Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Celebrating my 5th Blogaversary!!!!!!

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks so much for once again stopping by my little Bit of Blogland!!  On May 9th (in two weeks) I will have been writing my little Blog for 5 years!  I really can't believe it has been that long - I still enjoy the daily interaction and commenting with everyone in the Stitching Community.  I must once again thank Carol over at Garden of Stitches a wonderful stitcher, dear friend and my Blog mentor .....and the reason I started in the first place!!

Now, I have had lots of different Drawings and Gift-a-ways here and thought what could I do this time that would be a bit different????   Well, I have been thinking on this for a bit now and have come up with something that I hope you all will enjoy.....  a Gigantic Movie Gift-a-way!!  What brought this about was my going through and just straightening up and putting away the tons of DVD's I have.  They seem to migrate from the shelf home they have to where ever there is a Player!  While doing this I found that I have quite a few duplicates of things .....  since movies and films are a big part of my life and this Blog instead of just letting these sit around gathering dust...  I have come up with 5 different Themed Drawings  (1 for each year!!)

1. The Musicals

This collection includes: "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" - 1954, "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" - 1953, "Moulin Rouge" - 2001, "Dreamgirls" - 2006 and "Till the Clouds Roll By" - 1946

2. Christmas

This collection includes: " How the Grinch Stole Christmas" - 2000, "Scrooge" - 1970, "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas" - 1966 / "Horton Hears a Who" - 1970 and "White Christmas" - 1954

3. Drama Collection I

This collections includes: "Desk Set" - 1957, "LoTR - The Two Towers" 2 Disc Version - 2002, "The Corpse Bride" - 2005, "The Last Emperor" - 1987 and "Gone With the Wind" single Disc version - 1939.

4. The Barbra Collection

This collection includes:  "The Television Specials" a 5 Disc Set - 1965-1973 (technically not movies but really great!!), "Funny Girl" - 1968 and "The Sound of Music" The 5 Star Collectors Edition - 1965

5. Drama Collection II

This collection includes: "Gone With the Wind" 4 Disc Collectors Edition - 1939, "All About Eve" - 1950 and "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" - 1962

There you go - the 5 Collections.  Now, to enter this Drawing you will need to be a follower of my little Blog and leave a comment on This Post Only by May 8th at 2 pm PST.  

In the Comment you leave here please indicate the Collection or Collections you would like AND what kind of Movie Candies you enjoy !!  I'll have the Hag Claw draw the 5 Winners and Announce them on May 9th.  This Drawing is open to anyone anywhere the Mail delivers in the World.  The DVD's are all Region 1 but will play in Multi Region Players or Blu Ray Players.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Do stop by again!!!

Take care,


  1. Happy 5th. I'm finally back on-line at home. Thank you so much for the books. They arrived last week. I'm such a slacker on the "thank-yous" but your generousity is always so appreciated. Did you watch "Birdsong" on PBS Sunday? Sort of a Downton Abbey-esque theme. I found it a bit hard to follow and the characters a bit shallow. Maybe next week's episode will draw me in for something other then the costumes.

  2. oooo well there is only one I don't like and that is the drama collection ... so cold you count me in for any of the others :) and mmmmm I like sweet popcorn or chocolate (prefer dark ) and jelly babies or jelly beans too :0
    happy blogaversary :) love mouse xxxxxx

  3. Happy Anniversary. I love reading your blog every day and your stitching is beautiful. I just started on HWR Autumn and love it. I like both of the Drama collections - I love old movies. Please add my name to your drawing. I like kettle corn popcorn and licorice. thanks again. Melody

  4. Oh what FUN! Congrats on the blog success. I'd love to be entered for the 'Christmas' or the 'Barbara' collections.

  5. OH what fun! I love the musicals and a close second would be Barbara!

    M&M's all time favorite, with Junior mints a close second ;0

    Such fun, thank you for this chance.
    Becky in WA

  6. Congrats on your 5 year Blogoversary Edgar!! It's hard to make a choice!! I would have to say #2, #3 and #5!! Although #1 and #4 are pretty good too!!!



