Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Hunka Hunka Tasty Cake.......

Gentle Friends, a clever title escaped me this morning so I went with a silly title.  Since Tuesday is all about "cake" I'll talk about Sundays baking adventure.....  I found the recipe over at Brandie's Blog "Country Cook" and it got there by way of a cookbook called "Come Home to Supper " from Christy Jordan.  Called "Elvis Presley Cake" - I was intrigued to say the least.  It comes together really easy with the cake part a basic yellow cake .........  here's a snap...

....  the only downside to this cake, and it is hardly a downside is that when I went to cut it I found it to be a be sticky where the pineapple layer was and it tended to pull on the knife, but that is small potatoes with such a really tasty cake!!  Easy and quick  - give it a shot!!!  Thanks Brandie and Christy!!!!
That's about it for today sports fans, no stitching last night because of the Estate Planning workshop at the Lawyers - which by the way went spectacularly well.  The  workshop went way over time, but that didn't matter, it was VERY informative!! I left with not only a ton of information but with the following legal paperwork signed and in place...... My Will, My Health Care Directive, and Power of Attorney for financial maters, all these things just in case I become incapacitated.  At 50, I ain't gettin' any younger....... I would highly recommend everyone getting these things in order because if they are not in place and something, god forbids happens, then it is NOT your decisions any longer to make.... but the courts will step in and make the decisions for you.......  I would rather make the decisions now while I can -  than let some stranger who doesn't know me or have a clue as to what I want make them for me!!!!  Kind of a control freak in that regard!!

Thanks again for stopping by, so stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Edgar, You are not a control freak! What you are is an intelligent man, planning for what could save those who love you from a horrible situation. All adults (even younger than 50) should have these important legal papers in place - and have that talk with your designee about your wishes. Well done!

  2. I agree with cl. It's never too early to get our affairs in order. Life is unpredictable. We don't know what is in store for us (nor would we want to know) so designating someone to take care of our wishes if we're not able to is a smart thing to do. :)

    Live long and prosper...LOL

  3. A very good idea indeed. We need to update our will, and we have living wills, but I don't think we have power of attorney. Should look into that. Love that cake -- looks delicious!

  4. I totally agree with the comments. I did the same thing several years ago. I want things to go my way not the way of the government or who ever, makes those decisions if you don't. Good for You!!

  5. I must take my new Cuisinart hand mixer for a spin and attempt another from-scratch angel food cake. But since the first two ended in complete disaster, I've been hesitant. Thanksgiving baking will be coming up next week. What are you making?

  6. I have been procrastinating about such things and really must get a move on. Good for you.

  7. Oooh Edgar your cakes always look soooo yummy!!

    I think its great you got your stuff in order. We really need to do that. Was this offered by a lawyer or a financial institution? It would be great to go and come out with all that stuff done.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...