Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I'm Back from my Florida Christmas (way too many snaps)

I got back into town - leaving 80 degree sunshiny weather to find the bay area clear and cool in the 50's..... It was so nice to get home for the Holiday's as we usually go to my sister's in Vancouver, WA - where they had a super white Christmas!! We got to the Beach -

Looking North from the Daytona Beach Pier

Looking South from the Daytona Beach Pier -

It was some really gorgeous weather the whole time we were there!!!!

As we normally do Mat, Katie and Uncle edgar made cookies - Katie picked the Gingerbread cookie recipe that her Grandmother made up and Mat picked a crunchy no-bake chocolate peanut butter cookie - here are some snaps -

Gingerbread ready for the oven...

ready for decorating....

and decorating - (I just wasn't up to making icing so I got some already made for the cookies) -

and here are Mat's cookies ready for the chocolate dip...

Mat was very meticulous about each one getting completely coated and he did a super job!!!

.....and a tradition in my family since I was a baby (about a 1000 years ago!!) we had a Birthday Cake for baby Jesus - this year I made a white chocolate/pecan/ coconut three layer super cake - that was pretty damn tasty if I do say so myself!!! Here is a snap -

There was only a little piece left by the time the weekend came - so I think it was a hit!!!

We had a visitor staying with us - Friends of ours were down from Virginia staying in their time share - they couldn't have pets so we kept Siggy at our house - and what a super love he was -

Connie and Chuck rescued him and he may look sort of ferocious but the worst thing about him is his super sloppy kisses!!! He is just a sweetie!!!! and small for a boxer - at only 60lbs or so - quite a difference from my babies at about 5lbs each!!

On the stitchy front I had two exchanges arrive - they were both going to the same recipient so I sent them together - Dear Joan was the December Ornament receiver so I made her "Believe" from Heartstrings Primitives booklet called "Tidings of Joy" - using a combo of DMC, Belle Soie and WDW - floss' - Here is a snap - ( I couldn't find mine so here is one that Joan took)

she was also my partner in the SBEBB ABC exchange so I sent along a bit early the piece I made for her -

The pattern was from a French site - I used Belle Soie silk for the floss -

Here is another present I can finally post about - It was for Cissy and John -

I did this in silk using Vickie's HDF - the only thing I changed was the font for Washington and added the date of admittance to the Union - I think it framed up really nice.

I didn't touch a needle the entire time I was away - even though I had planned on getting a couple of things finished ... but that did not happen..... I did have a super present waiting for me when I got back here from Vonna - opening up the box and finding some delicious goodies, a super snap and this....

Lovely "Believe" Ornament!!! Here is it on the tree looking stupendous!!! Another treasure form a dear friend!!!!! Thank you so much Vonna!!!!! I just love it!

Well I have bent your ear and eyes enough today - I will be back after a 4 day weekend - with the continuing adventures of the Black Sheep and side kick Bubble Gum - (I am gonna hear about that when I get home!!!! :) )

Hoping everyone has a Healthy, Happy, Safe and Prosperous New Year!!!!! See you in 2009!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!
Take care,

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A lovely award arrives and a Christmas wish...

Yesterday the mail brought the lovely needle book from the drawing that Becky had and here is a snap -

It is such a lovely thing and like I said to Becky a harbinger of the spring to come in pastel with Mr Hoppity!! Thank you Becky!!!

This will be the last post until after Christmas as I will not have access to one at my mothers house - her computer is very slow and with so many folks around it will be next to impossible to got online - so I will leave all of you my dear Friends with this little vintage card of Christmas Greetings!!!!

Have a Great Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!!!!! I will be back on the 30th!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!!!

Take care -

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One week away....

....and it will be Christmas Eve - can you believe it!!!! I look around and think everything that will get done has gotten done as basically I am out of time - I look to this Friday when a Super Shuttle will pick me up at 3:45 AM (you read that right AM) for my 5:55 AM flight to Florida!!!! That will be a drudge day I just know it and that layover waiting in Atlanta will certainly suck!!!! But I wear a smile as my umbrella!!!!! Tra-La!!!

It will be nice to see everyone and eat some decent Barbecue!!!!! I get in around 5:30 PM and my Mom is picking me up and she doesn't know it yet but on the way home we are stopping and getting us some!!!! Yummy!!!!!!!

I have been doing some work on the SBBC Blog and have removed those members form 2008 that are not going on into 2009 and sent out new invitations to those that joining 2009 - If you were removed by accident or did not receive the invite just let me know - thanks!! It is a very easy thing to add and send out invitations.

