Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, over the long weekend I stitched some on Sarah, here's a snaperoo....

... I'm really enjoying the different stitches used for different parts of the alphabets, regular cross, double cross, oblong cross,  rice stitch, and block.....  it's nice to have some variation!!  I'm also adjusting as I stitch along bits and pieces to even things up or where I think it looks better.

It's a wet Tuesday, and we're expecting lots more rain all week.  It's nice to have so much rain again after so many dry years....  That's about if for today sports fans, not much going on around the old homestead - we did take down and toss out all the dry Christmas greenry yesterday so the house is much less festive....  

Take care,


  1. You are making good progress on Sarah. Happy New Year!

  2. Dearest Edgar: Nice progress, this truly is a lovely design.
    It is always sad in our home when the tree comes down.


  3. Sarah looks gorgeous! Our tree is still up. I can't bear to take it down before twelfth night.

  4. That sampler is just coming right along and I'm falling in love with it as it does :) Good going you! We de-christmased this weekend too!

  5. So pretty! I love the colors in this. I also want to say 'Happy New Year' to you and Rico. Looking forward to another year of *you*.


  6. Great progress on the sampler. Glad to hear you are getting some much needed rain. We are just freezing cold up here!

  7. I'm enjoying following your progress on Sarah - she really is lovely! We took our Christmas decor down last week. Dan took the exterior display down on Sunday. As we drove up to the house later that day he commented that the house looks so bare when the outside lights come off - he's right!

  8. Qué bonito!
    Saludos desde España.
