Thursday, October 29, 2020

A Little Holiday Cheer!!

 Gentle Friends, I thought I'd posted a few snaps from the house and the decoration Rico gets up to... but hadn't so here you go...

... you might remember that we are at the end of the hall on our floor so we can put a bit more than a wreath... it's good that Rico can make our wreaths, they are totally expensive to buy finished!

... at the front door is an old washstand we have a lamp on and drop keys but during the Fall and Winter months we do a bit more... the vintage blow-out on the left we picked up at a thrift store and the great black pumpkin on the right was a gift a few years ago form a cousin of Rico's...

... Now that they finally got in some Bud's Egg Nog I can get to having some holiday libations.... the packaging has changed on Bud's but it still is the best around!!  I got the Japanese whiskey this summer as a treat for me during the lockdown and it is cracking up to all the hype... woohoo!!!  It was super easy to order online and have delivered... 

... and the reason for all this Fall frivolity was I hauled out the old Great Pumpkin DVD and we enjoyed this during dinner.  I think it's terrible that they are not shoeing ITGPCB on regular TV this year.  The vintage blow-out on the left was also a thrift store find here in the City.

There you sports fans a late in the week post, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Monday, October 26, 2020

A very Little Stitchin' Week....

 Gentle Friends,  this past week I've neglected CtA a bit... so here's a little progress..

... I'll need to get a move on this week to finish it up before the Anniversary of the first sighting of Cape Cod on November 9th. -or -  The November 11th Anniversary of the first anchor dropping in Province Town Harbor on Cape Cod.  

There you go, short and sweet.  Hope all is well in your world, thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Monday, October 19, 2020

A Little Brunchin' a Little Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, so last weekend we headed out with some friends for brunch... the first brunch out for months....  we went to Mission Rock... it's a place we enjoy and last went there with Roberta, Terry there son Jeremy and his husband Michael... such fun and delicious to boot!!

... and you gotta love a place where a Mermaid brings you drinks!!

It's across the street from the new Chase Center sporting arena...

... and overlooks SF Bay towards the Oakland Hills...

... I couldn't get the lighting right but here are l to r, Rico, Tom and his wife Mindy...

... the menu leans heavily towards seafood dishes...

... and there were lots of drinks to choose from!!

I got a really delicious "Bender" and the others got Mimosas...

... Tom and Rico had Peach and Mindy got Guava...

Mindy had a Dungeness Crab Roll...

Rico had The American Breakfast...

Tom had the Dungeness Crab Benedict... and...

I had the Smoked Salmon Benedict... 
the breakfast potatoes had chimichurri sauce on them... 
so very delicious!!  It was a fun time had by all!!

Now, on to stitching... still working on CtA... here's a progress shot...

... as I usually do I finished up the border to see how much linen would be left, and there is plenty.  This has really been fun to work on and I'll be sad to see it wrap up in the next few weeks...

There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good deeds!

Monday, October 12, 2020

A little Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, stitching away over the past few days, and here's another wrinkled mess of a photo...

... as you can see I've stitched mary brewster's name in Chesapeak.  As she is my 13th Great Grandmother and I wanted to single her out.  I've also added an "F" and a "P" in the embroidery hoop for Mary's daughters (fear and Patience) that came to Plimouth in 1623 on the "Anne".  It was with the death of Mary Allerton the first winter which left her husband Isaac Allerton a widower free to marry Fear in about 1625 or 6.  It is through her son Isaac II that a branch of my mother's family is descended.

There you sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again.  

Good Thoughts!  Good Words!  Good Deeds!

Friday, October 9, 2020

A Little Voting

 Gentle Friends, we got our ballots in the mail the other day...

... then voted yesterday and...

... will drive down to drop it off at the Department of Elections... 

We've been getting our Ballots and voting through the mail for well over 20 years and never had a problem... didn't expect one this year no matter how some officials tried to screw up a system that works....  oh well, I always vote and encourage everyone to get out and Vote!

That's about it for today's sports fans.  We've got some blue skies today, the first time in a couple of weeks so things here by the Bay are looking up!!  Thanks for stopping by do stop again. Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Monday, October 5, 2020

A little Stitchin' and Some Other Stuff.....

Gentle Friends, so I'm still stitching away on CTA, and here's a not so hot progress shot...

...this has turned out to be a really fun piece to work on... 
my headless maidens are pretty silly at this point...

Yesterday was my Birthday and so I took off Friday and today for a little staycation... but life goes on and things have to get done, like the laundry ... I did a bunch yesterday and as usual two of the Who Hounds jumped into the hot sheets the minute they could...


I really didn't want to do anything for my B-day but Rico insisted and so I did agree to a nice meal at Lovjoy's with some friends... as with most of the restaurants here in SF they have constructed "Parklets" in front of the restaurants in the parking spaces for social distancing... so it was a fun "dejeunez sous l'arbe...

 ... we ordered four Queens teas and had pots of tea and a ton of food, this was after we had attacked the three tiers of sandwiches, scones, crumpets, and petit fours... so the four of us had a wonderful time!  It was so relaxing the day was breezy, sunny and warm... a perfect afternoon ... no fuss and no muss!

There you go sports fans, now for the rest of the day, I'm going to be stitching on CTA and watching some fun movies on TCM.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!

Goof Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...