Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Thanksgiving Exchange

Gentle Friends thanks for all your great comments and emails!!  With the weather once again changing here in the Bay area with the rain coming back, it is great to have such warm nice things to read in the morning!!

Yesterday the mail guy, Edward, brought me a box of wonderfulness.  I knew what was in it from the return address and from this cute picture...

.... on the label, a great turkey!!  I saved the box to open taking it home so that I could really enjoy opening it up.

 The Hoe Exchange had stipulated a Pyn keep Finish with a turkey included in the design.  My partner Michelle, from over at Mostly Stitching, sent a super package!!  Here's a snap...

With the wonderful Pyn Keepe, there were some lovely Fall glass leaves, and a really cute pumpkin!!  As you can see in the top right corner a who hound hoof - I get lots of help sometimes when I am within 2 feet of the floor.  Here is a close up of the pyn keepe..

The chart is by Pririe Schooler and called "Thanksgiving Comes Again "  Book 141. I just LOVE this chart and have stitched it twice for others, but never for myself.  Now, I have this gorgeous piece to add to my Fall Basket  - with the wee corn button finishing off the top it couldn't be more perfect!!!  Thank you so much Michelle!!!!

There you go sports fans another day another post!  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Take care,

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Weekend Shopping

Gentle Readers thank you so much for all your kind words about ATS and M&B.  Two fun pieces to work on - last night I worked some on an Exchange piece that will go out next week - I think that will take up most of this week - stitching and finishing.

Over the weekend we made our usual run around to the "shops" and "sales."  It was pretty poor pickins' - but I did manage to find a couple of things....

I love engravings and finding an older one, with a great wash really made my day - This beauty came from the Goodwill  in the Richmond - its an older piece in a great older beat up frame...  and I found the little hand carved bird at an estate sale - burned into the bottom..... "Black Capped Chickadee" #51 11/90 JB on a pear wood base, John Berry.  I have no idea who John Berry is, but this little guy is great and so he had to come home with me.

After Mass on Sunday we made a Trader Joe's run and then stopped off at a Farmers Market.  I had my camera so I got some snaps...

You could tell it was fall with all the great Harvest produce...

There were lots of super pumpkins!!

 ........  orange was the colour of the day!!  We picked up a double bunch of these great marigolds.  On the way out I stopped and picked up a....

....  golden waffle, and with a scoop of vanilla ice cream was a treat for dessert after dinner!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks again for stopping by and for you great comments!!

Take care,

Monday, October 29, 2012

Some Weekend Stitching

Gentle Friends in addition to the usual weekend stuff - I got some stitching in....  here is a snap of the little bits I got done on ATS....

Since this last section is all over little bits and pieces I am just working my way to the bottom.

I also jumped in with a small start on "Merry and Bright" from Erynne.  I had the hardest time settling on a piece of linen - In fact I frogged quite a few stitches from other linen choices before going with Silkweavers "Sudden Storm"......  here's a pretty sad snap, the light was very bad and I just couldn't get it corrected...

I also changed up the floss' - I had all the recommended choices but as I started to stitch I felt I really needed to change some of them - I have dropped WDW Aqua completely as my skein looks "off" on this linen and will use only CC Tyler Boy Blue - My other changes are:

For CC Vintage Violet I'm using GAST Hyacinth
For DMC Ecru I'm using DMC B5200 White
I am using CC Jolly Holly and adding another shade of green, WDW Lucky
Keeping CC Cocoa Bean
For DMC 648 I'm using GAST Aged Pewter
Keeping DMC 543
For DMC 310 I'm using WDW Mascara
For CC Golden Star I'm using WDW Marigold
For Dmc 754 I'm using CC Pumpkin Harvest
and for DMC 301 I'm using GAST Gingersnap

That's how the floss is working for now, but as I go along I may just change and substitute other colours.

That's the stitching front fro now, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Friday, October 26, 2012

A Great SAL for Christmas!!!!

Gentle Friends I wanted to thank you all for your kind comments - as usual they are warm hugs on a cold and damp morning!!  I also wanted to welcome my new Followers and hope you find something interesting here on my little Blog - as always the more the merrier!!

Not too much going on here - it seems that every evening I find myself drifting off in my stitching chair and not getting much done in the way of stitching - although the little bits I am getting done are on ATS, I don't feel enough is stitched to warrant a snaperoo - if you can believe that!!  :)  So I'll post a snap next week after some progress is made this weekend.

I did want to mention on today post a wonderful Christmas SAL I bumped into surfing the Blogs yesterday.  Created by a very talented stitcher named Erynne over at Stitcheree! - it is called Merry and Bright and has totally sucked me in wanting to make a start!  