  7. Happy Blogoversary a week early! What a great gift a way idea. Please include me in the Musicals, Barbra, and Christmas. Thanks for sharing! Oh - and movies go best with dark chocolate raisinettes and gummy bears.

  8. Oh how fun! Love the movie themed idea for a giveaway. I also appreciate all of your movie reviews, because I have found some great ones, based on your recommendations.
    Since I'm a huge movie fan, they all look great to me! Please throw my name in, and I'll keep my fingers crossed that I win something great.
    As far as treats go...I don't think there is a movie candy I don't like. Juju fruits, milk duds,'s all good.
    Have a great day!

  9. What wonderful & clever gift-a-aways to celebrate your 5th Blogaversary! Many congratulations to you! I'm not going to ask that my name be tossed in the hat because I know my movie-obsessed husband has them all but I wish much luck to everyone who enters!

  10. Congrats on your 5th blogaversary! I think I'll be celebrating my 3rd next fall. Do sign me up for number 5 as my husband loves older movies and I've only seen Gone with the Wind out of the set so it will be nice to see something I haven't seen.

    Have you read the actual book for Gone with the Wind? I read it in H.S. since it was my Grandmother's favorite book (she was from Atlanta).

  11. Congratulations on your 5th blogoversary Edgar. Please enter me into your draws for numbers 3 and 5. You know my favourite chocolate are Midnight Milky Ways ;-) and I am, of course, a long-time follower

  12. 5 years is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations! And what a giveaway! I'd love to be entered for 1 and 5. As for what movies I like -- well, that's rather difficult to say. For example, I love the Star Wars series -- grew up on some of them after all. And I love LOTR and am looking forward to The Hobbit. But I also love sappy chick flicks. But I also love historical dramas. And musicals (love me some Gene Kelly!) And gosh, lots of different things. But not horror or thrillers. Ugh.

  13. Congratulations Edgar on your 5th Blogaversary. I just hope my blog last that long and with as many followers as you. I look forward to visiting your blog everyday sometimes I make comments and sometimes I just read but am always entertained and enlightened. I would love to be entered in the drawing for Drama Collection II. I just love Betty Davis and Gone With the Wind; my favorite movie candies are Almond M&Ms. Again congratulations and many more years to come.

  14. I think I have been reading your blog for most of those 5 years. Yours was one of the first I started reading regularly and I always enjoy it so much.

    My favorite movie of all time is in collection 5: Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? I can't tell you how many times I've seen it but I can say I love me some Bette Davis and I love Twizzlers, too!

    Thanks for a great blogoversary drawing. I hope the hag claw is good to me this year. :)

  15. Edgar: What fun I love the Christmas Collection, I am a sucker for Christmas movies.
    When I was small this will tell you how old I am on sunday we were given 25 cents, it was 10 cents to get into the movie house, 5 cents for pop, 5 cents for popcorn and of course 5 cents for Boston Baked Beans my favorite candy.WE only went to the movies on sunday so mom and dad could be together for their time.
    I miss the good old days or as my nieces and nephews call it the olden days. LOL.
    Hugs Catherine

  16. Congratulations on 5 years in the blogosphere. Thank you for hosting the giveaway. My favorite movie candy is Junior Mints, a wierd choice, but I love them. I would like to be entered for the Drama Collections 1 or 2.

  17. Congratulations to you Edgar on your 5 year blogaversary! One of my favorite things is curling up on the sofa with cross stitch in hand, jelly bellies on the coffee table and an old movie in the DVR. Oh and in the winter, a fire in the fireplace with a tasty beverage nearby! I could curl up with any of the 1, 2, 3, or 5 collections. Thanks for another fun opportunity.

