Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A RAK, an Exchange and some Stash

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you for all your kind comments  - as always I so appreciate them and enjoy reading them.  I am falling way behind in my Blog reading and commenting.

I had some super mail arrive yesterday.  So in order of arrival........

A few weeks ago I loaned out a little chart from my Heap o'Stash and when the chart was returned there were some goodies along with it...

I love me some cheese straws!!  - and - the hank of silk is simply gorgeous!!  It was so sweet of Vera to send along these treats.  I do know how hard some OOP charts are to find, I never mind helping out other stitchers with a loan of them!! 

The other day I showed you the Fall exchange piece that I made and sent off - well, mine arrived yesterday and it's super cute!!!  Marie was partner, her Blog Creative thread is really wonderful and so worth a look!!  Here are a couple of snaps.....

This is the Acorn she made me from Prairie Schooler Book #65, it is stitched 1 over 1 and is just darling.  I love Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims with the little wee Turkey are so great!!!  

Along with the super Acorn were some pretty terrific treats!!  Thank you so much Marie, you did another stupendous job!!!!!!

As you know, I can barely help myself from buying stash.  It's a crazy illness!!  But, I have cut way back, or at least I tell myself that.  A while back I was perusing the Bay of evil and came across a couple of pieces of linen I couldn't resist.....  I also came up against another stitcher "downsizing"  (which I should do )  and couldn't resist a little something there either!!  

The two pieces of linen are from "Stitches and Spice" a company in Australia.  I have never seen nor stitched on this brand.  But, a chart I have calls for some and I have hemmed and hawed over it for a couple of years whether or not to get a piece to work with.  Well, this looked like the opportunity to jump in and so I did - The linen is really lovely and I will not hesitate again about this brand!!  I got a great piece of "Camofudge" and a piece of " Sugar Cane Crunch."  The chart I acquired was a "Pocketbook Needlework" booklet from one of my favorite OOP designers Mary Beale!! 

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by and commenting - do stop again!

Take care,


  1. I too am a little behind on blog reading Edgar, have enjoyed my catch up read here. You have received lots of beautiful goodies and you have stitched some wonderful things too. The rainbow pic is amazing!

  2. This is SO very very beautiful. I'm so in love with it. Marie is so fantastic in stitching and finishing.

  3. I am loving the acorn, I've never seen a finish like that, very unique. The new stash looks fantastic.

  4. Great thank you gifts & great exchange package! Great stash additions too : )

  5. Love the exchange piece you received and all those lovely treats too.

  6. What a lovely exchange. That Acorn is so cute!

    I hear ya, I have been on a buying kick latley, I guess I'm just making up for the year I took off from stitching LOL Love those fabric colors So pretty.

    Have a wonderful day!!

  7. What a sweet exchange gift! Love that acorn! I am on a 'stash diet'. It's really hard! But when I think about buying I just think of all the patterns I have and love waiting to be stitched. Thought of you this morning- had a pumpking cream cheese muffin at Starbucks- delicious!!! It was the first time I have had one. (it was the store in Target and they didn't have the pumpkin scones. ;) )

  8. Wow, the acorn finish is awesome!

    Ahhh such lovely gifts from such nice people. Stitchers really are the coolest.

    I had to laugh when you said, "It's a crazy illness" when it comes to buying more stash....think how I feel, I have a stash for cross stitching, knitting and crochet...and a small one for needlepoint, too. But hey, it keeps me off the streets and out of trouble...ok, off the streets, we all know trouble hunts me down!

    Wishing you a day filled with many stitches :)

  9. Well you've had some good mail days for sure! Love the exchange you received, and the RAK as well. And the ebay finds -- nice!

  10. Goodness, I don't know what to ooh and aah over first...the lovely S&S linens, the lovely Acorn finish and exchange package, or those delicious cheese are one lucky stitcher, Edgar!

  11. Ooooo, I love the acorn exchange piece. What a treasure!

  12. It's like Christmas in your mailbox! Those linens look scrumptous!
    I really enjoy seeing your completed and in process pieces. You really have a gift!

  13. Wow Edgar that exchange gift is just stunning. Great find on Ebay too, those linens look lovely.
    Hmmm, DOWNsizing stash, strange concept, I only ever seem to upsize mine...

  14. That acorn is amazing! The wee turkey is darling, although he seems like he's in danger sitting there on that Pilgrim's arm! I want to make like Eva Gabor on Green Acres and yell, "Run for your life! Thanksgiving is coming!" (There's an episode where, when she finds out her hubby is going to hunt some innocent deer, she hires a biplane and flies around over the woods yelling through a megaphone, "Run for your lives! Hunting Season is coming!" At least that's how I remember it. =)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...