Last night I even dug through the pile of frames I have and found a super silver leaf one that would fit this perfectly!!  So now, even though I have a pile of Holiday stitching I want to start and ATS  I am wanting to finish up by the end of the year.... I am thinking I will pull together the floss and linen and make a lovely start of this super piece!! 

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by have a great weekend!!!

Take care,

Thursday, October 25, 2012

An Apple Treat - and a Review

Gentle Friends I thought this morning I would talk a little about something I baked on Sunday...  called "Apple Pie Bars" for the recipe click on over to  - "A Little Bit Crunchy" Blopgspot.  They were super easy to make and were a big hit with everyone that tried them.  I used 4 type of apples to make up the 4 cups - Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp and I had a Red Delicious in the fruit bowl and although not a good baking apple tossed it in the mix.

As always I got my ingredients together...

here is the Pan before baking..

... and after baking... (it only took about 30 mins as my oven is on the hot side)

not much change, but browner!!  And, after cooling and a quick drizzle....

 - and - cut up ready for serving.....

I nuked mine a bit before eating and this warm apple pie type treat was just super!!!  I especially liked the way the crust and topping were totally buttery and complimented the tasty apple filling!!  

I wanted to mention that Stitch Bitch has done it again with her super Review of the JCS 2012 Ornament issue!!  Just click on OVER to read the entire post. 

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Take care,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ornaments and Thrifting....

Gentle Friends thank you all so very much for all your kind comments and emails about my November Cottage - these Cottages are such fun and quick stitches!!

Yesterday the mail brought me a great package with my HOE Hometown Ornament Exchange from my partner, Lynn.  Instead of a single Ornament I received a super exchange with Two Lovely Ornaments.  Here are some snaps....

This beauty was designed by Lindy Jane and is filled with crushed walnuts and lavender buds...  and

......  this totally cute (I do love reindeer) design is called "Ribbon Reindeer."  The design is from "Daffycat Designs."  They are both stitched on opalescent linen using the recommended floss - and - have lovely beading around the edges!!  They are really darling and will look great on my stitched Christmas Tree.  Thank you so very much Lynn!!!!

On Saturday we did the run around town through the Thrift - Consignment - Junque Shops and even got to an Estate Sale.  There wasn't much, but I found a few things....

From l to r - an interesting looking novel called "The Queen's Bastard" - based on the rumour that
Elizabeth I had a child by Robert Dudley, a large set of "Cabin" glass cream and sugar.  I really didn't need these, but they were so unusual I had to have them - and - I found another piece of sterling silver, this time a small tray - for $1 - now for a buck I couldn't go wrong!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, October 22, 2012

Some Stitching Stuff

Gentle Friends thanks again for stopping by my little Blog.  The weekend was quite nice, as it continued to get cooler Friday and Saturday...  after our couple of days of warm weather.  And, last night it started to rain!!  WooHoo!!  I love the cold and rain and now the Fall has set in - I think our winter has begun a bit early, I can enjoy the Autumnal weather!!  As you know I am a bit off my nut and odd, but I do love the cold wet weather we have out here.

After running our regular errands Saturday morning and Thrifting/Estate Saleing - then getting some chores around the house done I settled in to finish up November Cottage.  I eventually completed it but not after changing my mind about a dozen time on some of the colours.....  here's a snap....

As you can tell I did away with all the pink and shades of pink settling on a gold and yellow theme.  Since October was all shades of orange I thought it would be nice to have the golds represented.  The floss conversion was as follows...

I did end up using some of the recommended DMC 436 for the acorn bodies and the Turkey body, for the ground I used my lightest skein of GAST Brandy.  I used 3031 for the acorn caps and the other recommended places, I used DMC B5200 as the white.  For Harvest Moon my conversion was to CC Sassy Brass - the leaves I used Sassy Brass and CC Amber Waves.  I kept the WDW Mocha and WDW Kudzu and converted WDW Grapefruit to WDW Indian Summer.  Over all I am very happy with the results.  Here's an overall shot of the piece.....

Now on to December Cottage, lots of snow and fir trees!!!

I heard from Carol, that my HOE "Hometown Ornament" arrived.  Here's a snap...

I could have chosen California or one of these... Mississippi, Maryland or even North Carolina... as they have all been my scenes of my hometown at one time in the past!!  But, I ended up choosing a Florida themed ornament.  The design is from Nouveau Encore Designs and was a great piece to work on!!  Worked into the design are a palm tree, flamingo and "Star Fish:"  - as little symbols of Florida.  I used the recommended floss and stitched it on a piece of mystery 32ct linen.

