Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hump Day Happiness and the 2nd Annual Hobbit Birthday Drawing

GR&DF I bask in your wonderful comments and feel all warm and fuzzy!!!!! I really do appreciate them and it is such an ego boost to the stitching mojo. If you followed the VoHRH progress off and on you will remember that it disappeared for long periods of time - sometimes I just couldn't even pick it up - I think we all get to that point with some pieces - big or small. The framing for this piece will not happen soon as I really have no idea how I want it framed. I do like the flat faux bois painted frames and think that might be nice, but wonder if that will be too busy- or do I want just plain black?? I have it rolled up in the "finished" bag of tricks waiting for inspiration. I am totally wanting to start up SoHRH but at the moment I have quite a few exchange commitments that need to get done first - The linen choice for Shores is still bubbling away on the back burner that is my brain - gold or no gold........ Last night the stitching was on an exchange piece so no snaps.

I was asked about the movies I am usually yapping about - I have totally been watching flickers but nothing is popping out to talk about - over the last few days I watched a mini series called "Lord Mountbatten: The Last Viceroy" - 1986 - starring Nico Williamson and Janet Suzman - a very long multi part mini series about the last days of the British Empire in India. I enjoyed this tremendously but if you are not a history buff I would not recommend watching.

Once again as my Birthday draws near I am wanting to do something special. So I am again doing a Hobbit Styled Birthday Gift-a-way - not in the true Hobbit since - I just can't stitch that much stuff - but I am going to put together a gift package for some lucky winner out there in Blogland. How it works in the LOTR books is on a Hobbits birthday at the party all the guests get gifts - How this Gift-a-way will work is that if you would like to receive the gift package from me for my birthday just leave a comment on this post and then on my birthday - in 18 Days on October 4th - I will draw a name of the winner of the 2nd Annual Hobbit Gift-a-way - how easy is that!! Anyone out there no matter where you are can enter - so don't be shy. The drawing will close on Friday, October 2, 2009 at 3pm - PST so just comment here before then. I will announce the winner on Monday - October 5th.

There you go sports fans!! - Thank you again for you kind words and super encouragement!!!!

Take care -


  1. October is in two weeks? I can't deal with that right now. I am going to see David Sedaris on your birthday. I'll think of you then.

  2. Edgar, You're a Libra! Here are the characteristics of a Libra:

    just, sociable, refined, accommodating, kind, fair, diplomatic, likable, indecisive, respectful, artistic

    Sounds just like you if they will only add "generous" to the list!

  3. I am sure that you will find a great frame for VoHRh Edgar. And I look forward to seeing your start on SoHRH.
    Please enter me into your gift-away. It is my sons birthday on the 3rd so we will be in party mode here already :-)

  4. Giving something to someone else on your that's selfless and very kind! If we can enter the drawing now, go ahead and throw me in there.Glad you won't be literally doing that or your poor soul would be back at the chiropractor!

  5. You've got an October birthday, eh? I'm in early November, myself!

    I'd love to enter your drawing, btw! sounds like fun! I really to love birthdays. :D

  6. Hi Edgar! Guess what? My birthday is Oct 3rd! I bet I am a lot older than you though!! LOL!

  7. Birthdays come round oh so quickly now!
    Please throw me in the Bowl of Destiny.

    VoHRH is really lovely. Congrats on the finish

  8. I love LOTR!!! Oh the hobbits and me. lol! Please enter me in your drawing. I'll come back on your birthday -- why does October 4 ring a bell with me? Great day for a birthday! Can't wait to see your Shores start. What did you think of that cardinal block on the Christmas HRH piece? :D

  9. Please put my name in the hat/bowl. Happy almost Birthday.
    I hope that you can get all your exchanges done quickly so you can start SoHRH.

  10. October 4 is my anniversary. I would love to be entered in the drawing. Thanks!

  11. Love Lord of the Rings. I have a birthday coming next week - what a great idea to give a gift on your birthday. I would love to be entered in your drawing.

  12. Edgar, I can't believe October is just around the corner--this is my favorite time of year and a great time to have a birthday!

    Please enter me in your drawing and hope you have a great day on your birthday!

  13. Please throw me, gently though, into the bowl of detsiny for your birthday draw Edgar. I'll be on holiday then, so I'll wish you a very happy birthday now!!

