Monday, March 28, 2016

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, finally finished up Cottage 10 - "Gingerbread Emporium."  Here's a snap...

... now on to #11 - "Elves' Workshop."  Slowly but surely I'm plugging away.....

That's about all to report today, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Hope you had a nice Easter . Nice finish, when you start nearing end of project do you begin to think what next? When I am two thirds to a finish my mind start to wonder what shall i do next. If the finish is large, it will always be something small usually with an alphabet in it. I am one of those who only works on one piece at a time. I know me if I worked on more than one I would never finish !

  2. So cute! and beautifully stitched!

  3. Getting close! I love those cute gingerbread men.

  4. This is beautiful. Almost there!

  5. You are making great progress--I see a finish in your near future

  6. Beautiful! I love this series!

  7. Showed it to my six year old (who has Autism). She says "Christmas. Gingerbread."

    On a completely unrelated note, my husband found me some Peep cookie cutters at Jo-Ann (large bunny, small chick). Big hit with the six year old. Since I know you like Peeps and all....

  8. Looks lovely! You're on the home stretch!

  9. Looking good! Interesting question Mary asked. Inquiring minds want to know......what's next?



Stitchin' Letters

 Gentle Friends, stitching away in the centre section... here's a snperoo... ...I've gotten the letters and separating bars stitched...