  18. Congrats on your 5th blogoversary! And what a wonderful and generous idea! Please include me for #5 Drama Collection II. My favorite movie candy is Milk Duds :)

  19. Woo ~ congratulations on 5 great blogging years, Edgar! Wishing you a very happy blogoversary and many happy returns!

    My favorite movie treat (after popcorn ~ lol) is dark chocolate almonds. Mmmm-mmmm! Any of the collections is good for me...I am NOT picky about what kind of movies to watch at all!

  20. Happy 5th bloganniversary Edgar! How time flies!
    What a great collection of giveaways! Wonder what to choose if I am ever picked! Well since I am also an amateur actress I think the Drama collection is for me. I just hope they will work in Greece!
    Now what are movie candies I don't really know but I guess you mean what I love eating while watching!Apart from pop corn and dark chocolate I also love licorice(which we don't have much of here), toffees and fruit jellies!

  21. Hi Edgar congratulations on 5 years of blogging! If I were so fortunate to win i would pick the Drama 2 collection. My favourite movie candy is raisinettes!
    dq fron GR

  22. 5 Years - That's terrific! Please enter me. My favorite movie candy is Junior Mints. I'd be delighted to win any of the collections. In order of preference (with my fave in that group) are: 3 (Desk Set!!!), 2 (1966 Grinch), 1 (7 Brides), 4 (Sound of Music), and 5 (GWTW).

  23. 5 years already! Way to go, Edgar! I've enjoyed reading your blog emensley! Please include me in your anniversary giftaway. I would love the Musicals, Drama I, or Drama II. My favorite movie candies are Raisinette, Sno Caps, Milk Duda, Junior Mints, or Hot Tamales! Hope the Who hounds pick me!

  24. Congrats on your 5th blogoversary! Love your 5 generous giveaways! Please enter me in the drawings for #1 and #5. My favorite movie candy is Sno-Caps.

  25. What a cool idea! I'd like to have a chance at being picked by the Hag Claw! I like the #1 and #3 Collections. I like chocolate covered raisins. Congrats on your 5 years of blogging!

  26. What a wonderful giveaway(s) and happy 5th blogoversary.

    I would love to be entered into the 5th collection of movies. I love all of these movies and have none on DVD.

    Oh and M&M's would have to be one of my favourites along with skittle type candy.

  27. Oh movies are one of my favorite things. They just take me away like 'Calgon'. lol Happy Blog anniversary! I don't go to the movies (can't afford it), but when I watch movies at home I love pistaschios and wine. And Reese's cups. I like Collection #2, #4, and #5.

  28. Oh my...what a wonderful way to celebrate 5 wonderful years Edgar!

    I would have to go with Collection #2: Christmas,with a box of Milk Duds or Strawberry Twizzlers...who could ask for more :o)

    HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY my friend...may you have many more blogging celebrations to come.

  29. Wow Edgar. What a great giveaway. Happy 5 years. I would love to be entered for any of the collections. My favorites are comedies and musicals. M&M Peanuts and popcorn.

    Thanks, Linda

    PS The 9th is DH birthday, maybe I'll be lucky.

  30. Hi Edgar, I'll pass on the giveaway as I've got a lot of those movies already, and they should go to someone who wouldn't be doubling up, but I wanted to add my congratulations on 5 years of blogging

  31. Happy Blogaversary! I would choose #3. My favorite movie snack is definitely popcorn. I like jelly bellies, dark chocolate mint and raspberry M&M's.

  32. I would like any of these, although the musicals would probably be my first choice. M&Ms all the way, or maybe Nibs. Congratulations on your 5 years of blogging.

  33. What a super giveaway.
    Good luck to all your followers who enter.

  34. Happy Blogversary Edgar! Congrats on 5 yrs! What a collection of movies - if I were to pick 2,3 or 5. I haven't seen Gone With the Wind in its entirety yet. And candies -- swedish fish or gummies. I'm just a kid at heart.

