Monday, June 21, 2010

A Beautiful Weekend

GR&DF thank you all for the kind comments on my post from Friday - even my sister had nice things to say about the post - and she can be so persnickety sometimes..... hey there weena!! I know she reads the blog daily but refuses to comment....... just a sweet lurker!!

As the post header states it was an absolutely beautiful weekend here in SF. In the mid 60's sunny, bright and lovely breezes both days. Not a spot of fog or mist or rain. All I did all weekend was go out to breakfast on Saturday morning - to Eddies - and run down to south SF to the Michael's to get a couple of skeins of DMC and then stay in and look at the days past - what a lump of laziness I was. I did some laundry. but didn't push around the vacuum a bit. I needed (don'tcha love the way I put that) , needed the DMC as I did not have a couple of colours for something I am kitting out and I want to convert to Belle Soie. I'll post a snap tomorrow. I got this particular chart in a loan from another stitcher - and all I can say at the moment is how kind and generous some stitchers can be. Check back in the morning.

I did watch a few flickers - of course - and I did burn quite a few stick of inscese. I made a peach cobbler yesterday, but no flick of that. I told you it was a lazy butt weekend.

One of the flicks I saw was Disc two of the multi disc TV mini series "Winds of War" - 1983 - starring a bunch of actors lead off by Robert Mitchum. Set in the late thirties and then moving into WWII it is a relatively well done piece - there are the problems with costuming extras and some of the background, but overall I am just looking past all the tiny problems and really enjoying the overall story. That is one of the nice things about Netflix - I can watch some gigantic multi disc monster of a piece broken up over a long period of time.

There you go sports fans. I do thank you again for stopping by and for your very kind comments. Do come again!!

Take care,


  1. Sometimes those lazy weekends are the best kind!

    Friday's post is wonderful! I love the pictures :)

  2. I love a lazy weekend too. Sounds perfect!

  3. Ooh; can't wait to see what the up-coming is! :D

    Give back our nice weather! Sounds like it migrated over to you! Suddenly, from a few days ago, it has been So Hot. :P At least it's better than Oklahoma was! ;)

  4. I love for lazy weekends. Sounds like paradise.



A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...