  14. I've been visiting your blog for a while now, and you do gorgeous work! I'd love to be entered in your drawing! Happy Birthday!

  15. Congratulations on the finish of VoHRH! Please enter me in your drawing--I'm an October birthday, too (31st)

  16. Hi Edgar! All the girls (but one) are definately decended from hobbits as we are all height challenged. The tall one joined the Marines. She could reach the hurdles!

    Enter me into your contest to!

  17. I have been a lurker of your blog for such a long time. Love your movie reviews. Your stitching is amazing. Could I be entered into your birthday drawing?

  18. I am sure that a framing idea will pop up for you. I always love seeing your finished, and framings!

    I am going to pretend I didn't hear you about October being that close. I am in denile thank you very much.

    I would love to be added to your hobbit birthday list. I love that idea! Hobbitses are the best.

  19. What a sweet thing for you to do, Edgar. Of course I'd love to be entered in your gift-a-way and I'll be back on your true b-day to wish you a happy day!

  20. Please, sign me in in your drawing, you've got marvelous things, Mr. Hobbit;-D, Hugs, MJ

  21. Our birthdays are barreling into reality. Where does the time go?! Great job on your looks terrific! I'd love to enter in your birthday giveaway. :)

  22. You are so kind - please enter me in your birthday draw too - thank you :)

  23. Please enter me in your Hobbit birthday gift-away - I'll be glad if I win and you give me your voHRh! HA! Just wishful thinking. thank you!

  24. Hi Edgar, your HRH is beautiful. I have had the same one for at least a year but haven't gotten around to starting on it yet. I'm a big LOTR fan too. Please enter me in your drawing.

  25. i would love to enter your hobbit style birthday giveaway.

    i can't believe October is only a couple weeks away and we are still in the 105+ weather here in Arizona. UGH!

  26. I'm an October baby also! :-) I'd like to play.

  27. Oh, I've only done 4 blocks on my VoHRH. I don't feel it will ever be finished and now Christmas is happening in the village. Hey ho!
    I would love to have a piece of your stitching Edgar, please enter me in your draw. Irene

  28. How sweet! I love Hobbits and giveaways!! :) And I am an October baby too-born on the 27th. :)

  29. My Birthday is also in October! I'm sure the gift is going to be stunning - please add my name to the draw!

  30. Your post titles...make me smile :)

    I would love to be entered into your big day draw...your birthday is only 6 days before mine.

    I have a giveaway on my blog which closes on sure to come and enter.

    Elisa x

  31. How fun to have a Hobbit birthday celebration! Please enter my name in your drawing for the gift.

    I think you're smart to wait until you know how you want VOHRH framed. If we do things too quickly sometimes they turn out all wrong.

  32. I knew you were a kindred spirit!!! My birthday is Oct. 1!! How cool is that?? However, I don't think I'll have a birthday this year...LOL

  33. What a generous and fun way to celebrate your birthday! Please throw my name into the Bowl of Destiny.
    I love your VoHRH finish. Can't wait to see it framed. I vote for a rustic frame or just plain old black.
    rcscg at aol dot com

  34. Edgar,
    Your HRH is beautiful!
    Hope you have a wonderful B-Day, and thanks for the chance!

  35. October and fall are my favorites,
    as I live in the Deep South we get
    that cool, crisp weather!
    I totally enjoy reading your blog,
    you are very creative and original.
    Ever thought about writing a book?!
    Please enter me in your special
    b'day give away.
    Wishing you well....

  36. Dearest Edgar, as if you haven't sent me enough already! I am going to greedily enter the Hobbit Birthday Drawing anyway.

  37. I can't believe your birthday is on the same day as the elections for new government in my country Greece.
    So while we will be waiting anxiously looking for the results you will be having a party!Some Greeks will be having a party too and some will be rather sad!They might be feeling like Goblins as well!So happy birthday and as we say in Greece "Be victorious!!" Ariadne from Greece!

  38. Oooh, In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit... I used to read this to my class every Autumn term.
    I'm constantly amazed at how much beautiful stitching you manage to do - when do you get the time and how fast do you stitch?! Beautiful work.

  39. I would love to be entered into your drawing :) Thanks for letting us celebrate with you!

  40. Looking forward to whatever inspires you for your HRH. I've decided to add the HRH series to my wish list after watching so many finishes on them all. Very many happy pre-birthday wishes for you. Thank you for the chance to win one of your fabulous prizes.