Short today - as not too much is going on - thanks for all the nice things you all said in the comments yesterday!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

take care,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I am back on-line!!!!

The Internet was just not very good to me yesterday as it kept blacking out -
but here I am today -
We are having a few days of terrific storms - rain, hail and wind - just winter here in the Bay area - so the forecasters were spot on this time!! They are even reporting black ice and some snow at the lower elevations in and around the city this morning.

It was very busy this weekend - lets start off with the stitchy report ...
I was a finishing fool so to speak - I finished off the Reindeer ornament -

Instead of using the silk cord that I usually use I had some very thin leather braid that I wrapped this sucker in and used some red pins - I really like how well he turned out!! I also finished up a present for some dear friends that I will be seeing at my mothers house on Christmas -

This is a freebie from The Sampler Girl called Irish Blessing. I have wanted to stitch this up for a long time and now had a reason. I used a loose piece of 32 ct linen and WDW floss. I also finished up the Cardinal piece for a present -

I really am very pleased with the way he turned out - I may stitch this for us at some point!! Also I finished up an exchange I am sending out this morning a bit early, I finished up Joan's Ornament for that exchange and that will go into the mail this morning - I wanted to get it to her before the weekend and I think I have a running chance!! The ABC SAL - I completed the first part and really like how the silks look together - here is a snap -

The ABC SAL has just started so if you are interested go check out the site - there is also a really lovely freebie NOEL chart at the top to download for stitching. I am using Belle Soie Silks called Plush Plum and Teddy Bear - (Rico and Dale both thought I was using brown and brown - is it that brown - do you think??)

We did the Estate sale thing on Saturday morning and I found my holy grail for the kitchen - a 3 inch deep Griswold iron skillet -


I have chased so many of these pans on eBay and just get blow out of the water at the price - so when I stumbled ont to this I snapped it up. It is improperly seasoned and there was some sort of burned on black stuff - that I have gotten off the inside - so I only have to clean it up and reseason and voila and great chicken frying pan!!! I also picked up a great linen table cloth and this beautiful leather and gold embossed book -

It was a very good sale !!
I will leave you with some snaps of different ornaments from our tree -

and under our tree sits......

and a final shot....

This also shows one of the ornaments that my grandmother made for her tree - one of her special "jewel balls" - I have a handful of them to hang on the tree each year to remember her lovely Christmas decorations.

That's about it for today - thanks for stopping by!!!
Take care,

Friday, December 12, 2008

It's Friday and a Storm is a'coming

We have been hearing all week long here in the City by the Bay about this gigantic winter storm that is on its way..... with freezing weather and rain that may turn to snow on Sunday...... well - if it is anything like the last "Major Storm" they predicted a few weeks ago - I'll not hold my breath waiting!!!! That last storm was such a bust - and by the time of "the great fizzle" you would have thought it was going to be armageddon or something instead it was like an "old kazoo and a couple of sparklers!!!" This time might be a bit more - but by the way the weather persons drone on and on about it you would think that they had never even heard of a storm in the winter - For Northern California this is the stormy season and we should have rain and wind a' plenty from now on until the spring - but for the past few years we have precious little in the way of rain or storms. - I'll just be waiting and watching.........

Last night I was stitching up on an upcoming exchange - that I think will be really pretty - I am using a gorgeous shade of Belle Soie (you know what a nut I am about that stuff) and the linen is one of my favorites - that is not blotchy (can you believe it!!) Will have a snap on a future post.

I also got the last box in the UPS pile this morning to my Mom's - I wanted to get everything there next week - and think there will no problem at all since the UPS guy told us that they are not as busy as they should be so everything is getting where it should be just fine. In fact at the Post Office yesterday I was talking to Michelle ( a postal person I have been dealing with for the past 5 or 6 years) and she said she has seen a dramatic drop in the amount of mail coming into the station - In past years it was a real job just to keep up with the mail coming in and this year they are having no problem and everything is moving along without problems - very telling!!!!

Yesterday's comments were such a boost - thank you all so much - Alf - what a nice thing to write!!! - Dear Anna it is always nice to hear form you! - Sherry I am glad that you are feeling better! - Jan - I just love the Thin Man Series of Films - Nick and Nora are just super characters and Myrna Loy is one of my all time favorite actress' and I love her in just about everything she ever did!! - Srinity - I would be fine with the commercials showing as I do realize that somebody needs to pay - it is the cutting that I object to - Finland has the answer though - show the entire movie!! - Lisa - I have done the same thing with shows I really like - I just get the DVD sets, just sometime they really take a long time to get the episodes out onto DVD. - BW - I totally agree that is why TCM is my favorite movie channel - it used to be AMC but they have gone the route of commercials breaking into the movies.

