Saturday, January 31, 2015

Inspire Your Art with Heart Day

  Gentle Friends, I was inspired by Patience Brewster, Designer Extraordinaire, best known for her darling and quirky ornaments, about this National Day of Art and Inspiration - which got me to thinking about what inspires me and what has inspired me throughout my life...........

Over the past few years my artistic outlet has been mostly needlework, crosstitching - which I have been Posting about here at Black Sheep but I have tried other mediums.  I grew up around art and artists.  My Great Grandmother was a water colourist, and I am lucky enough to have two of her paintings......

....they both retain their original faux painted frames...  her daughter, my Grandmother was always doing something artistic, working in many mediums - ceramics, painting, needlework and other crafts....  I have quite a few things of hers that I live with an have shown in the past....  like

... my nativity I put out every year.....My dad was also a painter and although I do not remember this - once in his studio in Mississippi I got hold of a paintbrush and paint and created this......

.....  this always hung in my dad's dressing room and on the back it is dated 1965 titled
 "My Daddy" oil on board.  When we broke up my mom's house after she passed, this is one of things I took.  So I've sort of been creative since I was 2, having been inspired by my grandmother and dad.  My mom was a stitcher and I have a few of the pieces she made and I have a piece that her mother stitched.  So I've always been around stitching. 

As I grew older art was never far from my life or Degree I got early on is in Photo Journalism....although I never did much with it I still enjoy my camera and taking photos.  

My first job after Graduating from East Carolina University was with the Edgecombe County Cultural Arts Council, Tarboro NC- as Director of Education and Programs..... from there I moved on to the Appleton Museum of Art in Ocala Florida as Curator of Museum Education.  I still enjoy visiting the many world class museums, gallery's and cultural events that SF has to offer.

My stitching is inspired by many things, my background and life I've led up to this point and the lovely historic and antique samplers out there to view and emulate..... 
 this one I own -  I picked it up at an Estate Sale.....

 .....  I see it every day and think how lucky I am to have it on my wall......  I also am inspired by all the travel I am lucky enough to have done in the past - and plan on doing in the future.  I always seek out the museums and historic places where ever I go - and one of my favorite places to see is the National Gallery in London, I've been there a few times and always make a point to see the Burlington House Cartoon by Leonardo da Vinci.  I found this small version  in a house sale and see it every day propped up on a book case in my hall.....

......  the little painting "Coleus and Shell" was done by a dear friend in Tarboro as a going away present when I left North Carolina for Florida.  I think one of the reasons I really enjoy the large "cartoon" of "The Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist" is its size it is quite daunting being made up of 8 pieces of paper glue together.  It is a massive piece and so lovely - done in charcoal with black and white chalk.  I think it was seeing this piece that really made me want to visit the Chateau at Amboise and see were Leonardo is buried.

There's really not one thing in particular that inspires me, but many things, day to day things.... reading Blogs and seeing all the lovely pieces being worked on, taking part in Exchanges on the HOE and Private ones always inspire me to do my best.  I think that this weekend in honor of the Day I'll just do lots of stitching.

Thanks for stopping by, dos top again!!

Take care,


  1. A very interesting post Edgar, I enjoyed reading about your family creativity and also your past work history.

  2. I really enjoyed learning more about you and your artistic interests and outlets, and your family as well. Thanks for posting this! I was approached too but didn't go for it. Guess I should have. :D

  3. I love this post! Now I know why you take such great pictures. I'm curious to know at what age you started cross stitching. Are you self taught?


  4. I agree with Ann's comment. Nice to read how rich your creative heritage is and to see a bit of what inspires you.

  5. Very interesting. I like the painting with the mill.
    Great treasures of your family.
    Greetings from Germany

  6. It is wonderful to have all that family creativity in your background. It is obvious that you treasure your family's creations. I enjoyed reading this post and learning about your inspirations.

  7. A very enjoyable post Edgar! How nice that you were surrounded with such talent. I love the painting you did - looks like abstract leaves!

  8. I loved reading a bit more about you Edgar!AriadnefromGreece!

  9. Edgar

    Prop up your 2 year old tour de force next to that marvelous Mexican painting....see the
    connection? No coincidences....

  10. I loved reading about your art history and the people that inspired you!! Now you inspire thousands with your blog! I'm glad I know you, my friend!

  11. What an inspiring family story - thank you for sharing, Edgar.

  12. Lovely post Edgar. It's so interesting to know about people's lives and how they have been inspired. Thank you for sharing.

  13. You come from a very creative and talented family Edgar.

  14. Very interesting my friend! I loved hearing about your "roots" & seeing all the artistic treasures from your family.

  15. Hi Edgar, isn't art wonderful no matter the medium. Thank you for sharing made for a wonderful and inspiring read today for me!

  16. This is fascinating post. i love learning about people and what makes them tick. Working with museums and education sounds wonderful too. You have such an interesting background, no wonder you are so creative. I have favourite pictures that I love to see in London too. Whenever I visit the National Portrait Gallery I go to see the painting of the Bronte sisters by their brother, Branwell, i find it fascinating that he painted all three and himself then painted over his self portrait so there is just a dark area where he should be. By removing himself he made himself the focus of the picture. Happy stitching.x

  17. Such an interesting post! Your background is truly artistic, decorative, and (I think) eclectic! Thank you for sharing all of this information, as well as photos of family treasures and cherished possessions. I find it fascinating to learn about the lives of others, and what shapes and molds a person!

  18. loved reading about you and your family history and how precious you have stitching from your mum too and just love that painting you did :) love mouse xxxxx

  19. I loved this post! Such beautiful pieces, including your original. :)

  20. Great post. It's always interesting to find out more about our blogging friends. You certainly have Art in your blood!
    My family are quite creative but in very different ways to each other.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...