Moorhead ever starred on that one?

  43. Happy blogaversary. May 9th is my first son Matt's b-day and occasionally, it is also Mother's Day. Happy blog birthday on one of my favorite days!

  44. Happy Anniversary Edgar now get the who hound claw hand to pick me

  45. Happy Blogsversary! I so enjoy reading it.

  46. Congrats on 9 years and thanks for all that you share! Your blog is one of my favorites!

  47. Would love to win your giveaway. Mary

  48. Happy 9th Blogaversary! I enjoy your stitching projects. You do lovely work. Thank you for the giveaway!

  49. Happy Anniversary. I just found your blog and have been enjoying all your posts.

    Patricia Hart

  50. Your blog first caught my attention through your needlework but now I enjoy reading about your day to day events - Thrifty Thursday and hound posts are also favorites.

  51. Happy Happy and congratulations!

  52. Congratulations on 9 years of blogging!

  53. Congratulations Edgar. I just love your blog & of,course the Who's.

  54. Edgar! Can't believe you've been on here 9 years (I think I've been on almost 7 now). Yours is at the top of my "must read" list. I enjoy your stitching and baking and those wonderful views of San Fran (I was supposed to visit on choir tour but that was when my dad died but I have this great thimble with a trolley on top that my choir found for me!).

  55. Happy Anniversary. Love your blog.

  56. Congratulations on your 9th blogaversary. Great achievement.

  57. your blog is interesting and the photos are gorgeous. sweetana3 at yahoo dot com

  58. Congrats, Edgar! My 9 year blogging anniversary will be this summer. I always look forward to see what you're posting. Thanks for the chance at the Gift-a-way.

  59. Nine years of inimitable you! Congratulations.

  60. I have always enjoyed your blog with all the many things that you blog about. Congratulations!!! and keep up the good work. Many years ago, you were my inspiration to blog.

  61. Edgar, Love the blog! Have been a follower for some time. Peace!

  62. Congratulations on 9 years!! I really enjoy reading your blog and all the pictures make we want to go back to SF again!

  63. Wow 9 yrs,thanks for enabling me all these years😀.love your blog

  64. Congratulations on nine years of blogging Edgar!

  65. Been watching this blog since May of 2007 and so enjoy every post you make. You are a fabulous stitcher, baker and who hound lover. Thanks for the years!!!!

  66. You are a favorite of mine and on my "daily list". Keep up the good work.

  67. Happy anniversary! I enjoy your blog, and sometimes use you to read the blogs you follow instead of following myself. Therefore I check you blog a couple of times a day.

  68. I think I've been following your blog for at least 6-7 years. I've always loved it and to this day, I'm still amazed at how quickly you stitch and turn out such wonderful pieces (and the food you make looks pretty good too)! Love the thrifting and your photo tours of San Francisco.

  69. Congratulations on your anniversary. Love reading your blog.

  70. Congrats!! Your blogging anniversary is the same day my mom turns 89..May 9.

  71. Nine years - that's devotion and dedication! Congratulations - happy news for those of us who enjoy your posts so much

    Mary in MN

  72. We started our blogging journey about the same time. I had to check…my 1st post was 5/3/07. Where do the years go? I remember, way back when, participating in SO many exchanges and hoping that I would one day get an exchange piece from you, which I did, a few times. :-)
    Wishing you many more years of productive and enjoyable stitching/blogging!

  73. Happy blog-versity !
    I found your blog about a year ago and it is one of y favourite go to places !

  74. I can't believe you've been blogging for such a long time. Congratulations, but doesn't time pass fast?


  75. PLease enter me. I enjoy your blog and always your photos.


  76. Happy 9th for us your faithful readers! And hoping for at least 9 more years!

  77. Happy blog anniversary!!! It's amazing how time flies when blogging :)

  78. Edgar -- Congratulations! Your blog has always been a lovely spot!

  79. Happy 9th blogoversary Edgar, I must have missed such a lot of lovely stuff before I was pointed in the direction of your lovely blog.

  80. congrats on nine years. I bet it went fast
    I'd like to enter please

  81. Hi Edgar. Congratulations on 9 years of blogging. I always enjoy reading your posts, whether they are stitching, baking, or travel related.Here's to many more years of blogging:) Please add my name to the BoD - thanks!

  82. Hi Edgar,
    Congrats on your blogoversary. You always have some eye candy on there for all of us to enjoy. I don't comment too often, but yours' is the FIRST one I visit each day. Here's looking forward to much more!!


  83. I've enjoyed your blog for a long time Edgar, I like the fact that you post most days - so dependable:-)
    I don't want to be entered in your draw but wanted to pop by to say that I hope you continue to blog for a very long time.

  84. I've been following your blog for about the last year. I love everything about it! I would love a chance to win. Happy Blogaversary!!!

  85. Happy Blogaversary to you, Rico and the who-hounds!

  86. Happy 9th blogaversary! I haven't followed you that long but the couple years I have have been very enjoyable. I especailly like your Thursday posts, who hound pictures, and your stitching posts. Recipes you share have been good ones too! Yum! Wishing you many more years of blogging!

  87. Hot diggety! Here's to a wonderful nine years!

  88. Happy, happy, happy blogaversary! You've been in my bookmarks for some time now. Thanks for the postings. And many more!

  89. Dear Edgar, I enjoy your blog very much & wish you many more years of stitching, cooking, estate sale shopping, traveling & sharing. Thanks for entering me into your drawing.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...