Monday, February 5, 2024

A Little Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, stitching away on VSS... here's a snaperoo...

... and do you see my mistake???  I only noticed it once I put the picture on the Post...  I'll need to frog that sucker out and re-stitch, but it's only a small bit so not too much trouble.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again.  We've been having some rainy weather lately and more to come so... Stay safe and warm!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. Your sampler is looking good, Edgar. I don't see your mistake.

  2. Again, a plane flying over would never notice the oops.....

  3. Dearest Edgar: This is beauty, i hate frogging.


  4. Hmmm....only thing I can see is maybe that little last bud on the end of the border at the far right? Looks like it might be down a stitch or two too low? But who knows...many time the chart contains such anomalies. Looking good to me. ~Robin~

  5. That is not a little bit of stitching, you are really trucking along even with that small frog that is needed. Love this piece.

  6. I am unable to spot it :( You always pick very different patterns Edgar, not the common ones at all


Border Stitchin', Visiting NIAH, Eatin' Burgers and Brunch!

 Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on the border, and here's a snap... ... just fill it in at the moment so it's not too ...