That's about it for today!!  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!

Take care,

Thursday, October 18, 2012

November Cottage and a Film

Gentle Friends thank you so much for your kind comments and emails, it does me no end of good to read them!!

Last night I was kind of at a loss as to what to pick up ... ATS was calling my name, but I didn't want to haul her out and set everything in motion for a stitchity evening....  So I thought about it for about 10 seconds and decided to pull out CC "November Cottage" and make a start - by make a start I mean see what floss I was changing and what I was keeping.  I finally decided on this configuration...

I knew I was tossing out WDW Grapefruit - way to odd a shade of pink/orange for me.  
So, the line up is as follows:

I changed  DMC 436 to HSH Autumn Gold, I am keeping DMC 3031 (It is only use a little bit), As usual I am sticking with DMC B5200 for the white, For the GAST Harvest Moon (I have three skeins of this and it varies from a pale yellowish to a light orange) I changed this to CC Sassy Brass, I'm keeping WDW Mocha, I'm Keeping WDW Kudzu, and for WDW Grapefruit I changed this to WDW Indian Summer (probably my favourite WDW colour)  As you can see I kept a good number of the designers choices....  now I can't wait to see what December brings....  wouldn't it be great if it were a log cottage/cabin with pine trees!!!

I got in the mail a Netflix DVD of a newly released film - "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" - 2012 - with an ensemble cast of great British talent this was a really enjoyable film.

The basic premise of the film is about a group of retirees moving to India, for all different reasons and moving into a dilapidated Hotel. To varying degrees they adapt to the country, food and people - and then again some just do not or will not adapt.  The film is lush and beautiful and makes Jaipur India look superb with all the warm colours and exotic places - along with the warm friendly people that they all meet - as the movie swiftly moves to an end the story lines are wrapped up and the 2 hours of film just seem to have flown by. 

I think a couple of the funniest lines are said by "hip replacement " candidate Muriel, Played by Maggie Smith,  "At my age, I can't plan that far ahead.....  I don't even buy green bananas' - another great line is  "If I can't pronounce it, I don't want to eat it."  She brings with her a supply of HobNob's (both plain and chocolate) and candy to sustain her.  I would totally recommend this film.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!

Take care,

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Baking with Pumpkin

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends another quick post today.  Last night I finished up most of my Exchange Stitching for a little while so I'll get back to stitching on ATS....

Last week over at Country Cook I found an easy and tasty cake recipe that I knew I had to try.  Called Pumpkin Spice Cake.  I think what called me to make this one were the little pumpkin candies on top!!  

So I got together the ingredients, and there really isn't that many.....

I followed the very easy directions et voila in a little while I had this great cake.....

The only changes I made were..... to liberally grease the pan instead of spraying Pam - and - I used 3/4 of the bar of cream cheese instead of just 1/2.  Other than that I followed the directions and it was quite good!!  Thanks again Brandie!!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Weekend Thrifting

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you so much for your kind comments!!  I'll try and get some inside snaps on our next visit to the Basilica, it is a lovely and well appointment space.  I also wanted to mention how wonderful it is to see so many new followers!!  Thanks for joining up to follow.

Today is going to be a shortish post as I am still stitching on an exchange piece.  I wanted to show the things I picked up out and about ...

Starting with the blue and white transfer ware platter, I found that when I was in Florida and it just arrived via Safe Ship.  While in Florida I took some time to shop the various Thrift, Consignment and Antique Shops and Malls - in the greater Daytona Beach area.  I did some research before I left and found quite a few places to keep me busy.  In a rather large space called "Nicole's Beach Street Antique Mall" I found this great platter.  The pattern is "Canova" by T Meyer c. 1830-50.  It was a super price and on sale so how could I pass it up!  Moving to the right is a "new" to me copy of Charles Dickens' Christmas Stories, published by Rainbow Classics of Ohio in 1946.  As you might remember I collect "A Christmas Carol" books and often find that "ACC" is included in larger volumes of Christmas Stories or often in a single volume with "A Tale of Two Cities."  What "A Tale...'  and "A Christmas..." have in common except an author is beyond me.  Moving clockwise is a great older walnut frame with a gold fillet, I picked up for a $1 at an Estate Sale and rounding out the purchases are two "bronze" plastique religious roundels also picked up at an Estate Sale.

That's about it for the thrifty weekend buys.  Thanks again for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Misión San Francisco de Asís

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends it is Monday again after an all too short weekend!! 

