Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Wet Wednesday

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends your super nice comments about my glasses have made this morning much better and a bunch brighter!!  Thank you so much!!  Although I really didn't need new frames I thought what the heck - why not!!  I like getting something new and since I really hate shopping and new clothes bore me to tears not new shoes (Converse All Stars ((chucks)) ), just clothes.  For example... I have been wearing the same 9 pairs of jeans for at least the last 4 years, if not longer.  I just rotate them through the closet and the wash so they will wear evenly....  and don't get me started on shirts -  for me it has to be... only short sleeve, 100% cotton, dark/dank solid colours - I replenish these about every 3rd year or as they wear out.  So I felt some totally new glasses would do the trick for my over all shopping feel good mojo.

Reading the comments I thought it was interesting that I was not the only wobbly toddler out there - how odd that we get bumped and bruised as we learn to walk.  I guess that's part of the learning curve for life.

Last night I did some more cloud stitching - pretty grey and monotonous so no snapper - maybe tomorrow.

There were some questions in the Comments yesterday that I thought I should answer this morning...

Linda asked about “How to Post a Comment without going through Anonymous?"  I really don’t know of a way without having a Blog.  You can always just open a Blog, but then not post to that - and use it as a way to Post Comments - I have seen that done.  She also asked about using Linen or Aida Cloth - I think it is up to the individual stitcher and what they feel most comfortable with.  I know for myself - I prefer the feel and look of linen - and 36ct is about the smallest count I can handle - but I did learn on Aida Cloth and only used that for the longest time.  I think it was a fear of linen issue for me.  When I came back to cross stitching after not doing it for about a decade - I just felt it was time to take the plunge and so I order a piece of 25ct linen and tried it out to see if I could actually handle it.  I found I could and have never looked back - but, I say again this is a hobby and you should enjoy the stitching and not get stressed out about the fabric you are using.

Kerri mentioned Q-Snaps - for me I used only hoops for years and still do occasionally.  I bought my first and only Q-Snap and found that I really liked it much better than a hoop - it holds the linen much tighter - I also only have the one 8 inch Q-Snap - bought one - use one - I really do not need another.  I have replaced the top snappy part as they tend to get little cracks after a couple of years of use, but they only run about $2.50 for a pair so they are cheap enough.  For really small pieces, like ornaments I fall back on a small hoop - which works for me.

Kirby mentioned another stitcher and their issue with and uneven piece of linen and stitching ATS.  I bought my piece of Linen from my LNS - Needle in a Haystack over in Alameda - and totally checked that sucker out while I was there - I had read about that wonky linen issue and was really careful about it being even from top to bottom.

There you go -  my thoughts....

I will leave you with a little You Tube Clip - a Blast from the Past!!!!

Andrea True Connection "More, More More" - released in February 1976 and became her signature song.  I remember this song when it came out I was in 6th grade. I had it on a 45 (remember them!!) and palyed it all the time!!!  When I hear this I always remember it playing on my little grey record player, over and over and over !!

That's about it for toady sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by and for your super comments!!!  Stop by again soon!

Take care,


  1. Thank you for all the information. I remember that More, More, More song as well : ) Blessings, Shirlee

  2. Well answered, especially the fabric question..what we do has to be fun or why bother???? I am the same with clothes..unusual for a woman I know but there you go..hate shopping..unless craft shopping and that I can do for hours and hours!

  3. Ug! You just made me feel so old, in '76 you were in the six grade, in '76 I had already graduated and was getting married. That's okay :-) the longer I live the older I get. I'm also like you about clothes and shoes, I can only wear one pair at a time. I'm a weird woman. Great looking glasses and don't worry about gray hair at least you have hair.

  4. Hi Edgar, Glad you are liking the new specs. I always wear the same glasses, but I have recently found a source for inexpensive frames so I may go out of the box for a change and get a spare pair in a funky color or style :) With regards to the note about Linda who asked about not posting anonymously. There is a way to set up a blogger profile through google without doing a whole blog, so the blogger name just shows on comments made. Hope she will see this and it will help her out. Have a great day, hope the sun comes out soon! Here we have snow today.

  5. Well I say if you have been able to wear the same size jeans for the last 4 years that is reason to celebrate! I must have at least 4 sizes of jeans that I rotate through.

    Masterchief and I recently bought Chucks. I'll have to post a pic on my blog. I love them!

  6. OMG I remember that song! I was wrapping up my Junior year in high school when that came out, I feel so old!

  7. You bake like a fiend and can wear the same size for four years??? Not fair, Edgar, not fair.

  8. I don't use hoops or Q Snaps. I just hold my fabric. I have used the Q snaps before but I worry that the snap part will pull the stitches. Have you ever noticed anything like that? Your work is beautiful!

  9. Thank you for sharing details of how you work. Tell me, do you use a stand of any sort with your Q-snap? If you hold it in your hand, do you stabstitch and then move your working hand from the top of the work to the underside? I still struggle with this issue. Thanks, Edgar.

  10. Exceptional post however , I was wanting to know if you could
    write a litte more on this topic? I'd be very thankful if you could elaborate a little
    bit further. Many thanks!


A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...