  41. Oh, you're an October baby also! What fun. Please include me in your 2AHBD.

  42. Wow! A gift-away. How nice. Add my name to the hat, please. :-)

  43. Time to put the pumpkins out on the porch already? Where did my summer go? What a cute idea for a birthday gift-away! Please count me in!

  44. How sweet, Edgar. No matter who gets this, it will really be a treat to see it. Happy Pre-Birthday.

  45. Edgar, What a totally generous idea of birthday celebrating!
    Count me in with all your other fans for your drawing.


  46. Hmmmmm, birthday in two weeks? Very interesting! You are so sweet to do the Hobbit Giveaway! Enter my name, who knows, I might just win!
    Btw, gold!!!!!

  47. How generous! Please enter me in your giveaway.


  48. I love your wiehenburg sampler. I have the patterns but alas no stitching on it as yet :o)) please put me in the draw

    Margaret in Australia

  49. I remember last year's birthday much fun, Edgar. Enter me again!

  50. Ooh I just couldn't pass up on your Hobbit Birthday drawing, how exciting! Pls include me. LISA V

  51. I would love to be entered! I think you have fabulous taste! Your VoHRH is stunning!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations on a very exciting finish...

  52. Well, of course I have to be entered in this annual event. Did it last year. Maybe I'll be lucky this year. Please so much for your hobbit generosity!

  53. Hi Edgar, please include me, I LOVE your stitching. Will this be a number ending in '0' birthday?

  54. oh, please include me too in your birthday drawing. I don't think I've ever received a present because it was someone else's birthday but what a great idea.

  55. I told my family I was having a Hobbit styled birthday this year! I just love this idea!

  56. Thank you for your generosity !
    Please include me too :)

  57. Edgar~

    You are not going to believe this, but my DD's b-day is Oct. 4th as well!! I don't suppose that you are asking for pj's for your American Girl doll too, are you?? LOL!!


  58. Hello Edgar, Please add my name to the list... This is exciting !!!

  59. I love this Hobbit Birthday idea. :) Count me in, please.

    (the word verification is on LOTR mood too since it's asking me to type fandosor, sounds like it could be a character from the book :D)

  60. Where is the year going? I have family birthdays in October and they always marked the change of year to the countdown to Christmas in terms of making gifts and stuff ... it can't be October already!

    (Not that I don't wish you a happy birthday or anything, it's just ... time zooming by!)

  61. Hi Edgar it looks like we share the same birth sign I'm Oct.2nd wish I could say I was as young as you....please enter me in your give-away.

  62. Time flies, and it is autumn... I'm happy to enter your giveaway and wishing you a Happy birthday!


  63. Edgar,
    I just recently found your blog through Faye. I've really enjoyed going back and reading your posts. Your work is beautiful! I can't wait to see your SoHRH when you finally start. You can be my inspiration......I'm still on the third block of mine and I don't see a finish in the near future!

    Thank you for inviting me into your world and your birthday drawing!

    (My hubby's b-day is the 19th and my Dad's is the 10th, so I'm surrounded by October!)

  64. I would love to have my name entered in your Hobbit Drawing. Your birthday is the day after mine!

  65. Edgar--I would love to be entered in your drawing. Please enter me! You do such beautiful stitching, it would be such an honor to win.

    Congrats on finishing HoHRH. Quite an accomplishment. Take your time deciding on the frame, as it is going to be in your home forever once it is done!


  66. Oh how exciting!! I would love to be entered in the drawing for this gift-a-way! I think that it is awesome that you want to give on your birthday!

  67. I read your blog faithfully Monday through Friday! Love it!

    Please enter me!
    Thank you for the opportunity!

  68. Wow October is coming up fast! DH's birthday is the 5th of October. I'm not even remotely ready!! Thanks for reminding me to get on that!!!

    Count me in for your fun birthday drawing!!

    reflections314 at gmail dot com

  69. Please enter me in your birthday drawing. Thank you!

  70. What a great idea! I love LOTR.

    I've been lurking for some time now (I usually read your stuff via Google Reader), but I'm happy to leave a comment for something as fun as this.

    Thanks for the great blogging, Edgar!


  71. How can I possibly pass up this opportunity? Bilbo and Frodo would be proud to have their birthday tradition honored, don't you think? I wonder what the ents do on their birthdays.

