Monday, January 18, 2016

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, for the first time in a very ling time we stayed in almost the entire weekend.  we stepped out twice once for a run to the store for some Hound Chow Saturday, and then yesterday to Mass and a quick breakfast then home again.  No Thrifting, no running around no9 nothing - just hanging about around the house.  In all the hanging out I got a little stitching done....... here's where Santa's Villages stands.....

... I can;t get over how much this house reminds me of the Alamo at this point....  I changed up the floss on the pine trees to reflect the pine change I made at the beginning from a DMC dark green to CC "Steamed Spinach."  The lighter green floss is also a CC, "Jolly Holly." 

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Sometimes stay home weekends are the best. Great progress-yes it does look like the Alamo

  2. Here on the east coast, it is in the 20's today! Brrr.... for this southerner!
    The good news is that it's made me stay inside and stitch by the fire which is good for about a day and then I need warm weather. Your Christmas piece is looking festive.

  3. The village is looking really good! You are smart not to plan too many to work on. It takes a lot of the stress off.

  4. Sometimes that most restful week-ends are the ones you spend lots of time at home. Love the new stitching!!

  5. Sounds like a lovely homey weekend. I like the colors you are using!!

  6. I see what you're saying about the Alamo! lol! It's looking good!

  7. It was a homebound weekend here too (although more because of the weather than by personal inclination!) Santa's village looks amazing.

  8. Home weekends are great! Especially when you feel like you accomplished something! You will be finished with this soon!! Fun!

  9. You've whizzed along with this, its looking super

  10. A weekend just hanging out at home sounds good to me, Edgar! I really like this piece, it just looks so cheerful and fun.

  11. Stay home weekends, staycations no matter what the staying is about...I LOVE THEM! Glad you had a great one!
    The stitching is fabulous! ;)

  12. "this house reminds me of the Alamo" You always make me smile, Edgar. Beautiful stitching.

  13. Beautiful stitching progress.

    I enjoy going out but I also enjoy being a homebody sometimes. There's always stitching and books to occupy me.

  14. This looks absolutely stunning! I love weekends like that!


  15. I can definitely see the Alamo in that house. A long weekend in is such a nice luxury. A snow day tomorrow will hopefully allow a lot of stitching for me this weekend. Of course it also means a lot of shoveling.

  16. How nice it is to see your progress on this work. I bought the series and haven't yet started. It may be a project for the summer of '16!

  17. It does look like the Alamo! So there won't be a Thrifting Thursday post? lol



A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...