  35. Happy 5th Blogoversary, Edgar! - I love to read your blog and admire your stitching (and baking!). That's quite a collection - the Musicals, Christmas, Drama 1 and the Barbara Collection are the ones I'd enjoy most. Peanut butter or Mint MMs are what I go for most! Or at a pinch - Reese's cups!
    Thank you for such a lovely giveaway!

  36. Happy Blogoversay Edgar.

    Please don't enter me for the I don't have a multi region DVD or Blu ray player but I will tell you my movie candy :) It's Haribo

  37. What a wonderful way to celebrate your blogoversary!
    I must tell you that Carol's is the first blog I found and read online and is the reason I got to thinking through this whole blog thing! Then a couple of other stitching friends helped me get set up and I'm so glad that I did.
    I have very few DVDs so this is a great way to add to my collection. Please enter my name in the draw for the Musicals. My favourite movie candy would have to be Sweet Tarts. Although I can never buy them at the theatre I almost always have a roll in my purse. They've been a fav since childhood and probably one of the reasons I'm the size I am, lol!

  38. Happy 5th Blogoversary!! I am still enjoying your blog as much as I did when you started. I've learned so much about San Francisco the restaurants, markets, historical buildings, art work, bakeries, weather and have enjoyed it all. Your beautiful stitching and recipes are just the topping on the blog!!! Please throw my name in for collection #5. I love Ike and Mike and Hot Tamales!

  39. Happy 5th Blogoversary! I have been reading your blog for several years now and I love your stitching! I enjoy your recipes and seeing what you pick up at the estate sales.
    I would love to be entered in your drawing for collection 1. I just love the musicals! My favorite movie candy are the Junior Mints!

  40. Happy 5th, Edgar! Your blog is one of the first I started reading and following and I have really enjoyed it, and getting to know you! What a fun giveaway! Only set I woudn't be crazy about I guess, is the Christmas collection - other than that, I'd be tickled to win any of them. My favorite movie candy is Hot Tamales - mmmm mmmmmm... love hot cinnamon!

  41. Love reese's pieces and twizzlers when I watch movies! And popcorn of course!
    Please enter me for Christmas, and drama 1 and 2... Have enjoyed your blog for about one year now, keep up the great work!

  42. Hi Edgar, congratulations on the blogiversary!! I'd like to be entered into drawing #3 for Drama #1, I just love the Corpse bride and don't own gone with the wind yet, can you believe it? I love twizzlers at the movies. ;). Congrats!!

  43. That's a lot of duplicates! :)
    We find that with books (and sometimes I do with cross stitch patterns even) all the time. So I know how easy it is.

    Congrats on your blogiversary!!
    Were I to pick I think the last package would be divine. (I am a geek and love special features about movies like Gone with the Wind, yes I need a life, lol). Hmm... candy... I think that would have to be M&M's or Skittles (but I think the skittles here in Canada are different from elsewhere...)

  44. Congrats in your blogiversary, when I go to the cinema, and sometimes, not there, I love to eat chocolate covered raisins, hmmmmm, they're yummy!!!!, please enter me in the drawing, I'll be thrilled to win, I love all the packages, but if I have to pick, I'd like to be in the drawing for 2 (christmas), 3 Drama Collection ! and 4 Drama Collection II, for sure I don't dislike the other ones, thank you for the chance and wish you many blogiversaries to come!!!!

  45. Congratulations on your 5th blogoversary. Like WoW. And I nearly missed out :@ Oh musicals, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers what a classic. Any would be great.

    LiBBiE in Oz

  46. Just want to wish you congratulations on accomplishing an amazing 5 years of blogging! I would like to try for 2) Christmas (love the Albert Finney version of Scrooge - always wanted to do a cross stitch of Spirit of Christmas Present!) - and any candy would be awesome :)

    Thank you!


    ljmcd7 @


A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...