 Yesterday morning we decided to start our search for new place to attend Mass  We have been going to Most Holy Redeemer for the longest time, but with Fr. Steve Leaving after such a long time -  and now with all the changes some good, most bad, awe gave it a few months try - to no avail.  We started yesterday on our search, and decided to try The Mission Dolores Basilica - named for a nearby creek - Arroyo de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores - Our Lady of Sorrows Creek.

The services were held in the "new" Basilica built in 1913-17 - the earlier brick church was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake.....  but the original 18th century smaller adobe church - The Mission San Francis de Asis came through the earthquake with little damage......

It was a very old fashioned service and we really enjoyed it.... I took some snaps after Mass....

The old adobe church and the "new" basilica....

These are the front doors that open onto Church Street

This is a side view of north door...

The Historical Landmark Plaque.

There are a few other churches we might try out in the future... and I'll have my camera ready!!

Thanks for stopping by, do stop again.

Take care,

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Storm Rolling In

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you so much for all your super comments - and since I am stitching away on things I can't show you yet, I thought I would share a couple more snaps from my trip to Florida...

If you remember my Mom has a Sebring convertible...

This is what she has, I lifted the snap from the Internet.  So this is what I was driving around in all last week  - so my usually pale magnolia pallor is gone and I am brown as a nut.  Where this is going, and it is going somewhere, is that I could hold the camera above my head and take pictures while driving around or stopped.....  not the safest for sure, but when you can only go the speed limit at about 20 mph there's not much danger in getting a snap or two.

Here is a snap I took at the top of Granada Bridge headed west......

Its a bit crooked but you get the whole sky and the great cloud cover moving in.....

Here is a second snap taken on the Granada Bridge downward slope, 
looking up the Halifax River north...

It is a real challenge to get a good or passable snap using one hand, but I think these turned out pretty good.

There you go sports fans - thanks again for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Some Great Mail

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks so very much for all the kind comments about ATS and what seems like an never ending stitch!!  Not having worked on ATS for a couple of days seems odd, but I know that it is waiting in the Basket when I finish up other pieces.

The mails, while I was away brought some really fun things.....  and in no particular order.....

A while back I won one of the Gift-a-ways that Nancy over at "Victorian Motto" was having, she is so nice and her things are just gorgeous!!!  It arrived and was a real treat to open...

Not only was there a super chart, but the package was filled to overflowing with her lovely hand dyed floss and finishing trim... and those beautiful buttons and bits. 

Another package arrived from my stitching friend Vera...  she has been knitting and sent me a super felted Fall bowl...

It is a wonderful vibrant orange and I filled it with some sparkly Autumn bits, it really adds to our Seasonal display!!

I also got  most of the charts I had on order from various places including the Bay of evil....

You can see the November Cottage, need to trade out a couple of colours there, and the new release from Heartstring Samplery "Baby it's Cold Outside" what a great song and wonderful interpretation!!

I also had a sweet surprise from another Stitching friend, Valerie - she remembered how much I love Old Hollywood and sent me ....

A Hollywood Trading Card of one of my favorite musical Stars!! Jane Powell!!

Here's a clip of her in that super musical "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" - 1954 - 

I have never seen Hollywood Trading cards... now I need a whole set!!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  I think I will leave you with another snap of Florida taken about 45 minutes after yesterdays snap at the beach.

 I took this while stopped and waiting to make a turn looking west across a swampy part of the Tomoka River along US 1/Old Dixie Highway.  This oncoming storm is what got me off the beach and heading for home.

Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!

Take care,

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Back From Florida.... ATS Update

Gentle readers and Dear Friends I got back to SF early Sunday morning and was back to work yesterday, hitting the ground running!!  I had 100's of emails it seems and I am still going through them. I also had lots of great mail (more about that tomorrow).

Today I wanted to catch you up on that ongoing monster stitch .....  "And They Sinned."   I finished up the 5th Section, I was very surprised at getting that done.  Here's a sectional snap...

I was able to get lots of the grass done on the layover and flights back to SF.  Here's an overall shot...

Now, it is on to the 6th - and last - section, but probably the most grueling since it is a solid stitched area.  I will have to put this down for a bit as I have three smaller pieces I need to work on and finish up for some exchanges I am in, but I'll get back to ATS as soon as I can.

I want to leave you with a snap of the Daytona Beach just north of the Ormond approach and looking north towards Flagler beach.  I spent a few hours with a book just enjoying the quiet, breezy day....

 I'm not really a "beachy" person, but this quiet time alone was a real high point of the week!!

That's about for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy Birthday!!!

Havin' a Dog-gone great Birthday in Florida!!!!!

See ya' next week!!
Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...