Monday, April 20, 2015

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, it was a fun low key weekend here by the Bay.  The weather was perfect - bright sunny and on the cool side then the fog rolled in Saturday evening and stayed with us all through Sunday - just perfect!!  Like Summer!!  I got a bit more stitching done on Sojourner Sampler.....  here's a snap.....

.... can you see the dog hair??  :)

There you go sports fans - short and sweet!!  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again.

Take care,


  1. Beautiful stitching, Edgar. No stitching is complete without dog hair!

  2. A very pretty sampler! Love those colours!

  3. Oh Edgar, this is just so beautiful! Those colors just sing. I'm looking forward to watching the progress on this one. Have a good week!

  4. This looks a very colourful design. Isn't it strange that no matter how much we try, we cannot keep pets fur from our stitching...I have the same problem except with cats lol. xx

  5. So pretty and a fun stitch for Spring! Love the stitches that look like little ferns. I only see one dog hair!

  6. This is gonna be a beauty ... dog hair and all!!! :~)

  7. This one is going to be a beauty!

  8. Th flowers on that sampler are so pretty! The dog hair adds a bit of texture!

  9. So pretty! If you look at my stitching, I'm sure you'd see cat hair. :D

  10. I LOVE the colors!!! This piece just screams "happy"! I purposely stitched in some pet fur into my latest finish. Someone called it "specialty fiber". Amen! Lol. ��

  11. Lovely spring colors plus dog hair. My problem is cat hair, sometimes I do not notice that I have crossed over it.....hard to remove too.

  12. Lovely stitching, Edgar! All of my projects have cat hair woven into them.... sigh*

  13. Perfect stitching choice for spring. All of my stitching has dog and cat hair in it so I even don't see it anymore.

  14. unfortunately I did investigate this one and it went straight into my wishlist. GREAT choice!
    I have cat hair on my stitching all the time! :D


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...