Thank you all nce again for stopping by!!! Stay Dry!!

Take care,

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Thursday post - with poetry....

I just lost a big old post that I just typed – now where did that go?? Oh well – let me retype – I have been working on presents and exchanges in the stitching world and so there are no snaps of any of that just yet.

I have not mentioned any movie lately – not that I haven’t been watching anything just I haven’t brought it up. So let me digress and look back a week or so - was that a groan I heard???? – Setting the scene - I settled in to watch a real favorite movie of mine – I was even going to give commercial TV a chance knowing full well that the movie would be spattered with the blood of commercials. Well, let me tell you I had know idea what kind of a blood bath and mangled mess that Lifetime would make of the classic Holiday film – “White Christmas” – 1954 – starring Danny Kaye, Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen, supported by Dean Jagger and the always wonderful Mary Wickes. Now I know this movie very well and can do the dialogue and songs along with the film so I know when something is missing, and there were whole numbers chopped out and shortened – and when they chopped out Vera-Ellen’s entire dance sequence from the "Mandy" number I changed the channel. I understand that the commercials are necessary but to the detriment of the film – I think not!!! They lengthened the time of the movie by showing 10 to 15 commercials at each break – completely ridiculous AND there was a watermark in the bottom right corner the entire time AND there were continuous pop-up ads running along the bottom of the screen – Just how much can a person take with all the crap going on and you are trying to watch a movie. When I shut that mess down – I popped in my DVD of WC and enjoyed the film completely uninterrupted!!!! As it should be – Excellent movie and I highly recommend it!! I do not recommend watching Lifetime when they try and show any sort of film as I think that showing the commercials supersedes the actual film!!!!!!

I found this on the Lifetime site from a fellow disappointed viewer.... and it says it all –

A Visit From Bing and Danny

T’was Thanksgiving weekend
And all through the house,
My best friend and I
Were pleasantly soused.

We’d made Margaritas
And knew before long,
That White Christmas would air,
And we’d sing every song.

We’d march with the Old Man,
We’d sing about Snow,
And all about Sisters
(The real kind and faux.)

But as we were watching,
We rose with a shout –
For some of the songs
Had been edited out!

If you must have commercials,
Please consider, I say –
Just cut out the patter,
And we’ll be okay -

But if you can’t broadcast
The songs A to Z,
Give Turner the rights
Or call AMC.

‘Cause coal in your stocking
Is the wages of sin
If you keep on editing
Irving Berlin.

I love this poem – just super!!!!!!!!!

Last night the flicks started off with “The Bishops Wife” – 1947 - starring Cary Grant, Loretta Young and David Niven – supported by Gladys Cooper and “The Beard” Monty Woolley. Another classic Holiday film that I highly recommend you see. This was followed by an interesting film called “A Double Life” – 1947 starring Ronald Colman and Shelley Winters – and of course Shelley plays a hard boiled working gal that is viciously murdered (but didn’t she always play the same type of corpse!!) Although Ronald Coleman was nominated 3 times for the Oscar this was the role that won him the statuette. If you like film Noir then I would recommend this film – It was very interesting if a bit predictable.

There you go a rant and some info!! Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Not much going on -

I can't believe I just wrote that!! It is super busy and with Christmas looming on the horizon - it will just get busier and busier!! Last night we went "mall" shopping - now malls are not my favorite places to go but sometimes they are the only place to get the stuff you need to get. I had to go by Lupicia and pick up some more tea - they were out of White Christmas - more coming in on Friday - but they did have in a shipment of Jingle Bells so I picked up a pack of that. Then it was off to Macy's and I finished up shopping for my Mom and my Niece. On the way out we stopped into Borders and they were having their open house for the Holiday's - so there was a costumed Desparaux (sp) and a Bell Choir playing so it was pretty nice - since I didn't bring my camera I haven't a snap at all of any of that - which is to bad as it was pretty cute!!

I worked on an exchange last night after we got home so no snap of that - but let me put up a snap from Golden Gate Park from a couple of weeks ago -

I think it is a really nice statue of what I presume to be a St Francis -
found in the Arboretum in a secluded area.

The day before Tirillium asked about the red triangle tree chart - it is the "Un Natale da Ricamare" - an annual publication that includes Itallian and American designers stitching Christmas ornaments - the cover shows the different etui's that are included in the book.