  72. How could I not enter!!! My birthday is October 3rd.

  73. Party on, Edgar! Congratulations on your special day and many happy returns. Please include me in your drawing

  74. O yes yes yes, me me me!!! Love your blog, weekend estate sales, market photos, and stitching of course! Happy Happy early birthday.

  75. A hobbit birthday drawing??? How cute is that?? Please enter me in as well.
    And what concerns you frame, you probably come sooner or later across a frame which is just perfect. After all that work you don't want to settle for less then perfect anyway.

  76. Edgar, excellent idea! I did not know about the Hobbit Birthday's awesome! Yes, I too love the fall. My birthday is in November, but my mother's is October 18th, she's a Libra also. Love reading your blog. It takes me back to the bay. I've missed it. Grew up in Oakland/Alameda and San Lorenzo and used to frequent the City by the Bay often. I would love to be entered into your drawing also. Take care :)

  77. I would love to celebrate your birthday Edgar, so please enter my name in the draw. BTW I 'heart' your village, such warm colours.

  78. Wow, October is that soon? I hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday on Oct. 4th Edgar - filled with lots of love, stash, stitching & all of your fav things. :-)

  79. Oh. Me. Pick me! Pretty please pick me. :)

    I would love to be included in your Birthday Drawing. (And a very Happy Birthday to you!)

    And you couldn't pick a nicer to day to be born on unless it was the next day. The 5th is my Mom's Birthday. :)


  80. Wow you have a lot of comments already. I visit yoor blog and poke around but I am just getting into leaving comments. I to go off in a blue funk(my word for it) and don't stitch for long periods but I always come back
    I think its a great thing you are having a birthday drawing and would like to be included.

  81. Your VoHRH is wonderful! What an inspiration you are. I would love to be entered in the draw. Have an awesome stash filled birthday!!!

  82. Dear Edgar, My english is so poor, Thank you for your kindness, I love your stitching and your blog. Véronique from France.

  83. Yes I would like to win your birthday gift as this month is also my birthday - 10th - I also won't say which number. October people are very special aren't we?

  84. Edgar - happy birthday. While I am a great deal older than you (you look soooo young in your pciture) I continue to be amazed at your generosity and to find a kindred spirit who also knows that it is more blessed to give than to receive.Please enter me for your draw - maybe as I live closest of all your fans to Hobbiton (truly honestly - the film location is only an hours drive from my house) I should win???? Happy happy days from now till your birthday

  85. Hapy Birthday Edgar. Pease count me in

  86. Edgar,

    Happy Birthday and what a neat idea.

    I'd love a chance to be in your drawing.

  87. Hi Edgar, I enjoy popping onto your blog to check out your stitching, pictures, balcony updates, etc. I would love to be entered into your drawing! How fun and thanks! Meredith

  88. Oh my goodness hon, go away for a couple of days and I'm #91 - wow!!! good for you.
    Please add me to the list. I would be so excited to be drawn!!

  89. Happy birthday, in advance, Edgar. May you have many stitchy days ahead of you!!

    Thanks for the opportunity to be included in your drawing.

  90. I would love to be entered into the draw if that's OK. I can't believe 12 months has disappeared so quickly - it only seems like yesterday that you had your last birthday! :)

  91. Hi Edgar and happy early birthday! I am on vacation and have been out of touch. I'm glad the threads finally made it to you! Please include me in your birthday gift-away. I have been fortunate with the bowl of destiny before so maybe it will happen again!

  92. I love LOTR and the thought of a hobbit birthday giveaway. Please enter me.

    I'll put a post about this on my blog tomorrow.

  93. Of course I want in on the Birthday celebration...and a great big Happy Birthday to you!!!

    Always a joy to read all the things you have been up to!

  94. Well, include me too in your birthday celebration! Hard to believe that October will be here so soon.

  95. Hi Edgar,
    I sure wish your blog was miles longer. I could sit and read it all night. Your VoHRH is just gorgeous. I have started HoHRH on 14 ct aida and boy is big. My birthday was Sept. 14. Please enter me in your drawing.
    Linda S. Jackson, CA

  96. oooo gift-a-ways! Happy early birthday! Glad it's not your hundred and eleventh like Bilbo.

  97. Happy Birthday Edgar! I love your blog and I think your idea of a Hobbit style birthday is wonderful! I would appreciate being added to the list.

