Friday, December 9, 2011

A Christmas Carol

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you all so much for all the kind comments and emails about the Christmas Box I sent to Diana.  The stitching community is so kind and such an ego boost!!!

By the Post Title you might think I'm going to talk about the story by Dickens, again...  not today -  I am sort of short of things stitchity to write about as I am still secret stitching -  I think I will post about a favorite Carol of mine and make it another musical Friday Posting.

I love Christmas music, all kinds from all times, and another favorite pieces of music from the season would have to be "In the Bleak Midwinter."  Here are the King's College Cambridge Choir from 2005 singing this lovely song...

The song is based on a poem written by Christina Rossetti one of the 19th centuries most important poets.  The poem was set to music written by Gustav Holst in about 1904/1906.   If you would like to read a bit more about this song you may click HERE.  Enjoy!!

Thanks for stopping by - do come again!

Take care,


  1. My favorite version of this is Sarah McLachlan. Thanks Edgar! Blessings, Ana

  2. ooo it brings back memories of when I went to the recoding studio for a local radio station many moons ago and sung this as lead soloist :) love it .... thanks for sharing I shall be humming this all night now :) love mouse xxxx

  3. Oh Edgar, that is my fave carol also. We played it in bell choir and was always my favorite one.

    Mary in TN

  4. One of my favorites, also, and so beautifully done. Thank for sharing!

  5. Absolutely beautiful Edgar. Thanks so much for sharing it. I had it playing in the background while I browsed through a few blogs on my list.

  6. Edgar, thanks for sharing. I loved the youtube. The Hallelujah Chorus is alway so moving. I never tire of listening to it.
    I love your blog. You always inspire me with your needlework, old movies and food. We are cut from the same cloth.

  7. Hi Edgar, I have never left you a comment... but I always follow your wonderful posts... I love Christmas Carols so much... and this tear I've created a 'Victorian Christmas Project' (in italian) in order to write about all ancient traditions :-): carols - kitchen - christmas card... This is a so joyful time...
    Maybe you love also the wonderful ' A Christmas carol' by Charles Dickens... do you like my sock? :

    I'm sorry for this long comment, I wish you a merry stitching Christmas :-)


  8. I love Christmas music, with folks singing it outside stores. Really helps get you in the mood. Richard

  9. Thank you so much, Edgar. I really needed this beautiful music and poetry today. You never know when a gift like this one you gave can touch a heart. :] God bless you this holiday season.
    Deborah/TheBookishDame and

  10. This is my all time favourite carol and no one sings it better than Kings. My husband has seen them sing during a service when he was studying church music in England. We have many of their recordings and I love to listen to them. We will be singing this one during our Christmas Eve service.
    Thanks for sharing it with us!

  11. How wonderful...thanks for that. Makes me think Christmas, peace and joy... all at the same time.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...