Tuesday, May 28, 2019

A Little Stitchin' Finish, a Stitchin' Trip and a Stitchin' Start.......

Gentle Friends, so... you knew I was wrapping up Swan Pond... and I did so here's a snapperoo...

Swan Pond Sampler 1797
by The Knowville Tennesse EGA Chapter
40ct "Ale" from PTP
I Converted the charted floss to various overdyed floss from my stash
3/19 - 5/24

It was a totally fun piece to stitch.  The poem was written by the son of the builder of the house when the family left Knoxville after the Civil War.  I am also really happy that I changed up the piece by completing the large alphabet and reworking the house info.

I had been thinking for a few days about what to start next an landed on a chart from stash... of course I didn't have a piece of linen big enough - and - it had been charted for Hand Dyed Fibers,(which no longer exist) and DMC... so I pulled the DMC to see what the color palette looked like.  The charted palette was too pale for me so I needed to figure out what I wanted to do...  I took Friday off so I headed over the Bay Bridge to Alameda to my LNS Needle in a Haystack to do some shopping... I took my camera so I got some snaps...

... I picked out a nice big piece of linen and spent a couple of hours figuring out the silks I wanted to work with and here's my little start...

Alphabet Samplings Book
from "with my Needle" by Ellen Chester
36ct Light Examplar LL
Various Silks I converted from the charted DMC Floss

I've had this chart for a long time so I was really excited to get a start on this piece.

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. So, I love the colors on Swan Pond (awesome finish) and now I love the color palette for the ABC project! Eager to watch the progress on this one. Enjoy your week!

  2. Beautiful! You are so prolific. What do you do with all your finished pieces?

  3. A "little" start since Friday? You amaze, Edgar... Hope you had a
    great holiday weekend.

  4. Love the colours. You've made a great start!

  5. Swan Pond is wonderful! Congrats on the finish. It would be interesting to know where the family went after Knoxville. What a nice almost LNS you have. Mine is a 2 hour drive south. Your new start is going well!

  6. Congratulations on the Swan Pond finish! It is simply gorgeous. I enjoyed the pictures of your LNS, Edgar. You are off to a good start on Alphabet Samplings Book. What blue are you using for this alphabet? It is gorgeous!

  7. Fabulous finish - it is stunning!! I am so jealous you are so close to NIAH too! Looking forward to seeing your progress on your new project.

  8. I grew up outside Knoxville, and Ramsey House was one of our standard American history field trips. The house is lovely in the way of colonial and federal times, everything simply built, but sound and suited to its purpose. They do a lot of living history displays there. I think I even remember that the large door on the second floor was used for moving furniture and building materials in and out during moving and construction - no documented porch or evidence of one. I am so happy a sampler was lovingly stitched in honor of the house. Your work is exquisite! lkpurdy at olin dot com

  9. Just beautiful, congratulations on the finish. Lucky you, I wish I had an LNS,

  10. I do love that house. Ordered from Haystack before, nice to see what it looks like in real life!

  11. Oh my!! I have never seen so many threads together. In England you consider yourself lucky to find a shop that sells all of the DMC range, I have only ever been able to buy speciality threads online over here. x

  12. Always something lovely to see when I visit with you Edgar

  13. I am so jealous of your LNS shop. There aren't any on Long Island. The local needlepoint shop won't expand to cross-stitch. I so badly miss looking at fabrics and specialty flosses. It is hard to do online and the big-box craft stores only carry the basics. I love your finished piece. The colors are gorgeous. I look forward to seeing the new piece come to life.

  14. Congratulations on an absolutely beautiful finish!! Your LNS looks so wonderful. I need to bite the bullet and make the 3 hour trip to Portland and Acorns and Threads!

  15. I love seeing pics of shops across the country! Oh the colors you picked out are gorgeous!

  16. Dearest Edgar: This is a beautiful design, I love the house so beautiful.
    I love Ellen Chester's designs.
    The threads are very beautiful.


  17. Your needlework is so beautiful! I have started looking at all my UFPs and hping to get some finished someday! A LNS would be so wonderful! They all went out of business in the early 2000s and JoAnn's fabric just doesn't cut it !! We have a Michael's store and a Hobby Lobby and a Craft warehouse, but they do not have the same charm, or options, as the specialty needlework stores had. **big sigh**, I have to look at stores when i am onvaction at different places!
    enjoyed looking at your blog today! Thanks for the inspiration!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...