Monday, February 12, 2024

Stitchin' on Mary Allen 1818

Gentle Friends, so, you might have noticed I've tweaked my name a bit...  I've been posting on this old Blog since 2007 and thought it just might be time for a change... and now here's a snaperooo of where things stand on VSS...

The mistake I saw last week at Posting I fixed ... I know how it happened... I was stitching away not paying attention and stitching the upper-right triangle for the center square the blue color and not the nutmeg color it should have been.   Throughout this piece, there are counting mistakes and uneven spacing that I'm going along with, for the most part.  I'll adjust things as I stitch if it's making me too crazy, but Mary was only 8 years old when she stitched this piece and did a good job of things.  I also never just stitch things as charted anyway, I stitch for pleasure and if something is going to drive me over the edge then I need to fix and adjust as I go along... Stitching should be relaxing!!!

Looking into the future for my next stitch I started going through the old stash pile and found I have soooo many things!  Lots of things I've already stitched that are really stacking up and things I know I'll never stitch.  This leads me to think I need to do a stash unloading.  I'm on a Facebook book group where I could unload quite a bit... I also sell on eBay so I know how that works.  Here's a question for everyone, when you finish stitching a piece what do you do with the chart if you know you'll not stitch it again? 

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. I've sold some on ebay but most just go back into my file. Only occasionally do I stich a design more than one time.

  2. I've sole some on ebay but they usually go back to the file. I only occasionally stitch a design more than one time.

  3. If a friend requests, I just give them the chart. Otherwise I donate them (Goodwill, thrift shops, etc.).

    1. I've passed on many charts when asked, I thought about the Goodwill or SA, but here in the SF I've never seen a scrap of cross-stitching supplies for sale and would be afraid that it is all getting tossed out in the bins

  4. Mary gets more beautiful with each stitch. So incredible to conceptualize how young most of these sampler makers were. I, too, have a limit on "wonkiness." My last stitch pushed me over the edge and I just had to make some changes. I'm not as prolific a stitcher as you are but, generally, a completed pattern goes back into my pattern stash. ~Robin~

    1. Thanks, Robin... that stitched pile is getting so big I gotta do something :)

  5. Mary is looking good, Edgar! As for charts, if someone wants one, I give it to them or I leave them on the free table at stitch group.

    1. Thanks, Robin... I wish there was a stitching group here by the Bay.....

  6. such a beautiful sampler...with perfect stitches!!!
    xoxoxxxxoxox. ~ Lori from Notforgotten Farm

  7. I've had such a big stash! (Well...I still do...) I've taken my already-stitched or ain't-never-gonna-happen charts to a stitching group I belong to. If nobody there wants them, I've given them to the Friends of the Library at our local public library and they sell them in their bookstore. I have seen stitchery stuff at a local second-hand store (a hospital guild) and occasionally I've left my "extras" there. Good luck!

  8. Always love to see what you are working on! As for my charts, if they are digital, I simply save them as you cannot pass them on (digital rights, etc). My physical charts are put in the done pile and if someone I know is looking for a pattern, I simply give it to them. I do occasionally sell charts that were expensive (or like the monthly sets), but I am not a price gouger, so the person generally gets them pretty cheap. Hope that you decide on a destash that works for you.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...