  98. Edgar...I so enjoy your post and look forward to catching up everyday...your stitching is fabulous! Please include me in the gift-away..I think its a great idea. I think my husband should try it for his

  99. Edgar, Your village looks fabulous but I am not surprised because your stitching always looks fabulous. I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing all your photos. I am a Libra too (Oct.12)and would love it if I won something stitched by you, please enter me in your draw.

  100. Oh a birthday Edgar - Celebrate!

    Thank you for adding me to the drawing.

  101. Your stitching is beautiful. any hobbit happiness is a wonderful thing. Happy Birthday!

  102. What a cool idea to share your special day with another!! Please add me into the bowl...what a treat it would be to win an "Edgar"!! :)

  103. Edgar,
    Happy Birthday!! Please enter me in your drawing. The pieces I've seen that you have stitched are awesome!

  104. I would love to be entered in your drawing!!! Happy B'Day!! Love your blog!!!

    Ellen S

  105. I was doing just fine with it being the end of September until I went to the bottom of the comment section and saw the countdown til Christmas. Now I'm in a panic. LOL

    Also wanted to let you know that reading your blog is a real pleasure. I always make sure I read it before I head home from work and have to drive past all the flood damage. We were very fortunate that our home was spared, but our 3 neighbors across the street have lost everything. Your entries always bring a smile to my face and a lightness to my heart. Thank you.

    If you don't mine, please toss my name into the Bowl of Destiny.


  106. Edgar, I'm coming out of lurkerdom to comment. I love seeing all your stitching and it keeps inspiring me to pull mine out! Thank you so much for sharing.

  107. Edgar, I would love love love to win your giveaway! MY birthday is Oct 9, so how awesome would that be??? Thanks for the chance!~ Faye

  108. Happy early b-day!! A Hobbit Birthday giveaway sounds fun.

    I hope you have a great day on your birthday! Relax and enjoy the day ;)

  109. Well, unless you're turning Eleventy Eleven I think you can make up your own Hobbit rules!

  110. How nice to read about such a lovely idea of yours on a really, really crappy day here! Hah, you brightened it, seriously. Thanks for your generosity... yup, please enter my name too! :)

  111. What a great idea Edgar! Hope you have a Happy Birthday as it is getting very near. I've always wondered why there is so many pigeons and you have answered that question for me.

  112. Hi Edgar,

    I am pretty new in blogland. Discoverd it this summer, during the quite hours on work.

    I love your blog, and love the fact that your are a man in a womens world. I am a women in a men world so it is great to see it the other way.

    Greetings from Amsterdam

  113. I love LotR too! I hope you have a great birthday! & that I will get to see you soon. Luna says "bark".

  114. Oh, Edgar! Did I comment yet? I don't think so. I hope you have a great birthday, and would LOVE to win your giveaway! Aren't autumn birthdays the best?

    Cheers to you,

    LauraB in Utah

  115. Edgar, I love reading your blog and I really enjoy all your Farmer's Market pictures in particular.

    October is such a great month for a birthday, my sister, Grandpa, MIL and youngest son all have October birthdays!

    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway :)

  116. Happy Birthday Edgar! I would like to be added to your drawing! Thanks!

  117. I don't know what my chances are that I'll win, with 120 other people in the pot, but what the hay! I might just get lucky, (that really doesn't happen to me very much! With contests or the other kind of "lucky") LOL!
    This is so generous of you! Thanks for the fun.

  118. Hi Edgar! Just wanted you to know I really enjoy reading your blog every week day, it's a treat. ( If there isn't a new post from you I worry.) Take care!

  119. Wishing You A Happy Birthday from Maryland!

  120. Enjoy your daily musings. Happy Birthday

  121. What a cool idea! Please add my name to your drawing and happy october birthday!


  122. Edgar,

    Happy Early Birthday!!!

    I love the village finish! Congrats to you for stitching so long to completion. I have a carousel horse that took me 10 years to finish!!

    Please enter me in the drawing and thanks for the offer!

  123. Dearest Edgar,
    Please include me in your birthday draw!!! Hugs, Deb

  124. Love reading your blog Edgar. Please add me to your birthday drawing, it sounds like fun!

  125. Ohhh I think I'm to late to sign up for this. What a pitty. But I wish you a happy birthday !!! I myself'have my birthday in the begin of november.


A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...