Monday, October 12, 2020

A little Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, stitching away over the past few days, and here's another wrinkled mess of a photo...

... as you can see I've stitched mary brewster's name in Chesapeak.  As she is my 13th Great Grandmother and I wanted to single her out.  I've also added an "F" and a "P" in the embroidery hoop for Mary's daughters (fear and Patience) that came to Plimouth in 1623 on the "Anne".  It was with the death of Mary Allerton the first winter which left her husband Isaac Allerton a widower free to marry Fear in about 1625 or 6.  It is through her son Isaac II that a branch of my mother's family is descended.

There you sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again.  

Good Thoughts!  Good Words!  Good Deeds!


  1. Looks very good with Mary's name different color. Nice touch adding children's initials. I like you changed the seagulls and I changed two of those chicken to red. After all I am from RI. I like someone else on FB am adding a cat. Take care

  2. Edgar, your Mayflower piece is moving along. I love how you gave your great x 13th grandmother a different color. The addition of f & p is super as well.

  3. Such a proud heritage deserves your highlighting Mary,Fear & Patience.
    What a sweet heirloom you are creating.

  4. Dearest Edgar: What a wonderful design, and to have a family members name in this Sampler, have you ever done a family tree? just curious.
    Have a beautiful week


  5. Beautiful! It’s coming along quickly. And a piece which carries such meaning.

  6. Edgar, it really looks nice! I love that you have personal history with it as well. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Happy Monday Edgar! You're making grand progress! Love the personalization you've added. And I also appreciate you posting your piece straight off the hoop....wrinkles and all. I was beginning to think I was the only one who makes a wrinkled mess of the linen as I stitch LOL. ~Robin~

  8. I love that you included your ancestor's name and that it stands out. Makes the piece so personal. It's looking great!

  9. it is really looking good and I love the way you are honoring your family! I am finally getting to it. Working on the birds right now!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...