Monday, September 24, 2012

Hallowe'en Exchange Arrives

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends we had a lovely cool weekend here in the City by the Bay.  Especially yesterday... the fog sort of rolled in over the city and through the Golden Gate to envelop us in grey loveliness!!!  Not too much going on and the few things we did get accomplished I will hold off writing about until tomorrows post.  Today I wanted to focus on a Hallowe'en Exchange that arrived.

I took part in the HOE Hallowe'en Exchange and it arrived over the weekend to my Partner Kayona, from over at "My Sometime Cross Stitching Obsession."  Here's a snap of what I made and sent....

Since this was for Hallwoe'en I thought that finding some of the specialty treats for the season would be nice I also included some Holiday fabric and trim.  Here is a close up of the piece I stitched...

I stitched a Lizzie Kate chart called "Sampling Hallowe'en."  I used a piece of 32ct linen I hand dyed and the recommended floss'.  I took the stitched piece and made a great box finish.  Here's a snap of the piece and the inside of the box...

I painted the box using a pearlized purple paint that matched the letters, the inside is also painted and lined with a contrasting pumpkin fabric.  This was a fun piece to make, and Kayona has let me know that she enjoyed what I sent.

That's it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. What a lovely exchange! You always make such beautiful pieces. I wish I had your finishing skills!

  2. WOW, you do such nice stitching and the finishes.......All I can do is stitch and frame or pillow.....I tip my hat to you....

  3. What a lovely exchange you made... I love the box :D, I wish I had the ability to do those types of finishes :)

  4. What a great exchange!! I really love your box!

  5. That's a great box you made Edgar.

  6. Edgar this is beautiful!
    look at that box!! perfect finishing! Kayona is a really lucky stitcher! :)

  7. Great exchange piece... your finishing skills are wonderful.

  8. Bootiful exchange Edgar! I have yet to attempt a box finish but it is on my to-do list. Your finishing is to die for!

  9. Edgar, I love that little box! You did a great job! My bad news- the Dr. has me on a serious diet so will have to stop showing all those Halloween yummy treats!

  10. Great exchange Edgar, the box is lovely

  11. Wonderful box! And contents too!

  12. What a great exchange package, Edgar!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...