Thank you all for the nice comments yesterday!!!
Thank you once again for stopping by!!
Take care,

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

MAW Exchange arrives, ABC SAL and my Stitchy Tree

I am in the MAW Exchangers and Kathy fulfilled my wish by making me a really lovely Pyn Keepe. Here is a snap of the piece -

Kathy also included a travel ort box that collapses - which will certainly come in handy in a couple of weeks when I travel to Florida for Christmas. Thank you so very much Kathy - it is just lovely!!!!

Here is a snap of the ABC SAL with my final choice of silk Belle Soie - Plush Plum and teddy Bear on LL 32 ct vintage Barley -

I am really liking this combination and think that the final piece will look very nice. I also mentioned I had decorated my Faux feather tree - and it sits on an old washstand that was my G-G-Grandmothers in our front hall - here is a pretty sucky snap as I couldn't get far enough back or the right lighting to get a nice picture -

The star on top is a really big Weiss brooch of Rico's - before next Christmas I will have a stitched star for the top - but for now it has a sparkly. Thank you all once again for all my lovely stitched pieces that decorate my little tree - I see it and think of all you wonderful stitchers that have contributed to our Christmas.

Thanks for stopping by -
Take care,

Monday, December 8, 2008

And we have Winners, a Christmas Present and some stash.

I was without a computer this weekend - so I couldn't have a BOD drawing yesterday - so instead I randomized the list this morning for a winner or I should say winners of the the Snoopy's - (Rico had a second one at his office - so there are two going out instead of just one) Drum Roll...... Jennilynn and Donna!!!! - Now I have Donna's address but Jennilynn if you could send me yours I will get your Snoopy in the mail in the morning. My email is (edgar matt at g mail dot com ).

On Saturday I made a run over to Alameda and the framers to pick up my MIL's Christmas present from us - here is a snap -

I am really pleased with the way it turned out - Rico chose the frame and the mat and did a really great job as now all the rusty-reds really pop! While I was on the island I had to stop off at NIAH and here is a snap of the stash I couldn't live without!! (Now how on earth odes that happen??)

I had to have the Belle Soie as I have switched the pale scarecrow on the ABC SAL to the warmer more golden Teddy Bear - I stitched some on it and really like the difference - will post a snap tomorrow. and.... I really like the etui's in the 2008 Un Natale book this year and NIAH only gets a few so I snapped one up.

This will be short posting this morning as I have a butt-load of stuff to do here at work!! I have some really nice snaps of the my "feather" tree and a party we attended on Saturday. So stop by tomorrow - same Bat Channel and the same Bat station!!!

Thanks for stopping in -
Take care,

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Super RAK and a Give-a-way...

Yesterday the mails brought a super RAK from my dear friend Jennifer in Ohio. Here is a snap -

Jennifer knows how we have three fur babies and so included and wonderful keyring with and chihuahua on it (looking just like HRH The Peach) -and here her majesty is....

Just thinking "ya gotta piece cheese - so give that sucker up...NOW!!" She is a sweetie!!..... back to the RAK - Jennifer knows me quite well and also sent some handmade soap - a real weakness of mine - and a brochure from Historic Lebanon. Thank you so much - It just made my day!!!! That is one of the really great things about this blog stuff - I have met such wonderful people that I wouldn't have otherwise. The friendships I have been building within this community are great and I do cherish every one of them - another thing to be thankful for!!!!

I wanted to do a drawing/give-a-way and just didn't know what or where I would find the time - but Rico came through - he had a sales rep visit his office and give him this baseball Snoopy - Here is a snap -

Since I don't know anyone that collects Snoopy's I wanted him to go to someone who would appreciate him.... so if you or you know someone who would enjoy getting him just leave a little comment on this blog up until Sunday 12/7 at 3 PM PST - and we will haul out the BOD and have a drawing - I will announce the winner on Monday Morning - this way I can get him in the mail Tuesday and hopefully to his new home before Christmas - He sits about 6 inches tall.

I started working on the ABC SAL last night using the dark fabric..... I am not sure I really like the way the golden Scarecrow is looking - I love the plum colour but the yellow - I wonder what a green might look like or just a lighter purple????..... I think I may try something else over the weekend and post on Monday.

Thank you all for the great ideas about shelling the walnuts - I was just lol - as I never thought about using a towel - I had these visions of whacking the nuts with a hammer and having them fly all over the place - I am such a ding sometimes!!!! Now how did my grandmother deal for all those years shelling pecans and walnuts for the holidays - I know she shelled tons every fall because she made all sorts of candies....making - turtles, fudge, sugared nuts, and cakes and pies both the ton. Where did she find the time?

