Friday, December 2, 2011

A Wonderful Piece of Music....

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends as you may remember one of my favorite writers is Charles Dickens and probably my favorite short story ever is "A Christmas Carol."  I thought about talking about one of the filmed versions that although has some very questionable casting choices....  has some of the loveliest music.  The version is "A Christmas Carol: The Musical" - 2004 - 

starring Kelsey Grammer, Jesse L Martin, Jane Krakowski, Jason Alexander, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Geraldine Chaplin.  One of the nicest songs to come out of this film is "God Bless us Everyone" written by Alan Menken.  Here is a clip from You Tube using the music track the from the film with a slide show and superimposing the words over the visuals... expressing what I think is the true meaning of the song......

A super piece of music for the Season and everyday.

There you go sports fans - have a great weekend!!

Take care,


  1. That was awesome, thanks for sharing it.

  2. Wonderful! I posted it on my FB! Thank you!

  3. How beautiful. Now I have to go find the entire song. Thanks for guiding me to new-to-me music.

  4. I'd love to know which casting choices you think are questionable. :D I'm off to listen to the video.

  5. Having shied away from Dickens in the past, I decided to read A Christmas Carol last year and absolutely loved will now be read each year, beginning on Thanksgiving night, and I am sure I will always associate it with you. :).

  6. Hi Edgar, Thanks for sharing that wonderful song. Hope your week-end is great!

  7. This past weekend I participated in a reading of Dicken's Christmas Carol. I was a part of a choir who sang carols at various times throughout the reading. This was a fundraiser to purchase equipment for our local hospital.The readers were dressed in period costumes and several were professional broadcasters and actors so it was really well done!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...