Thanks for stopping by!! Have a great weekend -
Take care,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend report..... (lots of pictures)

Sorry I missed yesterday - but the servers where down and I couldn't do the blog thing or my work stuff. Now that we are back - lets talk Turkey day.

My sister and her family drove down from Vancouver on Wednesday so we had a house full!! This has become such a super tradition as they have done this for the last few years and Rico and I really enjoy having them!!! For the big day we had nine people over and it was so much fun. Here is a snap ( that John reminded me to take) - as I am done in after I put the bird out... I start to just decompress and enjoy!!

Going around the table L to R - Rico, Mathew, Theresa, Katie, Mary, John, Dale and Cissy - I just love a table that is full of family and friends!!!!! After dinner we sat around feeling full - another Thanksgiving passes and we are together and happy and safe and very thankful!!!!!

On Friday we usually spend running around the city doing fun stuff and this year was no exception - Since the day started off kind of foggy -but no rain as predicted - we trotted down to Pier 39 and took in some fun touristy things - starting off with Lunch at John and every ones fav In and Out Burger!!!

You knew I had to take a snap of the delicious double cheese and fry lunch!! What is so super about this place is that the fries a fresh cut potato's and are really delicious!!!

At Pier 39 the Christmas tree was up -

and since the day had been foggy the crowds were non-existent!!
We walked around and saw the sea lions....

This one a was just lying there just "flipping" off all of us that were looking at him....

He was just rolling around waving that flipper back and forth - probably just bored!!!
You could look out over the Bay and see Alcatraz...

The sun started to come out and the crowds started to swell so it was back to the car and off to Golden Gate Park and a visit to the Arboretum
- even though it is getting into winter there is lots in bloom....

It was a full day and tons of fun!!!
I got some walnuts from the farmers market to make cowboy cookies but they need shelling.... I was wondering if there was an easy way to do this if you do not have a nutcracker... any suggestions???

Thanks for stopping by - and its almost the weekend - woo hoo!!!!!!

take care,

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Reindeers in San Francisco

I was part of the Reindeer Games Exchange on the SBEBB and my partner was Carol over at Garden of Stitches - she has once again out done herself with this exchange!! Here is a snap -

and here is a close up of the actual stitched piece -

It is hanging on my new faux feather tree - I got this last weekend at Borders - I decided that I wanted to highlight these wonderful stitched pieces that I have been getting and not have them get lost on a big tree ( I don't have enough to do a big tree - yet) - so what better place than on a small tree with them all together. I will try and find a really great feather tree by next year for them - but just look at this lovely ornament - so delicate and covered in beading - I just love it!!! Carol also included some great goodies - some super finishing things, a sticky reindeer for the window, some great mints and a chart from my wish list - I have been super spoiled by both Carol and Amy with these last two exchanges!!!!

That's about it for today - Thanks for stopping by - and Michele - it is a scrumptious gingerbread/mint cookie smell - how Christmasy is that!! Thanks for all the super comments!!!!

Take care -

Monday, December 1, 2008

Goodies arrived and some stitching

I got a super box on the way out of the office last Wednesday when I got home I put it on my desk. There is sat until yesterday when I got to sit down and enjoy opening it up....... let me tell you what a super box of Christmas wonderfulness awaited -

It was from Amy at Cross Stitch and Cupcakes - we were exchange partners in the SBEBB Christmas ornament Exchange - Here is a snap of the entire exchange

The ornament was from the 2008 JCS and he is just the cutest!!

Amy included some delicious hand creme - that makes me smell like cookies!! I love it!! She also included a set of Holiday Yankee Candles - I just love this company and burn their candles year round - now how did Amy know this!!! The package also included some super mints and a great piece of finishing fabric!! Thank you so much for the wonderful exchange!!!!!!

I also received a super cute ornament from Anna
- she did a give-a-way and here is a snap of this darling piece -

Included in the package was a chocolate bar from Poland - now how nice was this!!!
Thank you so much Anna for the lovely ornie and tasty chocolate!!!!

I just love these drawings and give-a-ways!!!! I am getting the itch to do another - but I have to wait until after Christmas - just to let the mails settle down a bit before I throw anything else into the mix. So keep an eye out the first couple of weeks of January!!

I finished up the reindeer and here is a snap -

I am really happy withe the way he turned out - I changed the font - as the plain back stitching I did not care for. Now I need to finish up and whip him into an ornament.

I have quite a few snaps from the weekend - but those will be for later into the week.

I hope every ones Holiday was just super!!!
Thanks for stopping by - and thank you all so very much
all the lovely comments that you left!!!!!

Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...